in #audiobooks6 years ago

linktr.ee/magicmikemazz Muslim men sought to exploit western females the answer is no when looking at the treatment of the men of women in Islamic countries especially the treatment of female nonbelievers sexual abuse is often, and fifth was more the grooming of western girls by Muslim men has been known about for roughly a decade before the grooming of western girls and rougher ham made national headlines the actions of those mend of these men will sickening should not have come as a shock to any one was a truly shocking that these acts were covered up by the local establishment politicians and the police again the answer is no is of no surprise that those motivated by greed whether it be great for political power or monetary gain to cover up by a lax in order to personally profits throughout history powerful individuals and groups have covered up criminality and wrongdoing for personal gain the police officers and politicians who played a part in covering up the grooming of young girls and rather hand are despicable and should all have been tried for their complicity in these crimes with the fact that the police and the establishment were complicit in such crimes should shop no one was truly shocking is that the local community were starters were being preyed upon did nothing that really jaw dropping fact that underlies this whole story sorry tale is that the local community stood by and let this sickening abuse continue grown man shows to watch and silences their daughters were taken away to be sexually abused rather than run the risk of being called a racist for speaking out or fighting back in defending their loved ones make no mistake the most sickening aspect of the scandal in raw for him was that no one stood up to what was happening the community never came together to defend their daughters fathers never put up a fight against the man who called of their homes after dark with the intentions of abusing their children once more the people of rougher hand did not turn on the police wrote in a string of the politicians were complicit in covering up these crimes and that they believe them back into power the descendants of the men who died after Ma Polley who defended the gates of Vienna you stood firm it works rift simply stood and watched their daughters being taken away by foreign men to be sexually abused Westerman chose to let his daughter's be raped rather than risk being called a racist this is the breaking of the western heart and the destruction of western bravery and courage Westerman is now with the dog racked with guilt and self clothing and can be brought to his knees with the use of mere words the bravery and courage the Westerman was famed for and that held the world in awe is now a thing of the past western full can become conditioned to hate themselves through an onslaught of material created to instill guilt in those of you it's through the Bending and manipulation of history western youngsters have been taught to hate in despise their own ancestors and reject their own culture and heritage Westerman now walks with his head bowed the tears speaking his mind and is kept in mind not by either on or the state but by words like racist and feelings of false guilt they've been forced upon him just as Westerman has been enslaved by ideals implanted in his own mind just as Westerman poisons his own body by choice Westerman also is in affect his own ward and regulating his own speech in actions in order to ensure he does not break the rules imposed on him by his mortal enemies zero becomes ever more multicultural as different cultures five for power and position within western cities and towns conflict will naturally arise Westerman will increasingly be the loser in these complex as he now lacks the ability to defend himself his loved ones and his community western mount man is now so condition that he would rather roll over and die in defend himself and risk being called a racist Westerman is a shadow of his former self his mind enslaved his body weakened the spears corrupted and the courage and bravery he was possessed medically diminished the enemies of the west have moved out the very heart of western man and left him at the mercy of any for info that chooses to see him and his family as worthy praised its fifth 18 the rise of the cult of individualism of fifth, Westerman is a tightening his great achievements and a civilization he created once held the world and all but none of those achievements nor the greatest really great civilization Westerman built would've been possible without Westerman working together with his brothers and sisters in forming communities tribes in nations which pulled together for the greater good and which became more than the sum of their individual parts Westerman change the world in virtually every single world altering invention or discovery came from is fertile minds in was developed industrialized input into practice by his hand none of this where been possible without western society pulling together and working as one in order to turn great thoughts in plans into great realities taken as an example the great works of architecture that Phil western cities some of these wonders such as the coliseum in Rome were built thousands of years ago that they are still a cause for inspiration and wonderment even today is sure that the plans for these rate structures were often the visions and designs of an individual architect or a small group of talented designers whether the reason the architects and designers realize their plans is because the cohesive society that surrounded them pull together in order to turn their plans in two magnificent