in #audiobooks6 years ago

linktr.ee/magicmikemazz you're not a social or religious Contra stroked a reflective natural urge with two which religion sought to enshrine in law for the good of society is is another example of how religion and state enacted laws around natural western callings and sought to further strengthen and ratify the structures Westerman had involved in order to strengthen western society and very real sense marriages the ratification of nature's calling a two parent family bonded by love for life marriage made in socially unacceptable scourge to stray from one's partner marriage enshrined to loving couple in the very concept of being spiritually bound to a single partner for life became part of the western super ego western man's collective consciousness and the society as a whole frowned on those who gave into their carnal desires and looked up two and praised those who prospered as clean living monogamous monogamous couples those who chose to break the code of marriage those issues a life of promiscuity and gave in to their aid were scored by society men and women who had many sexual partners were looked down on in seen a sturdy as a result they were shunned by society but it was not just society that punish the sexually promiscuous natured and also those who had been the Parkers and slick around were more likely contract sexually transmitted diseases which reduce their capacity to reproduce an even shorten that span both society and the natural world apply pressure on western lands in order to promote a monogamous lifestyle those failing to live in a monogamous life were punished either by the collective consciousness or by nature itself measure the effect it would have on western society of natural and loving monogamous relationships were undermined Majid of sex became just a carnal desire and was divorced from love and emotion imagine if everything in western society was centralized in order to tempt individuals into giving in to their aid will set the same time the super ego was undermined in an effort to create a society where wild promiscuous sex was the acceptable norm is would undermine marriage social cohesiveness and most important made lasting monotonous relationships and the heart of western society the nuclear family that you do not have to imagine the scenario the enemies of the west are doing just this you the constant centralization of literally everything we view and interact with and the relentless pushing a pornography nudity and sexually charged material the enemies of the west have undermined loved and a loving relationship an attempt to reduced Westerman to a mere sexual beasts who craves to refill the animalistic desires of the aid central to this attack on society and one of the greatest negative influences on both society and the individual is pornography the broader fee is the one of these were the most destructive influences on the western super ego pornography is simply sex for the sake of sex pure carnal desires being fulfilled in a soulless and often degrading and a based manner are neither fee does not have a conscience for the targeting that is by its very nature promiscuous and the more partners and often the more people that are involved in the sex act the better when a graffiti fuels they did and undermines the super ego as such it is highly addictive the sex acts carried out in photographic films are not natural and loving sex acts between monogamous partners but are often brutal and unnatural the women employed by the porn industry are more often than not extremely beautiful and the acts they partake in are extremely degrading humiliating and in many cases on natural pornography is not just an attack on the super ego in the foundation of the loving relationship that is a way in which the enemies of the west can revel in the degradation objectification and humiliation of beautiful western females the first thing that is noted about pornography is the number of sexual partners each individual plans the sex acts depicted in pornography are not between monogamous partners but instead both men and women have dozens of got hundreds of sexual partners over their career is sexual variety is that scene as desirable by those who watch pornography the idea that it is desirable to have one sexual partner satisfies the every need of their lover is jettisoned for the notion that satisfaction comes from many different partners while fulfill a different need in perform a different sexual role the next highly damaging influence associated with pornography comes from the way in which men and women have sex on camera sexy vault to be a loving act not an act of violence or degradation yet in pornography sexes more often than not degrading and violence women are dragged around sodomized an integrated in a way that would not make a female feel loved but instead maker feel used and worthless often more than just two people are involved in these acts making the sex acts the very opposite of a loving embrace the effect of this is for men to see women not as loving partners in six not as a loving act but to see women as objects to degrade and humiliate and for sex to be violence and based there is also no doubt that the enemies of the west to push this filth get some six satisfaction from watching usable western women's being degraded and humiliated and violent sexual acts in which they are treated like pieces of meats the females to star in these films are unloved on valued and ultimately are portrayed as nothing more than solace sexual objects finally setup for the sake of sex is not fulfilling to manage of all to be satisfied but natural and loving sex was there exists a greater bond between the couple involved than simply physical attraction pornography removes that natural component of the sexual experience and thus is not truly fulfilling pornography becomes like a drug is addictive in the hide less a short while but never these two lasting fulfillment so it needs to be indulged in more and more often and the nature of the material fewer often becomes more and more extreme as the viewer searches for new experiences fifth as a drug addict becomes used to a drug smaller and less potent doses have a set of