5 Types of Viewers Always Nongol Pas Nobar Ball
football matches that often suck people's attention. Especially for fierce matches in various prestigious competitions, such as, the top European Champions League League, World Cup.
Almost every weekend wrote, there are certain groups of fans who always ngadain watching together alias nobar.
in fact, the soccer enthusiasts, have their own trademark, and are in some type. Anyway, consciously unconscious, these types will be really good if there really nobar fit.
1. Fanatic Viewers
This one type of audience, there must be deh in almost every nobar. Viewers are fanatical, usually dateng to the location of nobar by wearing a team-supported patterned accessories. Akserorisnya also not arbitrary, just full deh, ranging from scarves, jersey, until the flag.
In addition to the super-complete accessories, fanatical audiences will also be noisy deh, because they will sing and continue along the nobar.
2.The audience wished for years

I was noisy because nyanyiin chants, if this type of audience this one, just really bawel with all his comments. Yep, everything that is witnessed pas nobar, going to be commented on the same with them.
In fact, so bawelnya, they are so impressed tau really. "Left opera, let's go left, why do not you kick, can not play what tuh people," the sentence will usually be diucapin if the players from the team supported ngelakuin mistakes.
3. Expressive Viewers

This one type of audience, emang rarely sounds if longer nobar. But, do not get me wrong first, without sound does not mean not enjoy nobar. Yep, although secretly wrote, they are just so expressive audience really know!
Clay from body gestures and facial expression. If the team backed up again, their expression must be like that. Continue if survived from the opponent's attack, they will immediately sigh.
4. Attendance Participants

If you think, in the nobar the audience on the ball all, obviously wrong. Yep, among the participants nobar, there are also people who just just follow-up aja, not even understand the ball at all you know!
Viewers like this, usually just silent if longer nobar.
They are even more busy playing hp rather than watching the ball. Their expressions are also going to be normal aja, if there is a golin too, most just a smile-smile wrote.
5. Dating Audience

This type of viewer, I think the place really deh. More excited-he cried watching the ball, eh they even just cool dating. Worse yet, if the girlfriend who brought it was really beautiful, the atmosphere would be more nobar not conducive.
Nobody's participants, the majority of the guys. Although again the focus of watching the ball, hunting instinct of the boys of course remain active as well. If there is one pretty girl wrote there, certainly a lot of participants nobar whose views will pass.