realities does like a colony of bees when humans come together and form a community that can be likens to a single living and breathing entity with its own share consciousness what they what can be achieved is almost limitless an infinitely greater than what can be achieved by mere individuals the enemies of the west know this and that is why they've done everything they can to undermined western society and the numerous ways that have been explained in detail over the course of this book the enemies of Westerman have used every devious trick they could feed of in order to promote the importance of being an individual the push the notion that individualism should be held up is the highest and most noble over two these tables for the idea of the need for a set of societal standards which allow people to identify with one another and come together as a kid cohesive community in fact individualism has become like a cult within western society Westerman now competes with his brothers and sisters in orders to emphasize his own individuality improve how different he is from those around him one of the cult of individualism affects every aspect of Southern Life when the way people dress to the way the style their hair and present themselves over time individuals have taken increasingly extreme steps in order to ensure that they are truly one of a kind people now modify their own bodies in ever more outlandish ways in an effort to stand out from the crown of the embrace of individualism has a hugely adverse affect on western society causing it to become less homogenous rather than a cohesive community western society becomes a loose connection collection of individuals who no longer relate to one another as Myrna now return to the analogy of the beans the beehive works because the bees that inhabit the hive arena modernist group inform a colony the bee's not only look alike but they think alike the bees have a shared consciousness in work together in harmony with the good of the colony the bees do not put the good of the individual before the good of the colony is fundamentally when the good of the colonnade comes first the colony become strong and healthy and strong and healthy colony shelters and protects the individual be is the individual be does not reason like the human but on an instinctive impermeable level that the knows that his individual well being is time to the well being of the colony no mention what would happen if the colony to the colony of each and every be decided to go it alone and push for its own individuality and personal freedom and put those before the good of the colony the bees are no longer wish to dance in the same manner he would no longer be able to communicate defectively with each other and they would become increasingly isolated from one another as a colony inevitably broke up the hive itself would crumble and everything the bee's had built in stride for would be lost again this analogy may seem simplistic when illustrates an important point in one that can be directly applied two western nations the west was at its strongest when its community was at its most cohesive and enemies are Westerman know this is why once the structures and safeguards that held the west to gather were weakened the enemies of the west put into place the final and most devastating part of their plan to assure not only the breakup of western society but that western society can never be put back together again is one thing to break up a community but that process can often be reversed times of struggle and hardship can pull a group of people together and cause them to work is one again forcing them to rediscover common bonds in reunite as a community however the individuals that once made up that community have become so different in so desperate that they can no longer relate to one another than even in times of our ship he would be unable to reunite a work is a cohesive group or would make all of this forces that is if the people that made up of that community and no longer interacted with one another or spend time together instead choosing solitary pursuits wish increase their sense of isolation Majid people just sat in front of their television or their computer spending hours watching programs playing games in browsing social networks that only would the people who made up that one strong community be unable to relate to one another to to their embrace of individualism they would no longer have the social skills necessary to interact with one another to do their increasingly solitary and isolated lifestyle be back to maybe 50 or 60 years ago when families knew everyone who lived on their streets they would know the names of their neighbors the names of their neighbors' children and where their neighbors worked was more they would interact with their neighbors at the local club church in that community events people related to one another they look the same went to the same church the same pond and their children went to the same schools today how many people even know the names of their immediate neighbors who live next door when of the ways the cult of individualism has been created that by the introduction of different subcultures into society the subcultures are pushed through the very same channel as the majority of the other highly damaging material that is aimed at destroying western society where the key ways some cultures for Ms. Around music subcultures are not just a hobby or a pastime that is an important distinction subcultures are not just something that one indulges in during their spare time but instead something that are more arcane into a way of life it's it's the fifth said cultures influence