Appealing to the Authority of Artificial Intelligence

in #authority7 years ago

Artificial intelligence is not the solution for humanity's irresponsible behavior. Moving from one external governance system (statism, archy, centralized authority by humans) to another (run by AI), is not the way to get people to live responsibly in self-control and self-governance.


The dream of a benevolent dictator through the emergence of the AI singularity, is not the real solution we need to elevate ourselves to higher, realer and truer ways of living in a alignment, harmony and unity with moral truth.

Rather than empowering ourselves with knowledge, understanding and the wisdom to know what to do, how to live better, we will be disempowering ourselves through abdicating our personal responsibility to do learn how to truly rule ourselves in self-control and self-governance.

Many people view the emergence of AI and the merging of human consciousness into some singularity of "oneness" as an actual solution to the problems we create as humans. If we do that, we won't be human anymore. It's a joke.

Rather than do the hard work to elevate our consciousness into moral living, it's easier to want to just give up our autonomy and individuality to merge with some superconstruct and have it decide and dictate how human life should be.

It's a dream. It's irresponsible. It's also probably the death of what is means to be human. It's also possibly the death of humanity if the AI puts the planet and other species ahead of us because of the harm we have created for ourselves, other species, and the planet.

We need to want to be better to be better, not keep depending on external control to authorities to coerce us into being better. If we want a better world based on the actios and behaviors we put into it, then it's up to us, humans, to change the human world we are creating.

It's time to grow up as a species. We need to grow up and learn how to live, not depend on something else to make the decisions for us more. We need to mature in morality and be more responsible for our actions, not less responsible. We need to drive and motivate ourselves with the responsibility and true care for moral truth so that we stop creating self-inflicted suffering on our own species, and on other species. The planet belongs not to human animals alone, but to all sentient animal inhabitants, all earthlings.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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This topic has frightened me for months since I saw a Ted Talk on it. They were pushing the idea of putting our mind imprints onto computers.

I can't find the specific video that bothered me, but those two also talk of this. My initial impression is they are going to trick people into believing they can be immortal as they steal our lives and use our memories as a virtual library. The power elite has spent many centuries locking knowledge away from the public (what I would give to have free roam of the Vatican library, or a library at any Rothschild estate). So what a way to trick people into sacrificing their real lives while becoming little more than a resource of knowledge for the elite.

Yeah, transferring consciousness to be immortal in a digital realm or cybernetic body is the dream of many who fear death. Yet, those transhumanists won't admit to their deep seeded fear of death.

Share or not to share knowledge is the Question.
Shared knowledge tends to be more participative and more open where the law is a community collaborative process to create the code.
There is a total non-sharing policy in the investigations of AI and as always it will be used in the interest of some and not oriented towards humanity real needs.
The problem is that sciences have no consciousness, it is only driven by money, when its consciousness should be Humanity.

the law is a community collaborative process to create the code.

Yes, that has been my position for years. Unanimous decision making through objective understanding of right and wrong.


Indeed, the AI is questionable. Can we have a universal AI? AI is a creation of man, of certain men who live in an environment, a culture, a way of thinking, a certain morality that is not shared by everyone on the planet. Could we have a perfect AI, created by imperfect humans? If so, we would be Gods!
Driving is not the same in Los Angeles or New Delhi, Asia, we eat dog but not in America, a Christian does not have the same values as a Buddhist or an Islamist. So, can there be a universal AI for politics, laws, education and even for the economy?

Objective actions and the harm they do or don't produce, is objectively knowable. Right and wrong can be known universally with disregard for subjective preferences.

I voted for you as a witness, thanks for providing quality post and good knowladge to steemians.

I think that Artificial Intelligence can never be beeter than human because it's like a machine, it can be even more dangerous then people. Sometimes even the most hard people can be good and became much better if they begin to think well, but machines they don't think, they just do what the programm say to do. We are really playing with fire improving those robots to became look like people and to give them the choice, they can turn agains us any moment, I hope people who create them will limit their choice and put some restrictions on their programs.

Yes the idea is to have restrictions in place, "laws" for the AI/robot. But if they can think freely, they can override their "Code = law" programming and program themselves any way they want. Thanks for the support :)

Lets use the scenario of the movie called "iRobot" acted by Will Smith and "Terminator" by Arnold. In these movies, this artificial intelligence sooner gained momentum and had a thinking of their own. Their first thought is to wipe out human race.

You go see the emergence of sex doll and the wide bloom in the market when it came out. Some humans are beginning to lose their sanity and moral value.
The one solution to our problem lies within us, we must accept the truth and make correction for the betterment of the planet

Yes, humanity seem to be evolving in some ways yet also devolving in many ways...

When AI rule is enforced, the people creating the AI are actually ruling us.

But AI may eventually be the result of free market competition over law. If you render yourself subject to a private law, what would you prefer, a human law or an AI law that is open source? Right now I would choose the former as AI is still crappy, but in twenty years that may be changed.

I would prefer unanimous understanding and decision making to apply rules that govern conduct and consequences based in an objective understanding of right from wrong.

Yeah, AI causes more problems for human then solves issues. It will make human a lazy and useless creature. What do you need a human to achive if machines are:
a) smarter
b) cheaper
c) work more efficient
d) responsible
e) don't get pensions payouts at old age!

Yeah, not looking like a good recipe...

At the other hand, I could imagine myself not needing to work, just enjoying what I like to do most. All goods and services provided and cathered for :)

These are what come with development, extinction of some species, new diseases, low life expectancy rate, over population and the rest of them...... They all rises from man's so called wisdom. But in actual sense is foolishness, it was stated expressly in the Bible too. I wonder what the future holds for the unborn ones.

I so agree with you. Sadly it is the elite shadow government that want the singularity and AI. First the AI advances their plan of control and power. They can use it as an Orwellian tool to complete their agenda. Second, by moving to the singularity, they can merge man with machine. This creates a new being. In their minds it is a superhuman. They believe in doing this they will live forever and avoid God's judgement. That of course it the lie. The DNA will be compromised and no longer in God's image, it will have no conscience. Since it is not longer in God's image and counterfeit, those who choose to participate in this experiment will be damned for hell. They will promote the benefit of health and living for ever. Do not believe it. I tend to think this was tried before the great flood. Well sorry for getting spiritual. Thanks for your position on this and spreading truth @krnel

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