in #authority7 years ago


“The control system uses all of its tentacles to keep people conditioned to a more sheep–like and unconscious state. It is the politician’s job to lie, the mainstream media’s job to program you and Big Pharma’s job to keep you sedated with synthetic petrochemical drugs.” –Makia Freeman, Guest author,

The questioning of authoritarians, luckily, has been my credo, my modus operandi all my life, and I can see no reason to stop. I think it has saved my life as well as my sovereignty psyche.

Funny, the moment I heard this I instantly started to question them, “you mean I can actually question them?” I don’t think my Dad was ready for that answer. I can remember the startled look on his face. Both parents, in time, probably thought they had created a monster. That’s what Susan Sarandon said, “that’s the thing about independently minded children. You bring them up teaching them to question authority, and you forget that the very first authority they question is you!” So I kept it at a minimum as far as they were concerned and as time went on I would never verbally question them, just kept it to myself. But to others, starting with teachers, I wasn’t out-right verbal about it but I put them through my mental critiques all the time. Talk about my ‘objectivism,’ I’ve stated in another blog post, this went hand in hand nicely.

What authoritarians I first really leaned on, and rightly so, was the doctor. As I said, this way of thinking, I feel, has saved my life because of it. Instead of taking the ‘white coated stethoscoped bearing’ personnel in life for granted, and/or obeying whatever they say or prescribed for me to swallow, I hesitated and questioned. “Just maybe,” went off in my head.

That is what my grandmother, Mamie used to say and think when they prescribed their thoughts as well as their drugs. Really I owe her an awful lot. She was an inspiration. One of many stories Mamie told me, and I’ll share a couple here, was the time she healed herself of ulcers. First, I don’t want to come across as a person who totally avoids doctors. They have their place. How else can one find out whats wrong with them? (meditation is a good way as well) All their learned background and machinery in their possessions; is a good first step, and if there is still questions you are left with you can always go get another opinion, or more. We are surrounded by the white coats and their advice. Just don’t settle for their advice and/or their treatment all at once. This is what Mamie always did and she lived way past a hundred years of age.

A case and point: After some discomfort in her stomach she went to her doctor, and after finding out what was causing this discomfort, bleeding ulcers, she went elsewhere and talked to other people that weren’t doctors. Her, her mother and most of her friends never really liked doctors, so she had a nice foundation of 'truth serum.' Unlike today. Today it’s the other way around; ya have to look long and hard for someone that isn’t hooked on them or that isn’t on some kind of medication. The first stop was Maggie, her mother. She was from the ‘old school’ where mid-wives and the elders were easier to get a hold of and more trustworthy for them then the town’s doctors; could have been for the better. Anyway, she told Mamie that her Amish neighbor, Ester, over the fence one day, said that yogurt, like raw milk, takes care of most problems in the stomach. What it does is simply replenishes the natural accruing digestive bacteria in the stomach. She told Mamie, “that darn pasteurization stuff they do takes all of God’s goodness out of it.”

Sure enough, after getting cultures and raw milk from Ester’s granddaughter, Rabecka, and trying it, within a day the discomfort subsided. The next month she went back for another X-ray and then returned a couple of days later for the results. “When I went back to the doctor for a consultation of my X-rays the doctor asked what I had done. He said that there are just a few scar tissues remaining there in her stomach, but no ulsers.”

Here’s an interesting story, one of many, I’ve heard through the years about Maggie that no doubt influenced Mamie, and then me, proving her strong will and not panicking and running to the doctor all the time. Proving what women were made of in those days, and, mind you, there could be a few scattered about these days as well. In the late afternoon she was making dinner for Mead, her husband, and needed to go out back to tend to the hanging laundry. As she told Mamie later, “the Lord had another lesson for me on that day.” She slipped on some ice. To cushion her fall from hitting the hard sidewalk she luckily held on to a quilt on the way down. Mamie had said that her mother told her, “the Lord was with me, led me to hold on to Mom-Mom’s quilt or I would have broken my wrist, my arm or even worse.”

There was no crying for Mamie. There was no running to the doctor. She had much more important things to do. She had dinner to finish. Mead was do home in an hour or so and Mamie was probably around the corner on her walk home from school, and she surly didn’t want to waken Art in his crib. She got up, rehung her grandmother’s quilt, brushed off any dirt that might have gotten on her dress and went back in the house. She didn’t even wrap a hankie around her hand until that night before bed. Mead had no idea what had happened to his wife. Nothing was going to interrupt Maggie from her duties. Her family came first. Certainly a broken thumb wasn’t that important.

Dad told me his grandmother never talked about it. When he asked her, pointing to her crooked thumb, she just told him, “oh it was nothing.”

There are so many examples of we and/or our bodies taking care of ourselves these days – letting our divine bodies and immune system alone instead compromising what God/Creator gave us with their corporate drugs and vaccines – I had to put together this Facebook group to hold them all. Please enjoy, and maybe it will help You with Your evolutionary steps.

....from my blog page -

I love You, You galactic beings You.

-JR Hager


Yes! The time for authoritarians is up! But it's up to us to always remind them and seek out/stand in truth!

Is this a great time/space to be incarnated or what ! Disclosure is coming at us from all sides and from all topics. And to think there was a time that 'I' couldn't grasp the reason why I was here on this Earthship. ()>*
TY sovereign-naan

Welcome Rob!! I love posts like this. It's a big reason why I wrote my new book "Waking UP In The Dream". 99.99% of everything I was taught in catholic school, school, and of course the "media" was a lie. Once I Woke UP (with the help of my mentor don Miguel Ruiz), the entire game changed. Upvoted & following to support you. Steem ON!

Yes I was touched by his books as well. Meditation and/or watching myself react (and of course my contacts and helpers) paved the way for me to see, to really see. To see past the visions I was indoctrinated to view life as. TY sourceoftruth

Welcome Rob. Here in Thailand the teaching of the Buddha 110% support you - question not just authority, but EVERYTHING. Especially yourself and the things you believe!

TY artemislives for your time/space to comment. It seems the more I was 'hurt' by authority the more I learned not to take them so serious. 'Something' in my head went off, "why are you doing this to yourself! Why are you treating yourself less than them!

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