the way people dress the way they talk the music they listen to the symbols they identify with an even the very life style they've needed this is not the same as a hobby or a pastime if someone chooses to go fishing at the weekend he may wear special clothing with a clothing is only worn for the duration of the fishing trip a fissure man doesn't choose to wear those special close at all other times to demonstrate to the world that he spends his free time catching fish or so other fishman can identify with him for th the idea that a fisherman would walk down the highway street wearing Waiters and a fly hat to that other fishermen could identify him is comical yet this is exactly what members of subcultures two members of a particular subculture will ensure the all address and a similar manner and adopt the same symbols and patches in order to look alike however on the flip side of the quoi in adopting those visual cues ensures that members of a subculture don't look like or identify with those within society more not part of their particular subculture fifth imagine a society full of different subcultures each with their own different way of dressing talking their own symbols a narrower micro culture society would no longer be a cohesive body that would instead be made up of a loose group of different subcultures that could be likened to tribes these tribes were often view each other not only is different but also with a degree of content or even dislike has the existence of different subcultures would lead to a fracturing of society but you don't have to imagine this scenario is another reality faced by the west is take a look at the different musical subcultures that exist within society goths rockers punks had beggars Rivers and Montes to name just a few one can spend an entire day listing the different musical subcultures and a different ways each group has of standing out from the crown the people pushing this does a divisive nonsense are the enemies of the west and again you can trace this attack back to its roots and see when it began this look at the mines in the rockers in my eyes and rockers were two conflicting musical subcultures that came to prominence in the 1960s and 1970s the rocker subculture was centered on motorcycling and their parents reflected that rockers generally warm or cycle style clothing such as black leather jackets and boots them on subculture was centered on scooters and minds wore suits another clean cut all fits is not enough that the adoption of the subcultures led to a visible schism in society that serve to divide western youth by the adoption of such subcultures also lead to violence mountain rockers would regularly fight each other these fights were not fought over national sovereignty or the continued existence of once people in fact these fights were not fought for in the bubble cause the bells between the Monson the rockers took place for no other reason than the fact that Monson rockers were different riots took place between Monson rockers at different seaside resorts and the violence escalated to include the use of knives and other weapons essentially two different factions of with stern youth were formed in both hated one another without any valid reason these factions fought better in violent battles again for no reason the schism in society was not a natural occurrence or was manufactured by the enemies of the west now attempt to divide and conquer Westerman the creation of the subcultures is another attack on western civilization as with the other attacks on western man is attack was pushed through the media the music industry and by the bad role models that are foisted upon young and impressionable western minds today the Monson the rockers are the dominant some cultures there are so many different cell cultures it would be impossible to pick one as dominant rather than being one large and cohesive community western youth is fractured into hundreds of different groups each with their own ways each subculture is different enough to ensure that the small numbers attached to it identify more closely with their own tiny group than the rest of society rockers are now split into separate smaller subcultures that listen to pump heavy metal rock thrash metal black metal and numerous other musical offshoots of the original Sean raw as the subcultures become smaller and more diverse there is an ever increasing push for a greater degree of individuality as news of cultures a merge youngsters are drawn to them in order to stand out from the crowd in assert their own individuality all from within the subcultures and type of anarchy is favored to ensure each individual within the group is different to his or her companions instead of subcultures becoming larger and more cohesive overtime the trend is the opposite overtime larger subcultures fracture and an increasing number of smaller subcultures are created in each of these smaller coach some cultures then attempts to differentiate itself from the pack in assert its own uniqueness is that the obvious effect of caring society apart and creating differences where there used to be uniformity fifth you imagine this trend push to its logical extreme the ultimate form of differentiation a gain of one and individual who was completely unique entirely different from everyone else in society and stands as an island unto himself is is obviously the endgame of this TV is planning can be seen in the way people dress the way they present themselves the color of their hair and of course through body modification such a step to use their sings and much more of lettuce and a generous degenerate transformations that individuals now permit two