an effect over time causing the attic to seek out larger doses or stronger stimulants the same happens to the porn addict overtime softer and more restrained images and scenes have left some in effect in the attic seeks out material that pushes the envelope of degeneracy even further this overexposure to sexual material drives perversion and sick fetishism urge further working the mind of those who indulge in such material about but the problem is everyone indulges in this whether they wish two or not as Westerman is now surrounded by pornography and sexually explicit material pornography is no longer restricted to dirty backstreet stores and sweaty truck stops said a pornography is now part of the mainstream or stars are now seen as celebrities and held up as twisted role models and what would once have been seeing a sexually explicit material is now shown on Primetime television all of this fuels the eight increasing increases Westerman strive for sex and sexual release western man's collective consciousness and super ego are further damage as those with AIDS Southern society look to fulfill their carnal desires as many times as possible with as many pop partners as possible rather than forming loving bonds with a single partner the biggest victim of the strive to centralize western society is the nuclear family again the cornerstone of western civilization is under attack where are the feminists to ask the Femina should surely be up in arms over pornography and marching on those who produce it's a rather fee is sexually degrading and objectify as women presenting them is near pieces of meat that is simply there to satisfy male sexual desires however the feminists are suspicion is silence say there is to attack in picket beauty pageants are nowhere to be seen when it comes to opposing pornography beauty pageants are however not sexual beauty pageant seek to uphold western beauty as an ideal you're part of the deification of the western female beauty package pageants to look the natural and high ideal of a beautiful and feminine female as a role model an ideal sell for young females feminism hits femininity and beauty as those are womanly virtues future virtues of the feminist seeks to supplant as a push for the female to become ever more masculine to us the feminist attacks the beauty pageant and scores the noble practice of holding up natural beauty and worshiping true femininity the feminist a silent on the degrading practices and sexual violence of the porn industry is is quite simply because both feminism and pornography our work is used to destroy the west and attack the western and nuclear family goes behind feminism and pornography are one in the same level of socialization within society and the availability of sexually explicit material and pornography is frightening is a sure sign of the total moral decay of western society sexualized images sexual themes in an increasingly sexualized sense of attire stirs and arouses the animalistic purges of the in the highly centralized society would be bad enough if it were just adults that were exposed to its adults with healthy and developed super egos could withstand much of the bombardment of sexualized material as the moral values they held we keep their aid in check however the centralization of society's extended to young people and even children more and more children are exposed to centralize themes sexualized role models sexual acts depicted on television and film and even hardcore pornography which is now readily available and easy to access for anyone with the most basic technological skills this leads to the instruction tells innocence in the centralization of children this has eight usually damaging effect on this developing super ego in the parts the warped moral values of promiscuous and unnatural sex being healthy normal and desirable does take the following lyrics is an example of the sexually charged with serial children are exposed two this comes from the chart topping song by riada a novel to millions of young girls and a global mega star was sold over 200,000,000 albums and singles her song as Saddam was a global megahit and enjoyed huge radio play in massive exposure on television the lyrics are as followed his eye may be dead but I'm perfectly good on its sex in the Air I don't care I love the smell of its sticks and stones may break my bones the chains and whips and excite me the AMA is a role model to young girls and SNMP is a song that millions of these impressionable and often prepubescent girls would have listened two and sang along two the song is highly sexualized and its themes are bond is sex and sadomasochism yet it is a pop song in aimed at youngsters the centralization of children teaches young boys that females are pieces of meat to be objective fine and that to have as many Parkers as possible is a noble and healthy pursuit that forces the mail into thinking the females are not to be loved and cherished where they are simply as sex objects the socialization of young girls teaches them they should be stationed present themselves in a sexualized manner for the pleasure of young man in the sexual tension on an animal level should be desirable and sought after this leads to an alternate Alt utterly warped sense of moral values that are presented to children damages the formation of their super ego without a well developed super ego youngsters are left answering to the call of their ad which leads them to pursue up half of selfish and destructive pleasure will mix is even more damaging is that the drive to centralize children cannot occur in a society where there are healthy role models the journal figures in safeguards to steer children back in the right direction young girls now dress akin to little strippers and young boys fantasize about sex and to never younger age is become normal for sexual relations to start at a younger and younger age when those taking part in them are not mentally developed enough to either truly understand the consequences of their actions or to deal with those consequences should they occur western civilization was built on the healthy to parent family were strong a mature adults raise children imparted a healthy super ego to those