in #audiobooks6 years ago

linktr.ee/magicmikemazz By unlike zone and I'm reading the fall of western man by mark collects E the feminist will be quick to tell you that it is not obesity than is the problem but in fact anorexia and bulimia a would play the modern female and the cause of these fading plagues is an unscrupulous and male dominated fashion industry as can be easily debunked as less than 1% of the population suffer from those forms of an eating disorder compared to 67% of men and 57% of women being either overweight or obese anorexia and bulimia are terrible mental issues but they're not a playing on society of the same scale as obesity obesity an unhealthy body to not just effect western man on an individual level but affects western society as group the obesity epidemic most obviously ROMs Southern man of his ability to defend his community against respective threats to as his once were your like body is no longer fits and able to go to war however there is also a deeper implication to the obesity epidemic that a fax community cohesion humans are social creatures in the form bonds with one another those bonds and repeated social interactions the two communities forming however when people are obese they're less likely to go out this likely to interact and more likely to spend time alone doing some injury in solitary activities would serve to further isolate the individual from their community is this not what the enemies of the west wish for the once great western man sits isolated in his own home separated from his community as the barges on his sofa eating what amounts to poison as he stares intently at a flickering screen which imparts destructive messages that were greeted to work the western minds when children grow up in broken homes more often than not they lacked discipline authority and a strong male role model these factors have a profound effect on the development of the child super ego and are now increasingly likely to grow up in homes where obesity is seen as normal is too has a profound effect on the child's mental developments children base their vision of an ideal self on their parents to the message imparted to children that grow up with that parents is that obesity is normal obesity then becomes part of that child's ideal self who could be more damaging to the future physical and mental health of a child than to normalize the self destructive act of overeating Yuba City of Benin epidemic Natalie robb's western man of his ability to fight and undermines community cohesion and also rows Westerman of his ability to reproduce obesity is known to be linked with a reduced fertility rates in the low birthrate is already a critical problem faced by western man I literally poisoning their bodies with a healthy food western Males and western females have reduced their capacity to bear children not only is the western mind being twisted to see childbearing and son desirable a western man is increasingly physically unable two pro creates however agreed obesity and fast food is not the only threat to western man's body a rapid increase in size may be the biggest and most obvious change western man's body has undergone that the negative role models burst upon younger generations were quick to promote other vices they can destroy the body and tear apart a community far quicker than junk food in access weights both alcohol abuse and drug abuse have dramatically increased in western society and taken hold of younger generations as negative role models have glorified substance abuse binge drinking and I had a mystic party lifestyle as discussed before role models that are promoted in both film and music have always pushed the themes of rebellion and living for the moment without a thought for the consequences of in these role models are fictional characters like Jim stark in rebel rebel without a cause or tally in Casper in the film kids characters and appear in film and on television promotes negative pursuits with a fictional setting as discussed earlier for fantasy and reality are becoming increasingly blurred in the mind of Westerman but despite this these fictional role models do not directly interact with the public however role models like film stars and pop stars are different two fictional characters as they do exist in reality and can interact directly with their fans role models likely gaga a Kitty Perry and Briana or their male counterparts can have a greater longer lasting and more influential relationship with their fans than fictional characters as they are real people they exist outside of a single film series of books or television program and can thus have a more direct relationship with those who look up to them these real life role models have every facet of their lives played out in the media letting every impressionable young mind know of their every depraved and degenerates acts this look at one particular singer in the White House in the White House was a drug user and alcoholic she ruined her career as a singer and ultimately died because of the choices she made she died a pitiful death and in last month's are body was wrapped with the signs of drug and alcohol abuse a healthy society would not hold in the White House up is a role model and certainly wouldn't expose youngsters to the self destructive lifestyle she chose to embrace is the enemies of the west seek to push negative role models upon western youth in the White House is now held up is a national hero she's a darling of the nation and in North London as that too was a wrecked into commemorates for life statue should be reserved for those where given something of great fourth to society enacted in a selfless and exemplary fashion in the White House did none of those things she followed her aid enacted in a