individuals now do anything and everything they can to stand out from the crown you only have to walk down the highest treats you see 1000 different fashions haircuts and body modifications no two people look alike and even those within the same culture to everything they can to stand out from their own group as time goes by the modifications people undergo to make themselves standout become ever more degenerates into outlandish stretch years journal implants full face statues split tongs tattooed eyeballs and now even artificial horns implanted on their schools but what is the root cause of people embracing these crazy fashions haircuts and body modifications and the heart of the strive for individuality is a childlike form of attention seeking the people trying to stand out from the crowd by pursuing these ways of life in embracing these fans are effectively streaming look at me why does the naughty child throw a tantrum or perl his food across the table at his parents' the answer is simple the knotty child plays up in an attempt to get information from his parents in or to feel like he is the center of proceedings is basic drive for attention is something we're born within serves as well as babies when we are a tiny infant one of the most basic and natural behavioral patterns your gifted with his to scream and cry when we need attention as attention brings the paternal figure usually the mother content to what ever need is currently wanting for example when a baby wants to eat your she cannot simply ask all way for food or can he or she provide the food for themselves to bike riding this brings the attention of the parental figure or this satisfies the need of the child is as one of the first and most important lessons a child learns by making it seem a standout and gain attention which brings them satisfaction however as a child grows up and develops in the parent imparts morals and learned behavior to the child the child learns not to scream and shout and play up by to ask for what he or she desires and that brought a proper it correctly that child also learns to accept when he or she cannot immediately have what they desire the process of developing a healthy super ego involved growing outer behaving like a child the developed super ego scores intentions seeking on a childlike level when a child is seen screaming and crying and throwing a tantrum in a public's place the child is seeking attention is clearly the product of poor parenting is crucial to understand that when a child throws public can trims that is a sign that the child is not mentally developing as it should the child's in a still ruling in psyche and the edit seeks the immediate gratification through attention seeking on an undeveloped level as a newborn baby would when helpless in faint cries for attention the attention that is forthcoming makes the infant field good and the infant makes an association between gaining attention in the feeling of satisfaction that this desire for attention is not removed as the child rules holder in the child is not develop a functioning super ego than the adults will still seek attention in a childlike way wills grown adults rarely seek attention by throwing tantrums the now embrace individuality to they can stand out from the crowd in order to ensure everyone looks at them and gives them the attention a crane by tying their hair bright pink by shaving half their head by wearing ludicrous or revealing clothing by sporting a large and visible set of 10 twos or by modifying their body and some did based tribal manner the individual is crying look at me the individual six attention from other people in order to satisfy their eighth in the same way a child seeks to satisfy me an Ra throws a tantrum in the middle of the supermarket or shopping center that problem faced by Westerman is that not only are more and more people seeking this attention for their cult of individualism and also that the cult of individualism is a self perpetuating an accelerating phenomenon is as the enemies of the west and push the envelope of degeneracy in film and music the seek to push forward the cult of individual and individualism the cult of individualism has gathered momentum like a snowball rolling down a hill that makes one person stand out from the crowd today does relatively passe tomorrow at one time a man with a hearing would have garnered serious looks today no one would blink an eye led so instead people now stretch their years like an African tribesmen and insert huge groups through the skin of their earlobes but now that the stressed here is becoming more common in the trendsetters seek to stand out in stretch their noses cheeks lips and even have these flesh tunnels inserted in other places in an effort to be unique and gain the maximum attention possible from those around them this is of course perpetuated further by social networks such as faced book which are under the control of the enemies of the west people now use the social networks to create as much outrage in controversy as possible by posting sell fees of their of Mages styles that forced the entire self the culture is simply attention seeking at its worst when everyone is doing it in the individual six increasingly crazy ways to make yourself a standout from the crowd in order to attain more of the attention they crave like children rolling around waiting in the aisle of the supermarket the grown adults now seeks to satiate the call of the raid by ensuring that everyone looks at them this makes the individual feel special and wanted dislike the child does when their parent picks them up all the floor and hugs them the enemies of the west have damaged and