children yet when children are still learning developing and having their super ego imparted to them you're not ready to have their own children were children to become parents an attempt to raise their own children when they themselves are not fully mentally developed is a recipe for disaster a child is not suited to overseeing the mental and social development of another human being of our children to be placed in positions of parental responsibility as a further sign of a decaying society mentally underdeveloped children now seek unnatural sexual relations fueled by their exposure to pornography and centralized images presented by the media these youngsters create warped unnatural and often degrading sexual encounters which take place without love or emotional value these children do not care for the consequences of their actions and are not capable of dealing with those consequences if they occur this actualization of western youth as were the most grotesque and damaging attacks on western man in western civilization all the sexual relationships for once confined to the bedroom and took place between two consenting and loving adults that had made a commitment to be with one another sex is now open a leased unleashed in a way that has not seen before in as though longer subject to any social confines is in no holds barred anything goes free for all that affects every aspect of our daily lives as western society has become hyper sexualized healthy living in natural sexual relations that evolved and developed within western society are no throw to one side and replaced by unnatural sex that seeks to only please the body with no concern for the heart mind your soul the super ego that an importer them moral value that sex should be between two people were in a loving and stable relationship is being undermined any aid now reigns supreme as people clamor for ever more sexual gratification with as many Parkers as possible is not only undermines the family and puts at risk the moral fortitude of the next generation but also undermines our own sexual and mental health as received out increasingly to pray the ax to refill and in that he's never truly satisfied however the greatest casualty of this sexual revolution is the young that only to the young suffer as a divorce rate rises and more and more single parent families are created through wild sexual encounters between individuals who rarely think of the consequences of their actions of a young also suffer as their minds or work due to exposure to highly sexualized content in the media and the increasing availability of pornography and other influences that the enemies of the west have quite forced foisted upon western society it's th the destruction of the loving and healthy sexual relationship undermines the very core of western society humans are a higher form of being a sex has evolved from an animalistic sexual act to a spiritual and loving coming together of two compatible individuals of a was love is removed from the sexual equation your reduce back to the level of animals and what more could the enemies of the west want them to see Westerman reduced to the level of debased cattle fifth 14 the loss of the western mind fifth the enemies of the west have sought to undermine western civilization by attacking its very foundations the same devious individuals have also were to undermine the structures and Scaife guards that have been erected in order to protect and strengthen western society the aim of this wicked scheme is to destroy the western super ego western man's highly developed share mental consciousness by breaking the western soup to Abrego the enemies of the west seek to erase western culture and the traditions and moral values that have been passed down from generation to generation within western society was the culture that binds western men together as a group that allows those within society tutor to relate to one another instead of western civilization sell not long follow it and Westerman will face extinction western man base is losing his mind body soul is once mighty western hearts is a vis for components is an important part of what made Westerman the indomitable tight and he once was in or to break the four components that Midwestern man such a tight and yet to be the enemies of the west had to devise a way of twisting western man's mind nor to make Westerman susceptible to ideas that would otherwise seem insane to given some people to abandon their partners and families to give it some people to abandon their communities and culture and to give its females to rebel against their male counterparts would undermine any society ultimately these attacks on the west or attempt to break the western super ego is such a group of concerted attack said to be carefully planned in carefully executed usually these attacks had to begin somewhere on where the attack and western society began with the attack on the western mind the first logical place to strike is the psyche as once the mind is reduced in its capacity to reason and the hearted mental fortitude of a people is turn to jelly those people can be convinced of anything is letting people and manipulating them by force was keeping them and change is difficult and requires huge amounts of Manpower and resources to enslave Westerman by subjugated him physically and putting him in change would be unthinkable Westerman could not have been tamed or defeated by any other race or culture on the planet in a conventional and physical sense but imagine a situation where the mind of Westerman was slowly broken down over time and that chains placed upon him were not physical but mental when the case and held him was not 1 May of iron horse deal but was an invisible and intelligible form of mental bondage the control his mind what could be a more ideal form of slavery than one that does not require chains bar is in constant supervision but instead the slave is kept in place by his own subservient mental states but why would this devious trick be even even more impressive if the slave didn't even realize he was a slave instead found himself to be three for a man to believe he was free when in fact he was actually enslaved would be the greatest