Before and After Toxic Vaccinations --

in #autism7 years ago (edited)

Over on facebook, this video was CENSORED. They blocked from being shared further, after it reached 1.7 million+ people according to the publishing tools, 376,000+ views and 12,000+ shares in about one year.

I created a second one, that now has about 2,600 shares. I collected just a FEW WEEKS worth of their comments from the original video, that I will share below. Vaccine injury is AS REAL as it gets. For many reasons, maybe the sheer joy in this little boy's eyes before he was harmed or the the absolute love his parents have for him, it's a powerful video .... and after seeing it, MANY parents commented that they were DONE with vaccines... well, I guess that's why it was censored.

Both FB videos here:

  1. May 27, 2016 -

  2. June 19, 2017 -

"This is like watching my son all over again.
He is 3 years old 4 in August and still not talking the words he could say just vanished after the 1 year shots"

"my grandson was the same, started pre-school and speech therapy and has been in speech for 3 years now. He was talking before his DTap and MMR, after he just hummed, never spoke again, but with speech he has blossomed, he can have a conversation if it's something he is interested in, like cars.
But at this point I'll take what I can get."

"Yeah my son has been getting speech therapy for 2 years and started early preschool in August. He humms almost non stop. And has moments when he'll just take off running screaming and hitting himself for no reason. It just hurts so bad not knowing whats going on or what he wants. He's eating habit went from eating everything that was put infront of him to literally only eating 1 kind of yogurt (trix) cotton candy flavor only, bacon , hotdogs 1 (certain kind), bologna (certain kind) pizza ( crust only) and m&ms and only drinks milk. No matter how much we try to do different foods and drinks he wont try new things and its terrible and unhealthy and doctors isn't worried. He is a happy lil guy most of the time but he has his outbursts for no reason"

"Sooooo many people have this same story Heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing. God Bless him and the parents."

"This is the same like my son in the same age, he is complete different from 15 months and now still nonverbal"

"My grandson during pre-school started speech therapy. It has made a huge improvement in him. After his DTap and MMR he only hummed. Now he is verbal, not full back to himself but much better. He has had ST for 3 years now."

"Exactly how my first daughter reacted after vaccines . She lost all acquired speech, stopped making eye contact and just appear to have checked out! Everyone tried to tell me it was totally normal. It's NOT normal. My daughter has pulled through somehow, she still has some social skill obstacles and some obvious speech difficulty, but I'm so so thankful I have her back as much as I do. Heartbreaking how vaccines are damaging and killing our babies"

"Just like our dhuha Abdullah Hashim"

"His eyes. My son was just like this. I'm so sorry!!"

"So similar to my son"

"This is exactly what happened to my son....the before and after look..flapping of arms, non engaging. He was so engaging before MMR shot, then I lost him. He is 13 yrs old now and doing much better but still struggles in certain areas. He still tends to be in his own world and things don't click like they should for 13 yrs old."

"My child suffered much the same at 5 years old - after the second MMR. More noticeable when language is damaged long after it was established!"

"Looks exactly like our son after MMR, Hep B and DPT series at 12 months!!!!"

"He was on the usual vaccine schedule and appeared to be developing fine. He went for a series at 12 months and again at 15 months and that was it!!! His life has never been the same. We have done biomedical and chelation and he has recovered some but still needs some recovery. He will be 16 this year so he didn't have all the vaccines kids did today. Our youngest son was 4 months old when we discovered our oldest had Autism and attended Autism One conference. We stopped vaccinating him and never vaccinated our daughter and both of my other children are fine and very healthy. I feel the MMR was the trigger for our son. A doctor drew blood titres on him two years after his vaccines and he had no immunity to mumps but his measles level was elevated and his rubella level was very elevated. Lab report even indicated he had active rubella. Very sad, these kids are blindly given tons of vaccines and so young. I pray this epidemic stops soon!"

"Vaccinating my children is the biggest mistake of my life and I will never be okay with it!! My 3 1/2 year old son lost all balance and speech, had head tremors and could barely crawl or sit up without falling after his 1 year vaccs. He didn't start walking until 2 1/2 and is still very unstable, he falls a lot and doesn't communicate well. He does receive speech, physical and occupational therapy which have helped a bit. I don't know if he will ever recover fully and it breaks my heart!"

