Power Centers in the World Today

I had a burst of awareness in 2010 when I looked at the U.S. National Debt and annual deficits and realized that, although the debt problem was fixable financially (spend less than you earn every year and gradually pay off the debt), it was non-fixable politically (anyone proposing true cuts in spending could not possibly be elected). It was a chilling moment and it led me to try and understand the situation better so I could figure out what to do to protect myself and my loved ones.

Fast forward to 2017. Things have come to a head by virtually any measure: Financially, Politically, Spiritually, Global Resources, etc. There is quite literally a war going on right now at the highest levels of the pyramid organizations (Governments, Corporations, Religions, Education, Secret Societies, etc.) to determine who will control the power centers in the world following this pivotal time in human history.

Near as I can tell, at an "Executive Summary" level, here are the major power centers:

Military (Good Guys): Three quarters of the world's major military organizations loosely working together and separately with common goals to liberate humanity and restore sovereignty and freedom.

White Dragon Society: Asian, Ancient Lineages - Ostensibly working toward good but giving off an unsettling, "we want to take over control from the Cabal" vibe.

Templars: Centuries old enemies of the Cabal/Rothschilds. Appear to work with and share Military (Good Guys) agenda.

CABAL - The "Lizard People". The Satanists at the top responsible for the abduction/rape/torture/murder of ~27,000,000 children (estimate from Craig "Sawman" Sawyer) as well as a multitude of human trafficking, human organ harvesting, etc., crimes.

CABAL - Rothschild Faction: Khazarians/Illuminati/Zionists/Satanists - dominate global finance (they own all central banks including the U.S. Federal Reserve), all media, Israel.

CABAL - Rockefeller Faction: Khazarians/Illuminati/Zionists/Satanists - dominate Oil, Pharmaceuticals, Food, Military (Bad Guys) & Mercenaries.

CABAL - Jesuit Faction: Illuminati/Satanists - dominate the Vatican, Catholicism. Like the Khazarians, they are expert at infiltrating organizations, pretending to be whatever the organization is (religion, ethnicity, political, secret society, etc.) to take over and/or neutralize it - so who knows what other entities they may control.

Gnostic Illuminati: Russian Nobility split off from the Cabal Illuminati in the early 1900s. (See Bolshevik Revolution). They want to destroy the Rothschilds.

WE THE PEOPLE: That's us. Largely dormant but ultimately the most powerful force on earth if only we would stop fighting each other and work together. We've been dumbed down in myriad ways - the poisons they call "food", endless injections of god-knows what into our bloodstreams (vaccines), shockingly high ingestion rate of pharmaceutical chemicals, chem(icals)-trails in the air, fluoride in the water, propagandized education, propagandized news, mind-numbing programming on screens great and small, many of us bribed/snookered into controlling/fighting others in many ways (including through statutes and policies the Lizard People call laws but that have nothing to do with real law). The Cabal is expert at dividing us psychologically and keeping us in conflict with one another. It's a wonder we can still think at all.

Galactic Confederation*: (Woo-woo realm): "Loose union of positive civilizations within this Galaxy.

Resistance Movement(s)*: (Woo-woo realm): "Freedom fighters who live in the upper part of Earth's crust".

President Trump has spoken several times of being part of an "Alliance" that intends to "drain the swamp" (the Cabal). My guess is the Alliance is the Military (Good Guys), Templars, Gnostic Illuminati and White Dragon Society (and the Resistance Movement and some Galactic Confederation* ?) to neutralize/eliminate the Cabal. If they are successful it seems likely to me there may be some infighting amongst the Alliance to dominate the post-Cabal world. There is much reason for hope but whether WE THE PEOPLE ultimately benefit will remain to be seen.

Recently President Trump said "This is the calm before the storm" on camera. When pressed by reporters to explain what he meant he said, "You'll see."

Perhaps it's an invasion of North Korea, or the like, but I'm hoping he's referring to the long-rumored currency revaluation/NESARA/Cabal mass arrests/return of the US Republic/Fed phaseout/new USN (U.S. Notes) to replace the current money (Federal Reserve Notes)/etc. If we see military on the streets it will be difficult to tell for awhile if it's a really, really good thing or a really, really bad thing.

  • Numerous otherwise highly credible people are speaking openly about secret space programs and civilizations from off-planet that are here as well interdimensional beings that are here but vibrating at a different frequency such that we don't see them, hear them, etc. People like Winston Shrout, Catherine Austin Fitts, William Mount, Benjamin Fulford, Clif High, David Icke, etc. Too much for my feeble mind to absorb but it's becoming increasingly difficult to ignore.

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