Rick never pulled the most powerful cage that can be placed around a man is the illusion that he is in fact three when a man believes he is free you would never seek to escape his cage or rebel against his captor was more once the mind is enslaved and has a reduced capacity for reason than thoughts ideas and notions can easily be implanted in the mind regardless of their of their merits was the mine has been lost the other constituent parts of western man the body soul and heart can be attacked with these by means of simply implanting further negative thoughts in the enslaved and impressionable minds Westerman did not lose his mind overnights he was in subdued and days weeks or even years into decades of careful manipulation and brainwashing for him to be subdued to the degree he is today at first western man's mind was not bombarded with damaging material the first western man was tripped and mental poison in overtime those trips became a flow and greater time the flow became a torrents the poison fed to Westerman was a highly toxic message of false moral values that to him by the mass media fifth over decades the enemies of the west would seek who control the media have manipulated everything western man has seen read and heard the brainwashing process has been slow but it has been stunningly effective in brainwashing western man underwent was not in ministered in an overt way people were not dragged out of their homes at night and forced into who logs where they were subjected to mental torture against their will western man was not chained two walls were tide tables screaming in agony as his captors beat new ideas into him Westerman was brainwashed in the comfort of his own home in fact he shows to turn on the device that imparted that brainwashing and he willingly gathered around it with his wife and family Westerman was not the worst was not believe you're beaten and he went willingly to the RE education classes the mass media is firmly in the grasp of the enemies of the west the film industry the music industry the broadcasting media and the press are all under the control of those who wish to see the Westphal these different arms of the media use their respective channels to poison the minds of the western populace in consummate about a torrent of damaging material intent on poisoning the western mind is is not a new phenomenon that has not been something that has come up about over the last five years five or 10 years but is a longstanding and developed attack is been taking place for decades was more this attack is accelerated as the media's power has increased to two technological advancements in the increasingly connected nature of the world that very earliest hit films that were churned out by the devious minds in Hollywood pushed in a destructive agenda which Lewis go back to 1955 and examine an early film that turned the head of Westerman and introduced a rebellious role model into the minds of the western youth with the express intention of fostering a division between father and son and creating a generation gap the film was rebel without a cause the four of the film perch shaded done troubled young teenager who couldn't relate to his father and mother and didn't want to follow in their footsteps the study chose to rebel against society societies authority figures and established way of life yet crucially the rebel was the one without a cause the rebel didn't fight for noble or were the reasons was simply rebellion for the sake of its the rebel was fighting against adjust fair and decent the rebel was not fighting against your any or an impressive and cruel master who was fighting against adjust fair and decent vision of society the film was set in an era when a strong and cohesive community a stable to parents' home in a smooth running society were still more or less the norm rebel without a cause went against all these healthy western pillars of strength with four portrayal of its main character that into the titular rebel Jim stark being an underage truck was disrespectful to authority figures and his parents choose smoked in stark smoked cigarettes race cars got into knife fights and would storm out of his parents' house whenever he pleased is kind of behavior was an unheard of at the time especially the middle class setting where the film was to place should start was not the typical teenager use a fantasy figure trumped up in the minds of devious man who wish to greet division within western society all of the traits that and start displayed went against every establish ideal of the time essentially showcasing exactly how a team should not act teens at the time did not act in the way Jim stark acted in the character was not a betrayal portrayal of an ideal or normal teen so why make a film showing how not to act out not to behave and poured trading in negative role model to millions the movie became a sensation in the main character Jim stark became a role model to millions of impressionable youngsters who wish to follow in his footsteps this is just an early example of how the media influences young people and creates tension within society by fostering divisions that previously did not exist as we've already discussed at length western society places great importance of a bowl of the family units for and on the father being a strong disciplinarian and role model but even as far back as 1955 the poison was being poured out by Hollywood and the family unit was being undermined by turning children against their parents and creating a generation gap the generation gap was to ensure that different generations of western society were not relate to each other the generation gap is not conducive to a well running society the cohesive society passes down its morals values and traditions from generation to generation so to create a gap between those generation it's jeopardizes the passing down of that little information the generation gap jeopardize the continuation of western culture and damage the western super ego that have been passed down over calmest centuries as four were 40 years and is damaging films were still being made the year was 1995 in the film kids was released kids is yet another film about youth rebellion the film