Lizard People or Garden Variety Psychopaths?
David Icke claims the most powerful people in the world today are descended from aliens. Perhaps. Whether it's princesses kissing frogs in our fairy tales, gargoyles on all the old buildings, dragons in China, the snake in the garden of Eden, animal heads on the Egyptian hieroglyphics, etc., the signs are everywhere there could be something to his story. Or, the "Lizard People" could just be garden variety human psychopaths and sociopaths. Either way, the term "Lizard People" seems to fit.
The point is the Lizard People are far, far smarter than you and me. Their plans include managing our perceptions so that we think and believe what they want us to believe to achieve their agenda - not what is truly going on. Research the Tavistock Institute if you're interested in their methods.
A trusted friend of several decades called me recently. He's been graciously listening to me go on and on about the tens/hundreds of thousands of children that are abducted/raped/tortured/killed every year around the world. He tells me he saw a report on a mainstream media outlet a few days earlier and it motivated him to spend the next two days researching the "pedophilia" I've been talking about.
He was still in a state of shocked disbelief but it was clear from our subsequent conversation there was no question in his mind I was correct. Then he tells me a story he never mentioned before:
He's a retired fireman and when Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana he was one of many sent to the area to help out so the local first responders could go home and help their families deal with the devastation. My friend said the locals told him, face to face, there were "ten thousand" children missing. He shrugged it off at the time - we tend to be dismissive of things that are too far outside our perceived reality - but he now realizes that the first hand account was likely an accurate estimate of the number of children that disappeared in the confusion.
10,000 children disappeared in a single event.
Craig "Sawman" Sawyer (former Navy Seal and FBI investigator) estimates the number of children that have disappeared (not sure over what period of time) at approximately 27,000,000. That's 27 MILLION children missing.
Sawyer's website:
I told my friend none of us wants to admit we live in a world where this could possibly be true but the only way it will end is if enough people wake up and decide it's going to stop.
If we want to understand what's truly going on in the world today - which includes enormous risk to us and our loved ones at this time in history - we need to better understand how the "Lizard People" operate and the threat they represent to all of us.