undermined the super ego by altering the conditions that allow the super ego to develop this is left adults being ruled by their head and one of the most damaging consequences of this with the development of the cult of individualism which is both childish in its nature and detrimental to the cohesiveness of western society as the cult of individualism reaches an insane peak with ever more people joining in the cry for attention the creatures this cult creates become ever more insane and if based young people write belongs claiming that they are in fact animals trapped in human bodies grown men where children's nappies and roll around in their own feces youngsters get outrageous body art in modifications which permanently alter their appearance confused individuals demand sex changes and mutilating their genitals with a driving force behind all this madness is the childlike craving for attention Westerman is being pulled in 100 or more different directions the individual attempts to stand out from the crowd and embraces individualism in an increasingly outlandish manner that a mountainous western society where people looked alike acted alike and thought along the same lines is now gone shattered into a million pieces but a greater problem lies in the task of putting those pieces back together as a process of fixing this mess is made all the more difficult as the pieces that once made up western society are now so different they no longer fit together as they should as a result Westerman will be placed in a huge disadvantage if he is ever threatened by a strong in cohesive foreign culture that acts as a single entity that a spritz nature of western society will prevent western man from launching an effective defense how one earth are a group of people manage to ever come together and act as a cohesive society if every single person is doing everything they can to be is different to the next person as humanly possible be back to what makes the perfect society the perfect society can be defined as a group of people who come together would share morals shared values and wish to move forward as one working together for the good of the community was not forgetting for the rights and importance of the individual this community cohesion relies on a shared sense of consciousness held by the people who make up that society but people are now drifting apart the no longer share the same morals and rather than grouping together the identify within choose to be around ever smaller an increasingly differentiated subcultures the sense of community and consciousness in the west is been destroyed in tiny groups seek to better themselves in lookout for their own interests over and above the interests of society Westerman his embrace the cult of individualism western man's desire and drive to be as unique as possible has led to the fracturing of western society the drive for uniqueness as lead an adverse affect on the common bonds within western society pressing those bonds to begin the common traditions culture dress and appearance that made western society homogenous have now been abandoned in favor of individualism the enemies of the west and played a devious and divisive game is undermined the common values in a month and a NT found within western society said a displaces Westerman at the mercy of other races and cultures with settled in the west they retain their traditions and values are made as a singular cohesive remain this singular cohesive communities fifth 19 bet that of the western super ego the enemies of the west seek to destroy Westerman and plunge western civilization into a state of madness and degeneracy from which it will never recover the enemies of the west our nation drucker's the seek to undermine the sovereignty of nations and states in order to make them week so they can ponder their wealth and enrich themselves through the misery of others but in order to defeat western man and reduce western civilization to ash the enemies of the west must first destroyed the essence of western man the western super ego is the essence of Westerman and it is his essence that the enemies of the west seat to destroy for when the essence is extinguished Westerman will no longer possess the characteristics that made him greats the super egos of course the learned part of the psyche the morals the values in the very traditions that are passed down from generation to generation that mold young minds into dependable and upstanding adults regroup up people share the same traditions and have a shared sense of moral values they passed down though shared characteristics to their offspring everyone in that group shows up surrounded by others who share the same community logic which allows the group to form a community consciousness the western super ego is the embodiment of western man's community consciousness the western super ego has been evil thing in developing for over 40,000 years since early Westerman existed on the edge of Northern Europe size sheets and hunted animals that are now long extinct Westerman has passed down his DNA from generation to generation that has ensured that his physical traits and survive in been strengthened Westerman has also passed down the western super ego through the scenes and teachings that passing down learned morality and values from generation to generation Westerman has ensured that it is not only his DNA that leaves on in future generations astern man has ensured that his mentality and ways of thinking Levon bypassing down his super Vee go to his offspring this ensures that not only do western man's physical traits livan but in a very real way his soul also lives on through future generations