"My son was the same way I am sorry"

"This is so sad. This is exactly what happened to my daughter. Today she is 31 years old. She cannot speak. I had a healthy baby she had many words then all was lost! The last word she lost was flower, hand flapping began, eye contact lost, smiles lost, and all she has today is hay and oooo, after vaccines took my baby girl away from me, she is diagnosed with Autism!"

"our family KNOWS this same story"

"Same thing happened to us"

"Listen to your gut instinct. All it takes is one vaccine to cause catastrophic damage. It is an illusion that spacing them out shields you from the damage vaccines cause"

"delayed scedule didn't prevent our child from getting vaccine damaged!
Once done, there is no going back!"

"Delayed vaccination schedule is a delayed poisoning. My son only received 1 shot per month and he developed autism"

"We stopped at 6 months due to vax injury and I can't help but think how similar my son is to your son after the shots. He definitely has better eye contact NOW, but he's still not talking at almost 3. He's in speech and he's in occupational therapy so we hope some breakthroughs happen soon."

"This is like my son 17 yrs ago, from a healthy, active baby to a baby that is constantly flapping, head banging, screaming, crying, picky eater, not looking when called. He had fever, lbm and projectile vomiting after mmr before the autism nightmare starts"

"This make me so sad. I have a son who Has autism and it happened like this. I have three children and the youngest havent have Any vaccination and he is so Healthy and happy."

"My oldest never had them but youngest did! The youngest has autism"

"I've seen it with my own eyes! This is what happened with my daughter with her 18month."

"This is almost EXACTLY what happened to my son. It was the MMR vaccine when he was a little over 1 years old. That's the last shot he got. And he's never been the same since."

"I've gone through this and continue to go through this with my boys. Heartbreaking but you can fix it by having a clean diet, no vaccines and juicing to detoxify the body from all those toxins. That's what we did with my oldest boy who was diagnosed at 2 and now his 6 and his diagnosis has been removed. I have a 3 year old that has GDD and has a lot of sensory issues so it's harder for us to get him take all the juicing and really good food because he doesn't eat much. But we are getting there."

"My daughter is allergic to an ingredient in one of the 5 vaccines she got at her 12 month checkup. Her throat almost swelled completely closed and a rash that left scarring. That was the last time she had vaccines she is perfectly fine now but after that experience I haven't allowed her anymore vaccines. For pre school we got her a medical and personal exemption"

"This happened to my nephew. A vibrant child and now lives in a State home wearing diapers. A 6'4", 200+lbs man (30) carrying a doll. He is so doped up because of his size and strength .... Without any hopes of getting better."

"Now that I look back, my daughter lost her few words she had and wasn't as engaging after her MMR vaccine..."

"my son also changed extremly and started stuttering"

"I not only think is the MMR vaccine alone but all vaccines. I started noticing my son was not engaging, blabbing at 8 months. Also he was doing a lot of hand flapping, walking on tippie toes and would be banging his head. So heartbreaking to see my husband and I had to work so hard with ABA therapist, OT, Speech therapist, diets, prayers and more to get him where he's at. Thank God his diagnosis has been removed but now I have a 3 year old with GDD and is going through the same thing."

"This breaks my heart so gut wrenching to see.
When i look back and see how vaccines damaged my son I'm filled with guilt and sorrow if only i knew before"

"A friend of mine had her daughter inoculated, and she went from what I saw before the shot....busy, engaging, babbling...a normal little girl. After the shot, she went into seizures and eventually became totally mentally and physically debilitated. This is not a hoax."

"Can the parents please message me? This story is exactly what happened to my son"

"this is how Adonis was before vs now"

"As a parent this must be heartbreaking. I have seen this happen to a family member and the results are sad. The child has grown up to be physically capable but mentally unable to engage on a level where he can be independent. Is this what we want for our children?"

"This was exactly our boy after his 6 month immunisations.
I was always a big believer in them until I no longer had my happy, inquisitive, affectionate boy. You don't understand how heartbreaking it is and the years of therapy he now has to endure because of it. This problem is real!"