centered on a group of teens led by two friends tally and Casper the group are age 12 years and up and are sexually active shoplift abuse drugs and go as far as to beat a man to death in a park despite case being released 40 years after Gemstar caused a stir in cinema as the masses pushed by cases starling least similar to the masses pushed my rebel without a cause youth rebellion the big difference between the two films is not their core message with their Tony graphic nature kids dramatically showcases just how far the enemies of the west have been able to push back the barriers of what is acceptable within western society had his been made and released in 1955 there would have been riots but in 1995 the film's release only created mild controversy which probably only serve to gain the Fillmore publicity rebel without a cause was not alone in pushing the message of rebellion was accompanied by other similar films rebel without a cause was also accompanied by rock and roll a musical revolution that pushed similar an equally destructive theme as to those being pumped out by Hollywood earlier we talked about the destructive lyrics that a push by a role models within the music industry in the message that those role models in part to young impressionable fans we discussed the lyrics of a handful of very popular songs and what message store clerks imparted to young impressionable listeners but again this trend is nothing new Nelson began in the fifties with groups like bill Haley and the comments when it hit with a song rock around the clock by today's standards rock around the clocks seems pretty chain but after close examination of the songs message is clear to see that the moral the song is to party all night with little or no regard for the consequences to its is clear where modern music evolved from and where the rights of modern barracks lie us rock around the clock seems like nothing compared to the filth pushed by the Gough of both have to be seen in context list bill Haley saying simply about rocking around the clock the guy that takes this message to the next level and sings of being so drop she has lost are phone her keys and about how she doesn't even know where she is what our conclusion is to just dance be the guy that does indeed go further go far further than bill Haley and the comets ever did but at the core of both songs is the same message party endlessly and premier pursue had in ism the big difference between the two songs is simply Havel the envelope of taste has been pushed and how explicit the message has become what pushes the envelope in terms of taste and morality now have been completely taboo or even unthinkable 40 or 50 years ago the goalie would push the envelope in the 1950s will be seen as tame or even laughable now those who attacked the mind of Westerman had done so slowly and methodically draws simple analogy they've cooked the mind of Westerman is one would boil frog if you were to throw a frog into a pot of boiling water in which a bounce in a bid to escape in states if however you where to place the frog and the pot is slowly turn up the heat it was sat smiling until was boiled to death fifth at the mental assault on Westerman begun with a torrent of obvious an outrageous degeneracy that people would have been less likely to accept what was being pushed to the assault on decency started slowly an increased over time but at this point is to be hammered home further said the imagine taking recording of lady gaga dinner and expect to the 1950s and trying to explain to those living then that made the dow would be the acceptable standard in the early 21st century that those who wish to see western civilization crumble would tell you that the process you were reading about is simply progress indeed the message being pushed has progressed with a progression is anything but positive there is however one area where western society does seem to carry out progressing and that is in the sphere of technology savvy enough the enemies of the west have used this technology against western man and Westerman zone industrious an inventive nature has been turned against him were the most influential and world changing inventions of the 20th century wispy the decline of the west exponentially that invention was the television without being produced two warp the western mine is no longer confined to the big screen or the radio button poison was now being beamed into homes and mesmerizing families who gathered around this new technological marvel of the shows broadcast none were more addictive run more destructive than the soap opera details of ordinary people's lives and always seem to showcase the worst and most degenerate the aspects of society and play them out as if they were the norm the main characters that define soap operas are an emphasis on family life personal relationships sexual dramas and emotional and moral conflicts but critically soap operas also address social issues that occur within society week in and week out soap operas of the most you programs on television and trolling cute audience sees who increased increasingly buy into the plots and characters as if those plots in characters were all real now a vision of a show that placed an emphasis on family life already showcased the worst of family life rather than showcasing cohesive families they got on with one another the source the show centered on families that argued families where the mother and father had extramarital affairs family this toll families this toll from each other and families were the children sought to undermine their parents is exactly what the soap opera does is a series of intertwining stories the showcase negative drama that would be undesirable in any functioning family units over time the soap opera seeks to normalize negative behavior instill a sense of false reality to the viewer the goal of the soap opera is to make the viewer believed that the families being portrayed on the screen are normal and that their behavior is acceptable is repeated messages slowly creep into the collective consciousness of those to sit glued to their televisions with the intention of altering the actions and behavior of the viewer over time that you are