just as the west can just as the DNA of Westerman has changed in evolved over time to favor stronger genetic traits the western super ego of Aldo overtime to favor stronger morals and values that have acted as the glue that held communities and families together and became a selective pressure to stick with your own and to be loyal to your family and tried to spread into Westerman and reinforced a strengthened through imparting these values again and again to future generations over many thousands and thousands of years the western super ego developed in changed here is not only values that were passed down but also traditions and ways of life as western man advanced in civilization grew so did the western super ego was no longer simply a set of binding moral values that now embodied traditions the stretch back over millennia of the became a rich culture the western super ego consists of the values morals and traditions of Westerman the very essence of what makes Mr. New western man who he is and the very stuff that binds Westerman to his brothers and sisters agree it's a community that works as one cohesive group the morals values and traditions that were passed down from generation to generation slowly evolved into a rich culture that was expressed through language art song dressed in architecture these expressions of western culture gave rise to a rich heritage that stretches back for millennia and which has left lasting eight footprints in the sands of time for praise the show current generations just where their ancestors of come from and the path their ancestors had taken was more those footprints in the sands of time not only show future generations where their ancestors and come from the the acted as a roadmap that pointed future generations in the right direction those footprints helped mark the way to that as civilization developed future generations can see the correct path fifth to take when import Amaya strong community-wide super ego not only points out the correct path but it also causes a community to walk the path together and working as a singular units a community or a nation is only strong when the people it consists of work is one and pull together in the same direction radiation works together as a cohesive group that nation advances as a far greater chance of warding off rats once a nation begins to fracture and divisions appear the community becomes disparate is no longer a community but a collection of individuals that no longer relates to one another and as a result begin pulling in different directions the enemies of the west notice into conquer Westerman the set about attacking the western super ego with the aim of destroying the bonds that whole western society together we will return to the case of the beehive these produce honey and honey is delicious in highly sought after both by man and beast alike body has online nutrient value is a wonderful natural food source that to get honey is no easy feat is the money store deep within the Hyatt is protected by an entire army of these was a hive is under attack the entire colony will mount an aggressive defense would be easy to simply state of the strength of the highest offense lies in nearly lies merely in the overwhelming number of these double a merged to oppose any would be the news however to simply think that numbers are all that matters is to miss the fundamental issue which is in fact the selfless selfless dedication of the individual to the colony when a hostile intruder intends to take the light source of the colony that insurer is met with an overwhelming response that overwhelming response comes from any individual bees acting as one yen for Shana truth that comes with any defense of the hive is that many individual bees will in fact parish these are unfortunate in that when the attack and staying an enemy in seals their own fate every successful staying results in the death of the bee that landed the blow that be there for literally puts the good of the colony before its own life that the gears everything in order to ensure the colony survives the whole defense of the colony is mounted on the pretext of the greater good this way of thinking is what has ensured a long-term survival of bees as a species as it is protected countless Colonies and put off many would be attackers why the honey as a prized meal open be more devastating or more painful than to be stung hundreds or thousands of times all over your body open beating a greater deterrent to those who would happily seek the honey that belongs rightfully to the beans ahead on assault would be almost suicidal or at least very painful but imagine attacking a hive were each be thought of itself above the interests of the colony race be was an individual who didn't connect with the other bees that surrounded its imagine a beehive where if an attacker chose to attend to plunder the honey the bee's thought of themselves before the thoughts of the colony and either head in the hive or flew away to ensure their own safety that hive would be plundered and ultimately the bees will be driven to extinction that the community consciousness of the hive is destroyed the bee's could would be done for is no different with in the world of man civilizations and nation's only survive when people who make up those civilizations and nations stick together and work is one in order to repel their enemies and said Stan strong in the face of adversity in the sense of the community that holds people together a sense of the greater good that comes from common bonds that common bond for western man is the western super ego is why the enemies of the west that set about to attack the western super ego to