selfish men are only seeking her own immediate pleasure without sparing a thought or the consequences of her actions was more in the White House wasn't a down and out who was Div warning to a difficult life and use drugs as a means of its state to was born into a wealthy family and had every opportunity in life was more a career in music made her a millionaire in the White House had no excuses and none should be made on her behalf of Mrs. Doesn't send two young people when they see in the White House has been honored with a statue in the one house had it all she wanted for nothing and see also had a gift to share but instead of grasping her opportunity's sees she squandered them all for the short term gain associated with alcohol drugs and partying his future generations are increasingly ravaged by alcohol and substance abuse questions are often ask as to why young people increasingly choose such a destructive path will buy those speaking seeking the answer look no further than the statue of in the White House in North London ask yourself the question if the youth of today had a choice between looking up to the statue of a ratio Nelson are looking up to the statue of in the White House which would serve them better as a source of inspiration a healthy body was necessary for Westerman to build such mighty civilizations but a healthy body was also necessary in order to successfully defend their civilizations a healthy body allowed Westerman to fulfill his potential and follow his dreams a healthy body allowed Westerman to explore the world and conquer his adversaries no other culture or race could have stood against Westerman and as a result western civilization was never seen as an easy target to those who looked on a navy and the and what western men had created the just as western man's inventive and intelligence mine has been polluted and poisoned by those who seek to destroy western civilization so has western man's body been polluted and poisons this is not been achieved through force one through dial Westerman has been suddenly the worst into poisoning himself without moral values and a strong super ego Westerman has given into is based desire to seek short term pleasure western societies now played by obesity and western youth are increasingly turning to drugs and alcohol that once mighty western Maurier says isolated in his arm chair watching images flicker across an electronic screen AC in jeff's ever more sugary infinity poison Z any wonder that other cultures and races now view western man with content that people who once looked at western civilization with envy now look at western man with derision and a mocking smirk Westerman must discover his roots and reconnect with natural food and natural healthy pursuits and once again take up the struggle for self improvement in order to defend himself at the time ever comes for your force to defend yourself in your loved one's make sure you can do so to the best of your ability is better to die on your feet with your sword in your hand is to defend your loved one's than to sit in your arm chair is a helpless and bloated slob as your family and community parish fifth 16th the loss of the Western Seoul fifth the existence of the soul is something that has been long debated by religious scholars the loss occurs and scientists does this so exist in what does in its existence signified the very real sense the soul is a deeper level of consciousness that lies at the very core of our being that is then a special extra something that sets this apart from other creatures in the animal kingdom the soul is the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being the sole is often seen as a mortal something that transcends life and death and lives on 40 turn NT the idea of the soul has been with us from the beginning of recorded time and probably existed long before that's listed many ways the sole can be seen as intangible is often seen as the breath of life that animates the body in effect the very essence of the human being the sole is separate and distinct from the body in the mind you can feed in satisfy your body through food in physical activity you can satisfy your mind through knowledge in discovery but to satisfy the soul that is a deeper in altogether more complex affair to satisfy the soul is in many ways more important than either physical or mental satisfaction is a satisfied soul needs 21 being at peace with both himself in the world around him was the sole is that he's as satisfied other stresses and pain seem less significant the importance of achieving spiritual satisfaction is in many ways more important is simply satisfying the mind and body and individual that in this they seek spiritual satisfaction that never finds it ends up feeling spiritually restless which can lead to a tortured existence into the individual finds the search for inner peace to be allusive where they are the truly person existence if an individual has a restless soul and consomme searches for inner peace that quest will hamper the individual's ability to achieve other goals fifth it's it's for men cannot be at ease with his surroundings his peers and most crucially not even be a ease with himself when he harbors a restless soul logically when a man is not at ease with himself he can never be truly three or have the was more when an individual soul is not since he's all the other problems that individual faces see magnified the soul is a higher form of consciousness and thus not directly answerable which in turn makes it hard to study in a scientific way the soul is not something we can see measure were directly quantify or catalog in these ways the soul is very much like the super ego as we know what causes the super ego to develop we can assess the influences that feed