becomes used to sing families fighting couples cheating on one another and friction between individuals within a community that you are eventually sees such behavior is normal and as a result begins to replicate this negative behavior within their day to day life soap operas us to present other social issues in a light that serves the agenda of the enemies of the west whether it is the acceptance of abortion divorce almost issue elysee or the normalization of the multicultural society soap operas are always the first to broach the subjects as the film's soap opera star pushing their message in a moderate fashion and then pushed the envelope further and further in the 1960s coronation street a prominent British soap opera featured its first divorce and was the first Primetime shows in the UK to depict a suicide in 1998 coronation street introduced its first transsexual character the right years of the soaps continue to push the envelope further and further just as the writers in the film and music industries do fifth to eighth soap operas have been engineered to highlight and glorify social discord within the family unit in the community they almost always focus on Nevin negative facets of society and promote gossip and dishonesty soap operas also have the additional role of pushing negative social issues upon an unwitting audience much in the same way films do is simply go so on a more regular and sustained basis what make soap operas even more dangerous is that over time the lines between reality and fantasy have become increasingly blurred in the minds of the viewer when the coronation street character did a Barlow was wrongfully imprisoned on the show is part of the plot there was public outcry in 1000 sign petitions for her to be three people printed tee shirt calling for release in one complete idiot even donated 5000 pounds to a fund calling for her freedom however the most god smacking moment came when the then prime Minister Tony Blair wade into the debate and demanded an inquiry into her conviction is was then echoed by National Newspapers that soon joined for the campaign for her freedom this is shows the devastating mental fact that television and film have had on the western mind an increasing number of people cannot even differentiate between what is reality in what his fiction and these people actually see characters portrayed by actors and actresses as real live people who face real life problems and issues when people view fantasy as reality and fantasy they view possibly pushes on negative message of discord division and actions that are not conducive to a stable society that any wonder western society has fallen so far is worth noting that over 17,000,000 people tuned in to watch coronation street is see how the 84 rich and story play out the people being affected by this nonsense are not simply an isolated minority not all people watch soap Stowe and many people can still see that the soap opera is a work of fiction but it isn't just fictional works of television and film that seek to work the mind of Western Maine News and current of the programs are also used to the same affect the very programs that are meant to report the news insert political and social messages into their comp commentary which are invariably on conducive to a healthy western mind and the continued existence of western man the news is always told from a narrow perspective and current affairs are always presented with a narrow political spectrum that always leads to the left a little color commentators are nearly always on board with the message that the enemies of the west wish to push and on the rare occasion when a dissenting voices allowed to challenge the perl of feeling dogma that voices quickly shouted down in ridiculed current affair shows and debates even go as far as having specially selected audiences that she ran through on demand in order to give the appearance that the public support the charade that is taking place is control debates and narrow discussions on current affairs in the state of the nation are to give the illusion of choice again Westerman believes he is fraying Westerman believes there is choice and believes that there is genuine discourse between those who hold different opinions however the stores course is no different than watching a choreographed fight where the outcome is predetermined the current affairs debates all rules and a leading to the same destination was that the same time giving the illusion of freedom and choice the western mind has been broken by a sustained attack by the media that only has the message presented by the media been negative and destructive but that message has consistently become more and more negative and destructive overtime the enemies of the west have been ever more on gashes of dishes in pushing me up envelope and consistently pushed the boundaries of taste plumbing new lows with each passing year despite the media's output being evermore degenerates the core message has remained the same is always been one designed to undermine it and break the western super ego the truly shocking revelation surrounding the media's control of western man's mind is witnessed in the fact that huge numbers of western people in no longer differentiate fantasy from reality the public sit glued to their televisions believing that what actors portray on the screen is actually a rail this is the extent to which Westerman has been brainwashed in his mind warped Westerman will never sit in chains in shackles made of iron because they are not necessary Westerman already sits in a cage that has been constructed in his own minds Westerman is a prisoner of the media if Westerman is to ever free himself and rise again the stock was to be break the speed to break the mental chains placed upon him Westerman was freed his mind and clear the misty fog and clouds is judgment to defeat the enemies of the west Westerman must first be able to see through the lies he has been told and understand the pitfalls placed in front of him the first thing western men must do is break free from the media's iron grip for 15 the loss of the western body fifth the health of any group society or nation depends on both the physical and mental