"My son's story is nearly identical he only had polio vaccine at 12 months, I wasn't comfortable with MMR, and Dr said to wait a month if I felt better...that polio was his last shot he ever received. He had 30+ words at 12 months, happy, engaging, eye contact, using as fork and spoon correctly and neatly...he lost it all, literally after that shot. Took a year for most motor skills to mostly return, and still working on speech 2.5 years later. We will be starting the chelation protocol soon."

"That used to drive me crazy...I would say his name...over and over...he would not look up, couldn't seem to break his gaze away from whatever he was staring at. It's inexplicably frustrating and sad"

"My then two and half year old son became non verbal following vaccination also. He was developing normally and then didnt speak until age 5. Hes about to be 8 and still struggles with speech, he cant even learn how to read"

"This is all too familiar for our family. I lost my daughter and found her again at 4 years old. I'll always wonder what might have been had I not allowed poison semi-lethal injections into her body."

"Same. Lost her at 12 months and got her back at 3/4."

"Ditto . Mine was completely potty trained and knew her alphabet. After Dtap it was ALL LOST."

"Both my ex-husband and I have been genetically tested. We have no "autism" links or genes. My son changed after his MMR."

"My son was healthy, normal, playful, babbling as his age would require, and hit all his marks as a 15 month old. When he got his MMR, it was literally like someone turning off the light switch to his life and personality.
He stopped everything. Stopped talking, stopped making eye contact, stopped playing with his sisters, and stopped being interested and involved with his environment."

"I have similar videos of my son before and after the mmr jabs. He was eventually diagnosed ASD and ADHD at three. If i was to have any more children i wouldnt be giving it them."

"Bless his heart... Very similar thing happened to my son."

"Similar happened to us too..."

"And my child received a vaccine at a year old that left her with debilitating seizures and cognitive delays. Her pediatrician reported it as a reaction from vaccines. I'd have much rather she had gotten measles..... There would have been medical treatment for them."

"the same happen to our son, we live in Puerto Rico. I've cry long nights thinking why. But now I focus in give him all he help and therary he needs..."

"I have friend who had the same experience"

"So sad, that happened to my stepson he got his shots in westerly RI"

"my child died just two weeks after first vaccinations was health baby before hand knocks me sick and they say it's SIDS sad thing is I was to young and was not aware now I am and my child has had no vaccinations and doing very well"

"Breaks my heart, same thing happened to my daughter, watching before and after videos of her kills me - knowing i took my daughter for that vaccination and changed her whole life i'll never stop telling people the TRUTH whether they are receptive to it or not."

"Omg this is exactly how my son ended up at the same age too and he was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3 he's nearly 5 years old and still has no speech"

"exactly what happened to Ashaz"

"That's exactly what happened to my son."

"This is so heartbreaking to watch, I saw the same exact thing happen to my baby boy"


"Exactly what happened to my son. He said Mama and Dada. After the vax? He didn't speak for 3 years.. Still has problems speaking and he is 40."

"My sister went through this her daughter was talking and was fully communicating with her and everyone else. She got a vaccine and now they say she is autistic, and now she is nonverbal has to wear diapers and before the vaccine she was using the potty. She is now 4 years old."

"My son is now 26 and the same thing happened to him when he was that age. Was way off the developmental chart and then everything stopped. The flapping, the humming, no eye contact, the communication stopped. No more mama or dada. All the other kids his age that he was more advanced than surpassed him."

"My friend's grandson received his vaccinations at 2 months old. He passed away later that night at the hospital. He was fine before that...not sick or anything."

"Heartbreaking !!! This is exactly what happened to my beloved son over 21 years ago....why is this still being allowed to happen???? This is criminal and the pharma MUST be stopped..."

"Right after my daughter got MMR shot she starting do hand flapping and walking on top toes talk late very aggressive and won't get long with other kids etc"

"I'm so sorry to see this and hear about your baby. I think I would lose my mind if this happened to my child. My nephew is autistic and I swear it was a result of the measles vaccine. We keep seeing this happening all around, but people are not waking up. Why are we allowing big pharma to continue doing this to our kids? Heartbreaking."

"They messed up my little girl."

"How many of us have exactly the same story after vaccine and will we ever be heard?"

"I have very similar footage."