the sole and provide spiritual nourishment broadly speaking there are three different spiritual bonds that serve to feed the sole and satisfy spiritual needs the more these bonds are strengthened of the more the soul is satisfied the more at ease one becomes where both himself in the world around him a happy and spiritually fulfilled individual has the foundations for success in life is positive mental and physical growth are much more likely to occur in individuals that are at peace with themselves the first and most fundamental spiritual bond that feeds the soul is the bond that an individual shares with their immediate family loved ones in with members of the community in which they live the spawn comes from human interaction with loved ones the people that you hold the most dear and those whom you identified most strongly with his most fundamental spiritual need springs forth from the nuclear family and its roots lie in the development of the family bonds that Westerman began to form and develop during the earliest days of western society as Males and females form complimentary payers that eventually become more than the sum of their constituent parts a major part of spiritual fulfillment comes from finding a life partner is the day before the bombs before mother like partners are based on more than one by more than simple attraction sexual chemistry and a desire to procreate humans develop a powerful emotion which acts as a bond for life between two loving partners that emotion is love love is where the basic spiritual bonds that be the sole we also feel love for parents and the timer me go on to become parents ourselves we feel love for our children is powerful motion is something that makes our soul feel at ease and makes us feel as though we belong when we are around our loved ones when around those we love and around those who love us we feel at home a phrase always where the houses would be more accurately stated as home is where the soul is most at ease the billiard to be around their families and loved ones and are drawn back to them when they are separated this is why debt take such a toll on any close family as livid losing a loved one for a good feels as though you are not just losing another person but that you are losing part of yourself two something that takes a toll on one's soul these natural bonds are extended to those within a close in cohesive community friends relatives and those within the community are looked up two and respected as we mature the search for a Parker and the natural urges to have children and pass on our genetics to the next generation and men spiritual fulfillment comes from raising children to see the product of your love for another human expressed in the form of a child your son or daughter is overwhelming golden Uribe arms a tiny and helpless child until that is entirely dependent on your love and care and a child that Carries are blood is an experience that change is a person and fulfills them in a way they cannot be matched by other achievements a strong family and strong parents help the child to develop teaching a child the ways of life there can be viewed things more spiritually fulfilling is seeing your own child grow and develop under your tutelage immensely becoming a strong abstaining adult who Carries on the family and any age these experiences and the bonds that appearance years with the child are truly spiritual experiences incense try and be the sole to let these family and community bonds to be a loner or an outsider into never feel love or to never pass on your blood was me a terrible burden for the soul and the two feelings of isolation and deep depression something that would cause the soul to cry out in pain the second broad group of spiritual bonds that be the sole come from our connection to the environment and the natural world around us we have all been the natural world and around nature and thus we are a product of nature and our development is intrinsically tide two the natural world at them onto our family and community is important so was the Bonn to the world around us that provides for us if you look at are they as a mother mother earth she is the mother of western man and she provides for us in every way we are a product of our environments we have discussed this at length in we have discussed how the unique environments of Northern Europe shaped western man into what he became infected him with the traits that allowed him to build such a advanced civilizations Westerman struggle with the environment in which he lived was difficult but over time Westerman emerged from its struggle with a deep understanding of both himself in the world in which he lived nature provided for western man they would for his fires to keep him warm the plans for its food the animals that were both his companions as livestock and the water which was dispersed everything Westerman head and everything that Westerman built came from major in one way or another would stone and metal all come from the earth in western man used these natural resources to raise up western society and to build the great civilizations that stand to this day the bonds Westerman shared with his environments and the natural world of slowly been weakened as Westerman has grown more technologically advanced as we have divorced ourselves from the natural world and the cougars selves and manmade in a natural environments we have seen a few tries in depression depression of course comes from a soul that is not spiritually fulfilled we do not gain the same level of natural satisfaction and spiritual fulfillment trapped indoors steering at the screen is we do from being outside in the natural world these bonds with nature were always emphasized by the ancestors of western man until very recently