health of the people who make up that group society or nation the great civilizations that grew and prospered did so because of the quality of the people that bill them strong and physically healthy people build great civilizations week sick in feeble people build nothing was a great civilization has risen and takes an equally strong people to defend that civilization is a civilization rises in the accomplishments of this civilization become ever greater the enemies of the civilization become ever more eager to tear it down that follows it if the people that build great civilizations come become weak sick in feeble that it is only a matter of time before those civilizations full read to their enemies the strike and steel of the western body was forced in the early days of Westerman when the earliest of western man's ancestors lived in the harsh frozen lands of Northern Europe the stage was set for only the strongest and most industrious to survive those who couldn't survive the biting cold dig through the frozen ground or hunt in a harsh conditions were doomed in their bluff lines were wiped out as they didn't survive for one unable to see ensure the survival of their offspring the brutal natural selection process led to several traits the inventiveness of the western mind the drive to form the nuclear family and of course the development of great physical strength and fitness that allow western man to cope with the environments in which he lived as western men learn to be inventive and industrials industrious is Westerman flew to form a lifelong bonds with his partners and to protect his offspring Yasser learn to be physically strong as time moved on the strong and healthy western body that have been forged in the hearts environment Tal conditions of Northern Europe saw Westerman become a mighty warrior that dominated the battlefield Westerman not only built great civilization and fought rate wars with his neighbors real so conquered in colonized the rest of the world where these great one sees great gains were made western men Ben needed to defend his expanded territory often against overwhelming odds none of these achievements would have been possible if the western body had been weak sick or feeble western and achievements were not confined simply to the battlefield Westerman was also a great explorer not content with his immediate horizon is sought to expand those arise and until every corner of the globe had been discovered when Vasco Da Gama who discovered the sea route to India to Christopher Columbus who discovered the Americas to Robert falcons got who led expeditions to Antarctica into admin Hillary was the first man to climb mount Everest Westerman discovered the world in concord its harshest environments these incredible achievements were not the feats of west of weak man who were achieved by those were great physical and mental fortitude was more these great feats were achieved without the advanced technology of the modern era jury by sea was treacherous and ships were manned by crews were pushed to their physical limits minutes there will be tested even before when they reach their destinations and mounted brave and daring expeditions through uncharted territories enemies of any nation know that to weaken the bodies of the people who make up that nation were undermined the nation itself by making a people week by robbing them of their ability to defend themselves and my poisoning or breaking their bodies the community in which those people live is put at risk and becomes increasingly attractive prayed to potential predators and how can the enemies of the west effectively go about weakening the physical form of Western Maine has discussed earlier the first logical place to strike is the mind is once the mind is reduced in this capacity to reason and a hard and mental fortitude of a people is turn to jelly those people can be convinced of anything the attack and the western body has intensified as the Southern Mining has been overcome a week and mental state allows for a subject to be manipulated far more easily as the mind has been conquered unhealthy ideas and theories which would once have been disregarded by an ABL mind can easily be implanted in seen as healthy whereas the healthy mind will reject notions that would be to the harm of the individual and the destruction of the individuals body young and healthy mind can easily be as persuaded that these destructive notions are in fact sound the old phrase healthy mind healthy body rings true in the mind is healthy so will be the body as the outward reflection of your mental health and strength is a strong and healthy body the enemies of the west know this Yasser know that by defeating both the mind in the body of Westerman Westerman will completely be at the mercy of his enemies and simply be a shadow of his former self to convince a sane man to ingest poison and to convince him to commit insane in self destructive acts will be difficult if nay on impossible however to convince an insane man to ingest poison in harm himself for self destructive acts would be like pushing at an open door the enemies of the west know this and that is why they set about destroying western man's mind first and foremost as with the west house with the mind broken and width then be so much easier to destroy western man's was healthy body just as Westerman has been enslaved by subtle and devious means and held in servitude by invisible chains and cages that exist only in his mind western man's body is not poisoned by forced either no one is tried off to medical facilities and tie to beds to have their poise and administered by force no one has their nose held in the pool poisoned or down their throat against their will in fact quite the opposite is true Westerman takes his own poison without the need for force as he willfully destroys his own body and acts that amount to more no more than self arm was proud strong and healthy western warrior and explorer is now an obese an unhealthy slob confined to as counts as those who control the mass media pump ever more garbage into its head and the shovels and more more garbage into his mouth as a result of this the western populations level off a physical