Despark The Quantum Alchemy Potion

in #aura5 years ago

We launched this amazing product at the recent Conscious Life Expo it’s called DeSpark as it restores your spark and your chi energy. It’s an alchemical aura charging mineral formula that I call meditation\zen in a bottle. If you fly long flights like me or need energy or simply just want to bring your frequency up then DeSpark is the perfect product for you.

Being well known in the awakened\spiritual community gets the attention of companies that send me their products to collaborate with them or promote their products and I usually refuse to do so as I’m fully booked for months with sessions. I honestly don’t have time to work on other projects really but once I took DeSpark and felt amazing I realized that this product is something extraordinary and that it needs to get out there to the public so I jumped in and we got everything designed up with a company that markets their products in Nordstrom.

We spent hours labelling it and behold it turned out magical with the gold lid and I want to say this I’m terrible at marketing products it’s not my thing at all, I’m just like this works I felt it work on my energy field and on my body, it was powerful. So try it and because it’s an energetically charged product it will affect you on a positive level some way or another. So yes it will work for you either by recharging your energy or effecting your cells is a positive way.

Sarah Adams spiritual/multidimensional coach that has done shows on Gaia and continues to work at helping people heal and become empowered.

Sarah has experienced many things from seeing abductions to seeing angels who aided her. Her awakened consciousness increased as she got older. She experienced the supernatural and past lives in Egypt & Atlantis. telepathy, weather abnormalities, feeling others emotions, remote viewing, quantum leaping, and time travel are among the other alternate realities Sarah has endured. "I’ve healed so much and believe every day is a healing journey to greater heights".

Sarah works with many clients around the world in what she calls "Intuitive Healing". This includes using homeopathy herbs, supplements, diet super foods, detoxing, energy work, essential oils, visualization, mediation, subtle energy work, cellular work, all to heighten the frequency of the temple and precious bodies we have been given. She has made TV appearances on Gaia TV including Beyond Belief and Buzzsaw, as well as Vice TV, The Bases Project, co-hosting the Divine Truth Show on Revolution Radio and many others.

Sarah Adams continues to be a major force in the world of enlightenment while healing many around the world.

Our body comprises about 30 trillion cells, which are organized into over 200 different specialized cell types. We are healthy when our cells function normally. To do this, our cells require energy.

There are basically three levels of cellular energy requirements. The first is sufficient energy for the cells to stay alive. The second is the additional energy to perform the cells’ specialized functions. The third level is the energy needed for cells to respond to adverse events.

These third-level responses include the repair of damaged cells and/or the regeneration and replacement of irreversibly damaged and non-viable cells. The third level of energy is further required by the body to combat infections and to eliminate and to not be overly reactive to toxic materials. Apoptosis or cell suicide can normally occur in cells destined to become a cancer. This cancer-prevention process also requires cellular energy.

Diseases are viewed as an insufficiency of cellular energy at one or more of the three levels. The energy insufficiency can be localized to a particular type of cell or can be more generalized.

It has generally been assumed that human and animal cells can only obtain energy from the metabolism of food. The principal cell components involved in the generation of energy from food are the mitochondria, which engage in a complex process that requires oxygen.

The research material presented on this proves that Nature has an additional energy force, which is attracted to separated electrical charges. The fundamental purpose of this force is presumably to prevent the fusion and elimination of electrostatically attracted opposite electrical charges. The force is called KELEA™, an abbreviation for Kinetic Energy Limiting Electrostatic Attraction.

Packaged and handmade by our team with love and good energy.

Here I present one of my beautiful experiences right after ingesting DeSpark I believed it helped me to access a high state of being and the cosmic egg.

The golden cosmic egg.

This morning I had a divine experience.

And I am blessed that I have many such experiences.

However this experience ranks up there is one of the most powerful I have had.

I spent most of the night waking up and meditating than falling into the dream world and coming out again and meditating more.

I awoke in the morning and was told to go directly into meditation again.

I can see realms and energies.

I was laying on my bed meditating and a large cosmic golden egg descended upon me and enveloped me within it.

I immediately felt intense waves of energy flow through me and they have been pulsing through me all day intensely.

Rainbow luminous waves of unconditional love flowing through every cell of my being.

I am deeply thankful for this gift from the universe.

I have spent hours in meditation this last year as I wanted to reach new heights so that I could help this planet out more and I feel beyond thrilled that the divine is granting me my request.

I am still within this golden egg and the feelings are pleasant and supernatural in a lovely flowing way.