there was always if you strive to get people out into the natural world scouting groups would regularly take children camping hunting and fishing and as a way of connecting them with their natural environments shifting their spiritual development is also a testament to the natural bonds Westerman has with the environments that many traditional western pastimes the pursuits that took place in one's free time in order to recharge the spiritual batteries and give focus sense of belonging to place outside hunting fishing hiking exploring and sleeping out under the stars all connected Westerman not only with nature but also with the ways of his ancestors and they're more natural ways of living there are few things more spiritually uplifting than walking through the forest is the sun shines down through the trees casting lights on the flowers that gather across the floor forest floor as the birds sing in the trees and the frese aren't sense of a summer's morning drifts through the error the very thought of such a thing is uplifting and calling to the sold the final of the three broad groups of spiritual bonds that the console is religion and was deeper spiritual beliefs is gone or an afterlife legend can be both contentious in highly divisive a religion is also something that played a huge part in the development of the western world as Westerman sought to make sense of things such as the existence of the soul and the circle of life and death even primitive man held religious beliefs whether that was the worship of this on the Moon in the season's or the worship of guys associated with different facets of the natural world such as the land see and hear you were the religions of ancient Greece Egypt roam in Scandinavia as well as the pagan beliefs of the tribes native two the British isles these beliefs chains in a vault over time and some disappeared and replaced by Christianity as a spread across the west the purpose of this is not to examine different religions in detail or to say which religion is rights or defect which religion is wrong is simply to state that religion has always played a central part in feeding the sole and providing spiritual nourishment for western man religion has sought to explain the sole and give western man faith in the idea of the immortality of the soul of relief shared by age and philosophers such as Socrates and Plato religion has bound communities together in sought to give them moral guidance as well as spiritual guidance is giving people in your strength and help them deal with the death of loved ones and other personal losses crucially religion has sought to remove the fear of death in gay people think that there is more to life than simply survival that there's a higher spiritual meaning to life and that we do not merely exist in the here and now all I will not merely be washed away as like grains of sand on a beach the importance of spiritual pursuits in beliefs are clear his is the importance of the spiritual bond said exist in order to feed the Western Seoul spiritual bonds tie Westerman two is immediate family those within his community and to the natural world around him just as the enemies of the west have attacked the body and mind of western man yelled to wish to attack western spirituality and mountain assault on the Western Seoul the enemies of the west have enslaved the western mind and the a poison the body of western man but they have also weakened the spiritual bonds that feed the Western Seoul the family units in the community community which it is part of western man's connection with the natural environment and western religious inns to institutions in spiritual beliefs have all been under relentless attack had been under minds and weakens but the enemies of the west always have something else up their sleeves whenever they create a vacuum by removing a positive the always seek to fill that vacuum it's something unnatural and unhealthy that only serves to further enslave Westerman as the influences in our lives that give a spiritual fulfillment have been slowly dismantled and removed we have been presented with a spiritually worthless alternative that has been pushed let nicely by the enemies of the west that bankrupt alternative is materialism the new spiritual pursuit of the west is to spend money is to acquire material objects and the more we spent in the more we acquire the better we are meant to feel materialism is the belief that the acquisition of physical objects is the route to lasting happiness but nothing could be further from the truth that serial objects can make us happy and they can bring us enjoyment in the short term but they can ever bring the deep and lasting happiness is gained from true spiritual fulfillment material objects are a means to an end user a purpose in a function of course one can take pride in those objects and one can take pleasure in some of them are that pride and pleasure will never replace and genuine spiritual fulfillment for example one can purchase eight dinner table chairs and a vast dining set that money can buy but ultimately those goods are lamented the place may be aesthetically perfect and the knives and forks wonderfully crafted but if the food eaten with them is subpar the quality of the place in cutlery makes little difference to its equally a magnificent table and well crafted shares may be both comfortable and pleasing to the eye without friends to sit in the chairs and family together around the table their work is significantly diminished a man can purchase an expression of luxury car begin surely derive pleasure pleasure from driving its but if the journey he makes his lonely and is headed to a place where he is neither loves nor wanted that surely he would be happier to walk barefoot in the rain to