Yep. I can understand that there is a danger of confusion with Australia. Both start with "AUSTR-" but that's it. Whenever I'm abroad and someone asks me where I come from and my answer is "I am from Austria" comes the same statement "Oh, Australia, yeah with the kangaroos!".
ÄHM?! No. There are no Kangaroos in Austria?! At least I have never run into one of them. That's a pity. Would be fun to jump with these animals to the australians :'-). HIHi just a little thought.
I would love to have a kangaroo as a crony. Dear Australian, maybe you have a chance to ship some of them up. In return i will send you some schnitzel. However, this misunderstanding has something good.We can make money by marketing it as gag.
Nevertheless, ther are no Kangaroos in Austria and none for me.

Do you kown Austria? What did you hear about it? What do you think about this country?
Please comment. Would be very interesting.
Haha that instantly reminded be of this scene from Dumb and Dumber
Haha yes that's a real life problem austrians abroad have to face :-D