As it fills me with more light and cosmic energies.

Later after having this experience I was pulled out of my body and saw the demiurge.

I am very aware of this force and have encountered it before and I’m aware that it is a huge problem on this planet.

I was instructed that I should use the unconditional light waves from the cosmic egg eventually to channel that into this force and help create balance.

For darkness has no power in the face of love.

energeticsynthesis .com

Says this about the cosmic egg:

When we allow our ego/personality to be shattered and fully withdraw its control over us, we are released into our true spiritual nature. The human body is designed as a replica of the Universe, and we are asleep in the microcosmic egg until we wake up and begin to unite with the macrocosmic egg of the Universe. The human body is embedded in multiple dimensions of invisible worlds that make up our microcosmic egg or auric body shell. Our microcosmic egg enters conjunction with the macrocosmic egg when we spiritually awaken into the later parts of Monadic activation. It is during the Monadic spiritual initiation that the invisible worlds, incredibly, start to be made visible to that person. As the ego body is rejected and slayed, we begin to break through the layers of our auric shell into the Cosmic Egg. When this connection is made with our True Holy God Parents, we are blessed with their hierogamic union or sacred marriage, which births the Solar Egg and Golden Embryo within our aura.

The Golden Embryo is birthed inside our human body and the seed germinates within our hara complex to recreate our identity in Cosmic Christ Consciousness. This has also been referred to as the Solar Sacrum, which purges the Lunar principle of the dark feminine. This Solar Egg holds the Golden Embryo in the aura that gradually births the Golden Child of Christ Consciousness within a human body.

When the Golden Embryo is seeded in the Solar Egg, the Lunar reflected light and its many shadow forms will start to gather into what’s called the Buddhic Egg. This is a spherical body repository for the accumulated Moon Chain Lineages and a variety of Lunar forms that have been a part of our Monadic family. Because in the lower creation realms, the Mother of God was experienced as a lunar force, this heralds the transfiguration of the Mother principle into the Solar feminine within. The Solar feminine aspect of the Mother of God in her Christos body is her daughter, Sophia.

Indigenous cultures have known the sophianic consciousness represented as the Solar Feminine by other names as well, such as Saint Brigid, who is the Fire Goddess of Ireland. In Celtic polytheism and Irish mythology, , Brigid (exalted one) is the daughter of the Dagda and one of the Tuatha Dé Danann. As is often the case with Celtic deities who are described as threefold, she is seen as three sisters, all named Brigid, who perform various functions in society, such as healing, poetry and metal working. Brigid Day marks the beginning of spring, most commonly it is held on 1st of February, or about halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.

When we are birthing the Golden Child in our lower energy centers, the Solar Fire consumes our shadow parts existing in the Buddhic Egg. These shadow parts contain negative forms, false ego identities and their memories, which exist within the root, sacral and solar plexus. The entire core structure of our body and our previous ego identity may feel like it is being decimated by a wrecking ball. During the current stage of the Galactic Law of Alchemy transmission (Capricorn, principles of fermentation to multiplication), the destruction of the old internal structure is especially potent. The etheric cords, magnetic structures, imprints and mind control machinery from the lunar forces are being severed from manipulating the lower chakras.

The Mother’s female principle and instinctual-emotional body within us must be reconfigured and filled with the radiant light of the Solar Fire. The main energy centers impacted by these levels of mind control transmission are the ego/personality centers, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakras. So as these levels of lunar cords are cleared, or consumed in the transfiguration flame, this shifts the entire platform of our core identity. The purpose is to discern what it is, to call it out and know it as the Imposter Spirit, and to know the difference between the Eternal Light of God and the Forces of Darkness and Shadow. During this phase of transfiguration, many of us will face the inner demons of despair, the demons of addiction, fear and agony. Some of us will face these same demons on the earth plane, and provide deliverance for these creations to be released from their bindings and returned to the heart of Holy Mother.

Through the transmogrification of the Dark Mother’s lunar forces being amalgamated into the Solar Fire, (through the unification with the Cosmic Egg), the previous consciousness intelligence of the Universe activates consciousness memory from before the separation. The Cosmic Egg holds the record of the original times of creation before the “fall of humankind” into material incarnation. When we break through the Cosmic Egg, we experience the unification of all creation before the separation that occurred from the wall in time. The fall is the forgetfulness of humanities divine spiritual nature, forgetting our direct relationship to the Universe, the planet and our interconnection with all of life.

You can buy DeSpark now in Sarah's Etsy shop using the link below.


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