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RE: On Being Nice: how racism thrives in the polite society of rural Australia

in #australia7 years ago

Very well written, I was captivated throughout the story. I must say, I hope there are more people like you out there. So many mis -informed people. I guess this is why they are so racist and generalise people. They just arnt intelligent enough to understand aboriginal culture and the long history. I guess you could say they are brainwashed into believing that white are superior. Sadly they have believed they are superior to the land and destory everything. Aboriginal people are the most sophisticated. Aboriginal people understood that the land was superior as they could not survive without it. The land is sacred and of utmost importance. I believe these people could learn a lot from how they originally survived with the land. I guess some cannot see the light and escape the cave ;) My gf and best friend are 1\2 aboriginal. I am one that speaks up straight away, I don't mind a joke, but racism needs to stop. I am proud you spoke up. I just visualised the guy eating all the red dirt as you took off. Lol


Thank you. I appreciate this feedback. I don't think I'm particularly special. Most of the trip I was ashamed by my silence. When I did speak up it was nothing profound. It was a beginning. Lots more work to be done.

I have been silent too. Sometimes it just happens so fast or you don't realise you should have said something till later. I think sometimes just understanding it's wrong is plenty ;) I remember when we were kids the police would search my aboriginal friend and not myself as I was white. I never spoke up and just stood while people walked passed judging my friend. It was upsetting for him as he felt humiliated, it was in his local suburb where people knew him. luckily my friend was able to move on and forget about it.

I think that is very true. I often realise afterward that I should have said something. But I also think Australian culture trains us to be that way. That whole politeness thing. It creates a very passive aggressive society.

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