award home full of people he loved and who eagerly anticipated he's a rival these examples are simple but they illustrate an important point that it is not material goods alone that make us happy but whom we share them with that is important is these us back to the real path to spiritual fulfillment our connection to the people we love and our bond to our ancestral homeland in semi those connections have been weakened in some cases have been complete Lisa severed is the following spiritual pursuits people now live for the acquisition of material items in every week millions flock to department stores supermarkets and shopping centers in order to spend money on items they believe will enhance their lives and bring them happiness is Temples of consumerism are neither homely natural door they in any way spiritual yet they're become the new places of worship or western man as cashiers ring up endless transactions the consumer climbers to purchase items in a vain attempt to fill the void the field at the center of their soul of void created by their neglect of genuine spiritual pursuits in the short term of these purchased items to bring excitement and happiness in a small Bunds bassoon that was wears off in the modern world everything is readily available and as a result people are used to access and accustomed to getting exactly what they desire this lack of scarcity ensures the individual does not Cherish the items they purchase as they might Cherish a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation everything is disposable and this is reflected in the way we treat our possessions a key part of the problem we face is that the rarely need would be buying the biden's because we want them not because we need them our desires are not driven by necessity but by materialistic greedy of the items we purchased no longer mean anything to us and the products we prayed to not bring lasting happiness we increasingly discarded this respect our possessions some people are not buying items because they need them or even because they want them you're buying for the sake of buying yet become habituated two walking around shopping centers at the weekend spending money on whatever grants are attention as we crave the instant gratification regain from the act of purchasing on impulse that that is the problem we have started to read derive pleasure from the active buying itself and the more we spend and the higher the bill the more we feel we are elevated above others around us people now compete with one another based on what they had purchased and how much money they have spent Westerman has become a slave to consumerism buying for the sake of binding order gain attention in one a permit and ship over one's peers fifth is no test materialism is endowed by bad role models and reinforced by the vacuous celebrity culture that influences the minds of western man Ms. Our social rules emerge females are told they should never wear the same dress twice mayor told that the price of their mart and is a status symbol and far more important than the taste of the liquor being drunk and we're all told that the number of bags we carry home is directly proportional to our level of happiness is warped morality colors are vision and affects the way we value everything in our lives that surrealism has become western man's new god so as western man rushes to worship at the temple of materialism he spends spends and spends some or until he has nothing left they spend some more because why should he say for something he can have two Murrow we can borrow the shortfall and have what he desires today is exactly what the enemies of the west and planned and western man's rush to own everything and keep up with his neighbors he applies for credit cars payday loans and Burroughs from wherever he can Westerman is then reduced to no more than a financial slave forever in the debts of shade moneylenders and croaks as western men's pursuit of materialism intensifies the state's rise Westerman finds himself with less and less disposable income in this financial pressure begins to affect his personal relationships often forcing Westerman to the suicidal conclusion they can't afford to breed and after all what could be a bigger financial commitment than a child not only has Westerman replaced true spirituality with the pursuit of materialism or Westerman has allowed materialism to become a barrier to the most natural callings in life building a family and having children materialism controls us in it molds are thinking turning us into greedy and shallow individuals obsessed with material objects this obsession consumes us in keeps us from engaging in generally fulfilling pursuits Westerman pours increasingly large sums of money into the pursuit of materialism often forcing himself into debt in a vain in pointless attempt to be the NEA envy of his neighbors of materialism is an empty and solace pursuits no matter how much money you pour into that pot they will never be full officially where there is no money left the index began mounting the goods acquired during the man spending sprees are of little or no consolation and the pressure of the debt and a resulting depression takes its toll in a race to fill the spiritual void left by the loss of family bonds are bond with the natural world and the religious and spiritual beliefs we have ended up worshiping a false idol again we see the triumph of the aid immediate pleasure derived from spending money that we don't have is put before our own a long-term financial stability the super ego in parts control conscious and allows us to reason on a moral level was the CIA to Abrego is damaged in the in rains be given to impulsive drives I think only of a short term pleasure the enemies of the west must be rubbing their