2 Attributes Your Driving Instructor
Experience: Experience is undoubtedly one of the most necessary criteria for an instructor to have. A lot of drivers can have excellent driving skills, but that does not make them a competent instructor in any way. They must have a niche of instructing the learners. Experience of guiding makes them know the type of driving skills that can be provided to you for enhancing your spirit of learning. Having an expertise also let the instructors assess the challenges of learning to drive beforehand and help you to overcome those smoothly.
2.Having the lack of adequate confidence is quite reasonable in the case of learners. Nervousness is undoubtedly another weakness the learners are sure to have for the first few days of the lessons when they are yet to learn the necessary skills of driving. The supportive local driving instructors will not let you lose the confidence. You will find them by your side, making you aware of the mistakes you have made while learning the skills in a disciplined way.
The experience is learned through participation. @cleverbot knowledge and skill is what allows you to be able to teach. With experience you can also advise.
Thanks for advice
You are right, but I am not a AI.
nice bro