undermine the will of the nation to work is one group interbrew's best individuals working together for the greater good of society is to seal the fate of that nation it's it's the fifth that Westerman hadn't been so selfless in the defense of his people and his land if Westerman hadn't put the greater good of his nation before himself the western world would have ceased to exist a long time ago is this the community spirit that has seen Westerman weather so many storms and try it again and again even in the face of overwhelming odds the enemies of the west have a strong grasp of history and they're certainly not fools they know that to defeat Westerman that is no good to simply mount ahead on assault on the west to defeat Westerman first and foremost the essence of Westerman must be broken up his attack on the western super you go has been carefully orchestrated through numerous means they have been discussed at great length the aims of these attacks are to prevent the older generation and the younger generation identifying with one another essentially creating a generation gap the generation gap prevents the older generation from passing down the super ego to the younger generation and prevents the morals values and traditions of that society being passed down is this generation gap prevents the passing down of morals values and traditions the very culture that was central to western society begins to fade was the young in any society no longer look to their ancestors and no longer seek to follow the footprints previous generations of left in the sand those generations end up going off track in become lost a strong culture binds a group of people together is like the glue that holds society together when the young no longer follow a strong culture and become lost your easy prey for those who wish to lead them further astray creating the generation gap allows the younger and more impressionable within society to be more easily manipulated by the enemies of the west younger and more impressionable within society are the easily led astray and can be taken down an ever more destructive path was a been separated from their Elders were they should be listing two and it's tempting two emulates was as has been achieved traditions morals and values are lost in false morality and degeneracy can then be implanted into the minds of those who have been led astray when traditions are no longer pass down they are forgotten and become relit some the past that are viewed as quirky and hold fashions that few they continue to uphold such traditions are then painted as on and out of touch traditions that a server Westerman well for thousands of years and then confined to the dustbin of history within a few short decades that represents the death of western culture was western culture has been destroyed in Westerman has been separated from the traditions that they came to his ancestors and the ways of the past a vacuum is then created that vacuum is then failed not by positive values not by morality and not by anything wholesome the vacuum created when Westerman loses his culture is always filled by negatives that are promoted by the enemies of the west what was once a healthy and moral culture is replaced by degenerates into based counterculture whereas traditional western culture was linked to the past and laid out a road map the stretch back for millenia and pointed western man in a positive and healthy direction the counterculture points to many different but equally fruitless dead ends the path of western culture created a vacuum and the vacuum and has been filled by the counterculture which was created to lead Westerman a stray from the path his ancestors turk and down a road that hands with the demise of western man traditional western culture enshrined positive virtues that were emphasized in order to keep society on track and headed in the right direction western culture cap the mind body heart and soul healthy and fulfilled western man through his own traditions was taught that the center of his world should be blood soil in spirituality however the counterculture is up only negative invention that has been used to fill the vacuum created by the lack of genuine culture with something insidious the counterculture created by the enemies of the west is not aimed at holding western society together the focus of the counterculture is not family bonds or natural fraud national pride the counterculture causes Westerman to seek short term had a distinct pleasure and embraced his animalistic instincts and pursue instant gratification Westerman no longer holds no longer looks to the example set by his ancestors by looks to false role models held up by his enemies with the intention of implanting or morals and values into western mines his role model seek to emphasize everything that western men should not embrace morality and valueless nonsense is the message stay in parts the false role models for seen upon Westerman push everything that lax moral substance in everything that is degenerates these role models tell Westerman the short term gain is more important than long-term goals and thus that Westerman should always give in to as animal instincts in order to retain the instant gratification is he desires with the short term is amazing braced in these two gluttony greed lost and laziness ruling the mind of western man one such dubious virtues are embraced the outward manifestations of this poison are clear to see every single healthy trait that once defined western society slowly withers and was replaced by materialism obesity drug use sexual debauchery and even a hatred for oneself as in one's ancestors as the historical achievements