hands with glee that once great western man mentally enslaved physically enfeebled and spiritually bereft but also financially shackled and in debt to the very people who wish to see the Westphal western men's needs to rediscover what makes some whole the things the spiritually feed him and complete his soul allowing him to be at ease with himself in his surroundings Westerman needs to grow off the shackles of materialism and pursue genuine spirituality through the bonds with his family is environment and through his religious beliefs the boy and we feel at the center of our very being cannot be filled with material goods as such are devotion to materialism must be broken into realism is not a means to an end is a means to enslave Westerman through usury and debts fifth 17 the lost off all western parts fifth the western heart is not just western man's love for his family and his folk but encompass is something much more important the western heart can be summed up quite simply as western man's courage and bravery which are the traits that allow western man to go that step further when necessary to defend his blood and soil the western hart has been a major contributing factor in a development of western civilization history books are full of the tales of western heart bravery and courage is bravery and courage allowed western man to stand strong even in the face of overwhelming ons and allowed Westerman to undertake great challenges even when the risk of failure or death was high and ensure their Westerman protected his loved ones and community at any cost the western heart was the heart of a warrior and explorer and a pioneer the western hart trophy western civilization forward and protected that civilization from those who wish to tear it down there are many examples of western heart throughout the illustrious history of western civilization and even from the earliest recorded history these acts of courage can be seeing the battle of their mock believe is a perfect example 300 brace part in warriors in a small group of Allies were vastly outnumbered by the Persian army yet despite the odds being stacked heavily stacked against them the courage and the bravery of the Spartans went down in history as they broke the spirit of the Persian invaders as byte the Spartans ultimately perishing their actions bought the Greek nations enough time to rally and eventually defeat the Persian empire the battle of Vienna is another great example of western bravery and courage again Westerman found himself outnumbered 5 to 1 against the vast forces of the ottoman empire the battle was a decisive one and marked the turning point in the ottoman Hapsburg wars of 300 year struggle between the holy roman in ottoman empire's this great victory led to the collapse of the Turkish occupation of Eastern Europe and allowed western band to regain control over his homeland another fine example of western heart was seen at the battle and works drifts just over 150 British in colonial troops successfully defended the garrison at the mission station at work stripped against an intense assault by 3 to 4000 sulu warriors again and Westerman was vastly outnumbered yet stood firm in the face of overwhelming odds and what would have seemed like a fate of certain death these brave actions and many more like them shape the west in hell the rest of the world and all of western man's bravery and courage the common factor in these acts of bravery was that the man who stood firm faced almost certain death and the hands of their enemies the odds were stacked so heavily against them that a feat looked almost certain yet even in the face of defeat and death Westerman just stood strong and looked his enemy in the eye and fought on regardless of these acts of bravery are the embodiment of the western part in the motivation for these acts stem from western man's love for those who protects his duty to raise community such was western man's commitment to its community and fellow man that to turn and flee and to leave the field of comment would have been unthinkable Westerman would rather stand and fight to the death and let down his comrades in his community the western heart is again up the product of a developed super ego in this case the super ego is so strong and not only overrides the head when actually overrides the ego two putting the individual in a mortal danger is illustrates the strength of the super ego in the strength of the commitment Westerman once had to his community the western heart is something that has always stood in a way of the enemies of the west the western hart has galvanized Westerman and assure that he would always stand and fight for what was right for the defense of his loved ones this community and his nation of the enemies of the west know how to break the western heart to remove that bravery and courage that has been the west weather so many things that a senior west weather so many invasions and threats would be to break the inner steel of western man and robbed him of the ability to protect these people the enemies of the west have concocted the most devious of schemes in order to break the western parts does like many of their other plots the scheme begins with their careful use of the media and the promotion of bad role models which are designed to work the western mind was the western mind is broken the enemies of the west can manipulate all facets of Westerman is exactly how the enemies of the west has sought to undermine the western heart and this attack can be summed up in two words white guilt to make the race or culture hate themselves could be the most powerful way to ensure the destruction of that race or culture as it would drop them of their ability to defend themselves and even cause that race or culture