Brave people in Australia are withdrawing their vital services because they are not willing to submit to blackmail.
A friend of mine in Australia sent me her personal observations this morning. Hospitals are apparently calling in people for treatment who would normally be low on a waiting list, because normally the hospital would be busy attending patients needing immediate care.
But now the hospitals are observed to be empty and idle perhaps because sick people who would normally admit themselves aren't doing it for fear of getting the Disease they've all been convinced is a death sentence (when in reality it's no more dangerous than the flu)?
Meanwhile hospitals are reported in the media as full and busy, yet staff are leaving, some because they refuse the injection mandated and some because they are laid off because the hospital is really not dealing with serious issues?
How can this make sense? Say you have a hospital with 100 beds but you only have staff to deal with 50 beds. If you have 50 beds occupied then your hospital is full. The media reports that and the public assumes that 100 beds are full. To me that makes sense out of this paradox. It's not medical at all, it's political. It's all about deceiving the public and pumping the fear and keeping control.
People who really have no medical problems are cowering at home, under control. These are the people whom the Government and the Health Authorities – which really are political authorities, commissars if you will – are desperate to control; they are isolating and silencing the people who need to be controlled because these self-titled Health authorities see them as dangerous, not to public health but dangerous politically because they are a free people accustomed to think for themselves. These are the healthy people who normally would be out in the world working and talking with one another, discovering that there is nothing to be afraid of except a political revolution coming down from the top.
I don't think it's working, this universal lockdown. That's why the controllers are getting so desperate, so outright dictatorial. They are running scared because the people are not as stupid as they were supposed to be. The Viral Boogyman is too obviously phoney. People are looking around them and talking with one another and coming to realizations. Damn it! “We'll" have to lock them down tighter! Tighter than this? The country is closed, the state borders are closed, the supply chains are shutting down. What more can "we" do?
The lockdowns aren't working, so people are saying. By that they mean not working to limit the spread of the elusive Boogyman. Locking up healthy people has a negative impact on health. But why were healthy people locked down? For political control. The lockdowns are not working as political control either. The lockdown is not for health but for control ramped up to the point of turning the nation into a prison whose inmates are the innocent while the criminals are in charge of the lockdown. The more they tighten the screws the more obvious that becomes.
They were too greedy, the international revolutionaries. They underestimated the people. They went a bridge too far. The WHO, the WEF, the Pharma and media and tech giants, those institutional pyramids of managers, they are too psychopathic to understand the vast mass psychological forces they thought to simply grasp and fiddle with and control. The backlash is mounting like a firestorm.
Brave people in Australia are withdrawing their vital services because they are not willing to submit to blackmail. Nurses, doctors, police officers, prison system officers, firefighters, all these vital service personnel are ordered to submit to an injection which they know threatens their lives in order to be allowed to serve the people they have served for years or decades. They are not having it! What will happen to society when fires aren’t fought, prisons aren’t staffed, nurses aren’t on call, garbage isn’t picked up, sewers and water mains and power plants are neglected? It’s happening already on the front line of the global struggle which is Australia. This almost begins to look like a spontaneously developing general strike or Slowdown.