"I got teary listening to the mama trying so hard to get his attn after the fact... Brings back such painful memories. Exactly what we went through w our twins... Breaks my heart. Thank you for sharing so that others may know better than we did"

"My daughter is a victim of the vaccines. In August before 8th grade, she got the gardasil shot. Went home tired and slept. Woke the next day and she was barely there. She spent the next 6 months sleeping-she would wake and go to school, come home around 3pm, go to sleep, wake about an hour for dinner, then go back to sleep till 6am to wake for school-where she would struggle to stay awake."

"When she got the vaccine at 2 weeks, she became very sick with a high fever and vomiting. When i called the docs office, the nurse laughed and said this was the 2nd call she received that night with the same situation, with a boy on the other side of the city, but she reassured me that the hepatitis vaccine was perfectly safe with no side effects for my 2 WEEK old.
And looking back, every time she got a vaccine she would be very sleepy like for a good month after. I just thought it was because she was fighting the virus from the vaccine. I have videos of her being very friendly and helpful and talkative. Then she slowly slipped away. But nothing was more obvious than that 8th grade year. I know for a fact that her disability is caused by the vaccines because it became severally worse that year.
Her getting that vaccine when she was 2 WEEKS old, she never had a chance to be normal."

"Please listen and help! Enough children have been affected; my son included!!"

"This happened to my baby too. He is about to turn 6, still not talking. They are stealing out children from us."

"My baby boy did the exact same thing! No one ever believes me"

"...reminded me of what Caleb used to do."

"one vaccine almost killed my daughter."

"My son had an adverse reaction at 1 almost killed him too."

"This made me cry because it was like watching my son all over again... except he was speaking in sentences when he lost everything."

"This is hard to watch, beings the EXACT same thing happened with Lynae... it makes me sick"

"My son also said the 'eeeeeeeee'..."

"This was my son too. He had a seizure. Lost all motor and verbal skills. Was diagnosed PDDNOS. After countless amounts of therapy, I have a healthy and intelligent 14 year old. So thankful for his progress. Social issues, yes. But overall, amazing."

"The same happened my girl... but now she's come back, has a few little quirks but nothing compared to the rocking, screaming and all the other things she used to do"

"This could be an exact video of our son."

"Same thing happend to me...he had a few words...after 2...nothingg...he's 33 months still nothing just mama...sometimes...I'm struggling to not have any more vaccines but its required here in california in order to place them in school"


"My son went through the same thing. My heart broke watching this just brought back memories of when I lost my healthy son."

"My son Liam was the life of everything! Then he got his vaccinations and everything changed he is now 11 years old with severe autism he has only been out of diapers for over a year now and I know for a fact it's because of the vaccinations!"

"Breaks my heart watching this because it's looking at my son as he was amd is exactly the same now. What I wouldn't do to have my baby as he was before that day"

"This made me cry because it's like watching my son 10 years ago."

"This is exactly what my poor son went thru. I know the the pain and heartaches seeing them like this after immunisation...took my son 5 years to get eye contact back but speech is still missing...slow process is better than no progress I guess...but still our kids should of never ended up like this with the bs they're bringing out ...

"Same thing identical happened to my little one, same age, yep, hand flapping, eeeeee and fussy. No eye contact unhappy and no more speech.
I broke the hand flapping when he was around three, teach him to put his hands in his pockets, this took about three months but he stopped flapping unless he was in the tub or pool, and his speech came back, it took three years but he began to speak. Still to this day he is fussy, and has lots of tantrums. He is now 16"

"My son is two and a half and he regressed at 14 mths old. He had his mmr jab and was never the same. My son goes eeeee, flaps, don't make eye contact and tip toe walker. He's also fussy with new foods, he lacks social interaction. It's awful. I'm just at a loss with him"

"Went through the same with our son after the swine flu vaccine"

"That's exactly to the T of what happened to my son"

"This is one of the most powerful awareness videos I have ever seen.
God Bless you and your family and from the bottom of my heart, Thank you for taking the time and having the courage to make and share this. I watched my brother, who is now 22 go through the exact same thing."

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Thank you @LyndsayBowes! XOX Thank you ALL for the votes!!! @CanadianCoconut, @SBurton, @Aforostov, @KuzBass, @alionchromich, @Gerson4979. @Vadimch .... Much appreciated! XO

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