to wish for their own destruction is feeling of self pager has been instilled in Westerman by a prolonged in sustained campaign of lies and half truths intended to make Westerman feel guilty for everything he has accomplished everything he is an ultimately for even if nearly existing those who control the media and knows where undermined in hijack the education system have slowly introduced this killed in self moving into almost every level of western consciousness is as been done through several highly effective attacks whichever is emitted from twisted portrayals of slavery the west's colonial past and of course the holy grail of guilt and self loathing the holocaust by rewriting history or by presenting historical snapshots in a manner when they're no longer viewed within the correct context or from the correct perspective the enemies of the west have managed to ensure the generations of western youth actively despised their own ancestors is is of course an attack on a super ego is a super ego is a way of preserving morals values and traditions in assuring that they are passed down from generation to generation by making the young distrust or despise their own ancestors ensures the death of tradition in heritage as you would want to follow in the footsteps of those they painted slavery is the first and most obvious attack and the western heart as something that every western child is made to feel guilty for before we go into any historical detail and a per purely logical level why should any Westerman feel guilty for slavery there is no western man alive who owns an African slave the frilly there is no African alive who is owned or ever has been owned by a western man so why on earth should Westerman feel guilt for something he personally played no part in washer this unpaid for the sins of his father strangely enough those who insist that western mansion pay for the sins of his forefathers both through financial reparations in the burden of the internal guilt by the same people who tell western man that being proud of the positive achievements of his ancestors is both pointless and a logical so Wilson western men cannot show any pride for the achievements of his ancestors is certainly feel guilt and shame or there a legend crimes alleged crimes exactly the point though as the ax western man is accused of perpetrating are often utterly disorder in or taken so far out of context that their portrayal borders on fiction slavery is a clear case in point the established narrative on slavery is that the wicked western man went to the peaceful continent of Africa and rounded up every happy in peace loving African he could find and force them into a life of brutal slavery is indeed true that a tiny minority of western society kept African slaves however to take this out of its historical context is to begin a dangerous live it only means to white guilt in western itself hatred in fact in the United States at the peak of the slave trade just 1.6% of the population owned slaves slavery has existed from the beginning of recorded history and every racial or ethnic group has at one time or another either owned slaves or been enslaved themselves slavery existed in Biblical Times in ancient mesopotamia in ancient Egypt in Rome and throughout the middle ages both slaves and slave traders have come in every color and slaves were often the product of war a concord tribe would often be enslaved by those who conquered them in effect making slaves as oil of war does is make slavery rights of course it doesn't he does play slavery in the correct and historically accurate context is a social phenomenon that existed on a global scale and not as the enemies of the west west wish to portray its Europeans Africans Asians Arabs and east Asians have all at one time or another owned slaves yet it is the European who was beaten with a stick of guilt for is participation in the slave trade was even more contradictory about the established Ruth on slavery in the slave trade is that it was William Wilberforce and English politician and philanthropist who led the movement to have slavery abolished it was western man who abolished slavery and it was Westerman who poured money resources and troops into ensuring that the practice of slavery was combat combated on a global scale despite western men's noble act of opposing slavery in emancipating the slaves or by those living in western nations slavery still exists in a modern slavery slavery is a multibillion dollar industry with its first estimating that up to $35,000,000,000 is generated annually through the trade United Nations estimates that the roughly 27 to 30,000,000 men and women and children are currently caught up in the modern slave trade the slaves are overwhelmingly located in the developing or third world not western nations are the enemies of the west's cellist it is western man who should feel guilty for slavery the same game was expanded to include guilt for western man's colonial past due to the nature of Westerman and the fact he was both a pioneer in explorer it was natural that during exploration Westerman form Colonies around the world Westerman colonized Africa Asia and the Americas and brought advanced civilization to those continents as Westerman colonize foreign lands the farm their planes fish their waters in mind their resources ministry of colonization has been twisted and taken out of context in a similar way to the narrative on slavery the effect of which is to create a black and white story of western man raping foreign lands and stealing the resources and the destiny of the native people who were wrongfully disposed of their birth rights however to paint the picture would be dishonest and misleading as Westerman gave much more than he took money colonized other