fitness has declined dramatically over the last few decades and the size of western man's waste has increased considerably the changing shape and the attitude to the changing shape of Westerman can most easily be illustrated by looking at an interesting relic of our past the carnival freak show at the beginning of the 20th century these freak shows Ford Southern nations displaying the odd and the perverse it was not uncommon for lease freak shows to feature a fat man who patrons of the Carvel found unbelievable the fat man was considered freakish and large beyond belief and average size folks actually paid for the privilege of looking at him hit by today's standard the fat man would seem normal and one would not have to pay to see him in fact one would only need to take a trip to any supermarket where dozens of hugely obese men and women can be observed filling their trolleys with mountains of sugary in fatty snacks that have little you too shall value and act as a slow working poison on the individuals once healthy body the enemies of the west had pushed the envelope with health just as they pushed the envelope with the poise and they poured into the western mind does is it became acceptable to push ever degenerate nonsense and both music in film he has become more and more acceptable to become increasingly unhealthy this acceptance for obesity and a healthy living is even culminated in what is termed the body except its movements the western obesity epidemic is not just reducing the capacity of Westerman is a fighter a pioneer in explorer but it also brings with it a myriad of health problems obesity literally destroys the human body and places massive strain on the structures and organs within leading to heart disease respiratory problems diabetes and a weakened immune system fifth in extensive cases obesity can even lead to problems of a greater medic magnitude which actually reduce the individual to being bedridden resulting in that individual being as helpless as a newborn child and requiring round the clock care the kind is kind of gluttony represents another triumph of the aid over the super ego easing is a natural drive and as such is governed by the aid is as desire that we wish to satisfy and when a desire is satisfied me feel good however I developed super ego would control the desire to eat and curb overindulgence with a super ego is weakened me it can take control we seek constant satisfaction and as a result the individual simply eats as a form of pleasure without a thought for the consequences the it is of course only concerned with short term immediate satisfaction in a such needs to be constrained the aid is selfish and greedy and not concerned with longer term goals and prospects you actions illustrate this as well as gluttony the short term desire to fulfill the urge to meet and to gain in this pleasure from overeating are in complete contradiction to the long-term welfare health and survival of the individual and develop super ego is a morality and thus keeps the aid and check the reminds us not to be greedy and politeness he developed super ego also contains our vision of our ideal self do which we worked for becoming and what can be less of an ideal self and a bloated greedy unfit individual who was played by health problems yet increasingly Westerman is that bloated individual and that represent a trend for both the aid and the enemies of the west agreed often goes hand in hand with laziness and where their food is concerned nothing could be more evidence not only are people eating farm more with the rating is far worse for them the drive for quick and easy satisfaction from food has led to the increasing availability of unhealthy fast food they did with chemical preservatives artificial flavors huge amounts of sugar and salt and very little genuine nutritional value these artificial foods arm very much like drugs be given instant sugary and chemical high which sets the pleasure receptors in the bloody all lights but that was soon wears off and on like a healthy meal they can satisfy an individual for the best part of the day of the snacks only provide charm saddest and it's only the individual craving more of the same just like a drug user the food and creates more an ever larger portions of unhealthy food in a desperate effort to satisfy their cravings of course these unhealthy options are also constantly promoted by the enemies of the west through the television and the media western mind is bombarded with Evarts many of which are aimed at young children in order to correct their young minds and give them hope to early on poisonous junk food and a healthy snacks is not enough that was tuneful are being poisoned interned from healthy people into an overweight and unhealthy collection of food annex but now the same people who gave us bad role models media poison and feminism now tell us that that is beautiful and health can come at any size as western beauty and the many amenities attacked them degrading sexual practices in pornography is also attacked through the promotion of unhealthy living and obesity the western female was deified for her beauty and her femininity aspiring generations of western society are being the subject of western poetry song literature and arts wills the western female had natural curves she was not covered in roles of unsightly facts you see a bloated and swollen female is to see a perversion of beauty of twisted vision of what women tune into being in what men should aspire to be with you now feminists and those behind the negative role models foisted upon our youth give us the bust size model fact activist and the before mentioned body acceptance movement of plus size model is in itself an oxymoron a model is by its very definition of thing used as an example to follow for imitate its hull honor of the senate for weight reedy self indulgent in the healthy individual an example to follow are imitates the insular his simple they are not that neither are the all their own role models being pushed upon impressionable and young minds will stop there and I'm reading the pull of western man by mark collapse and I'm mike zone thanks for listening

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