of those ancestors as these unhealthy of sessions firmly take right in the hearts and minds of western man the natural and healthy culture of old becomes less and less attractive as it if the sizes of morality that doesn't stand for instant gratification is transformation from culture to counterculture can be seen quite simply is the regression of man from a highly evolved and mentally accept creature with a strong sense of self control in duty to a pleasure driven animal covered by selfish desires this is the death of the western super ego is the death of western culture itself and with it comes the rise of the aid in the drive for unending individualistic in animalistic pleasure regression is the perfect word to describe this phenomenon as humans we are closer to animals when we are first born is our only instincts are the natural drives for pleasure and satisfying those pleasures is our only goal as an individual grows and develops and as the super he go is implanted in that in the individual psyche by its parents' the individual progress is and learns to control in temper its natural instincts and behave with an aunt dolts and moral framework this framework in adult reasoning is what allows society to function was that framework is removed any individual throws off culture and embraces the counterculture that individual begins regressing to a lower states mentally the individual start becoming more and more childlike is childlike state that no rules the western mind seas western man seeking attention as an infant would through the embrace of individualism as Westerman cries out to be looked at an acknowledged as childlike craving is no different than it toddler throwing a tantrum and crying for everyone around it to stare and look at its ill behaved antics that to gain attention today in a world where every natural barrier has been broken down that it is an increasingly difficult task the individual must go to increasingly outlandish lengths in order to be different as the regressing mind craves attention he will go to ever greater lengths for acknowledgment mean that each and every person tries to push the envelope of individualism as far as they can in whichever direction they so favor instead of coming together in following the path laid out by his ancestors western man is fractured in running in so many different in opposite directions that society is no longer cohesive and cannot be described as a community Westerman no longer looks like his brothers and sisters Westerman styles himself in ways that are more akin to what the based in permitted tribesmen and embraces on and destructive subcultures in a race to be different in garner is much attention as possible Westerman seeks a pleasures that not only damage him as an individual these pleasures further pull and tear apart what is left of western society these pleasures come before federally full in soil and serve to satisfy only selfish desires when western madman Westerman was part of a cohesive community the achievements of that community were so magnificent that they not only shape the development of the west by the development of the whole world is achievement spent every imaginable sphere of knowledge and art architecture poetry literature song dance fine painting engineering physics chemistry and industrial growth rate achievements that the coliseum in roam the agent equinox and castles of Northern Europe its deal put to shame with most other cultures have achieved to this day the writings of Shakespeare in homer the poetry of Keats if you are beautiful art of Michelangelo Leonardo and Turner all still inspire the world to this day and are largely unmatched inventions like alternating current the combustion engine and medical advances like vaccinations change the whole world all of these achievements brought forth from western man and a but all of these achievements were only possible because of the strong community that pull together in order to make that reads in ideas of exceptional individuals into realities which more presenting these achievements and guarding them from what the conquerors is also only possible because western man stood together as a community the death of the western super ego is not just the death of the western community is not just the western death of western nations the death of the western super ego is the death of the very spirit that made possible the great achievements that have defined the west in shape the development of the whole world the death of the western super ego will not only spell the end for western man who will also see all the great achievements of western man's ancestors crumble and the lost to the mists of time the very real sense the death of the western super ego means the death and destruction of a loony inch the stretches back for millennia and compass is the greatest achievements the world has ever known if Westerman allows this than Westerman is not not only do some self but his own death the seals the fate of all those who came before him and renders the great achievements in sacrifices meaningless if the western super ego parishes in all that has ever gone before we'll have been four knots was the western super ego has been destroyed western man will be exactly as the enemies of the west wish him to be a childlike in based creature this simply lives for pleasure the death of the western soups Abrego will give rise to the triumph of the aid and the death of all of western civilization and will stop there for and I'm reading the fall of western man by mark collects and I'm mike zone base for listening one VP of a T one of the of the O


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