countries Westerman shared his great technology with every nation he colonized and use that technology to better the lives of the native people Westerman build schools hospitals an infrastructure Westerman gave these countries Medical Care clean running water and sanitation Westerman introduced written language the motor car and farming methods that vastly increased the yield of the natives crops all of these technological marvels improve the lives of the native people and help develop their countries Westerman did take resources from the places he colonized but he gave back just as much as he ever took if not more yet when the enemies of the west talk of colonization they do not talk of the improvements and inventories that Westerman gave to the world is that would make today's western youth proud of their ancestors the enemies of the west talk only of what western man took younger generations are taught that their ancestors were no better than bullies and common fees who stole the wealth of peaceful people were not able to defend themselves against western colonial mites again this teaches Westerman to feel guilt and shame for the actions of his ancestors and ultimately to despise his own many age when it comes to the notion of white guilt nothing is pushed more strongly nor made more prominent in the minds of western people than the holocaust the holocaust is the alleged extermination of six million Jews of the hands of the German people during world war two the level of hysteria that surrounds the holocaust is so great that it is actually a logical illegal is actually illegal in many countries to question any aspect of the college costs authenticity fifth the holocaust is taught in schools and presented in the media as the greatest single act of evil that has ever taken place and of course that it was western man in his drive for nationalism the cause such an evil act to occur the holocaust has been elevated to a level of importance so great that it has its owner worldwide day of remembrance and a multimillion dollar industry exists to push the established narrative the holocaust industry turns out movies books and television shows on a regular basis to ensure that the holocaust is constantly kept in the collective mind of western man the holocaust is particularly important as not only is the holocaust presented as the most evil act with ever taken place with the motivation for this act was not simply greedy or Westerman strive for nationalism join this is the motto of the story is that Westerman zone love for is people and culture and his will for self determination that directly to the greatest crime to ever have taken place in the history of humanity the message imparted to future generations is clear not only should Westerman feel guilty for the crimes of his ancestors who western man's brutality in cruelty is at its worst when he pursues a path of nationalism the important question one must ask is clear in a world where every single detail of history can be questioned debated and investigated why is it that one single historical issue to be off limits for off limits for any kind of debate or investigation and why are those who seek to a debate or investigate the issue threatens with the full force of the law and a loss of their liberties is often said that the troupe does not fear investigation if the holocaust has been elevated to a special level of importance and has become an almost unquestionable truth as if it were a wholly teaching central to a religious cults like a religious cult the industry surrounding the holocaust is so jealous that anyone who dares whisper even the mildest out or the authenticity of any detail of the established holocaust narrative is on are hounded off to an intact until they're made an outcast in shunned by the rest of society the holocaust slavery in colonialism have been used as sticks with which to beat western man and still within him a sense of guilt and self patron is self injured and killed as expressed most easily in a single word hour so powerful that it can silence any man and in a debate and once uttered against a man can literally make him a pariah Edward is racist the word racist is so powerful that grown men cower when a year is used as a weapon against them that were racist is the modern day equivalent of the word which just as the accusation of being a witch goods see an individual face eight death sentence today the accusation of being a racist can cause an individual to lose their job need to their their incarceration in prison and ultimately isolate them and leave them as an outcast from society which is like the accusation of being a witch there is very little defense one can use when accused of being a racist other than to grovel creek and bag in the most grave in manner that were racist has turned Westerman into a creature that can only be equated with the wits and a longer on the cry of that one word western man rolls over and bags for mercy just as an abused animal would white guilt sell patron in the word races have been used to break the western heart and subdue western bravery and courage in order to prevent Westerman from standing up in the defense of his own people Westerman is now so cowed that he dare not speak out against any foreign enemy or threat to its people for fear of being branded a racist there is no better example of this than in the northern town of rougher ham over 1400 western girls were systematically groomed sexually assaulted and raped by Muslim men who were overwhelmingly of a foreign dissents look at this were in a series of acts and examine them in more detail and ask what was truly shocking about these horrendous crimes which a truly shocking that Kings of Muslims

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