Your Money is Well... Far Gone

Well'ts Far Gone

Well's Far Gone had a "little" accident, the smoke alarm, unknowingly, triggered a shut down of all of their ATM servers.

Speaking as someone who has worked with server farms...

  • What happened to the backups?
  • What happened to the offsite backups?
  • What happened to the fail-overs?
  • How on earth did they have all of the servers connected to one "off switch"?

In the world of 24/7/365 servers, there isn't a single point of failure.
Their can't be.

Failures are too costly, and highly worked machines show any potential failures fairly quickly.
However, there is the off chance that it was a one time, one in a billion shtupid error that caused Well's FarGone's ATM servers to all go down at once. But, if that was the case, than they should have been rebooted, resynced, and put back on-line before the news ever had time to report on it.

Leaving the only real reason that explains all of the actions of Well's FarGone as something is seriously wrong, and they are playing a shell game to stay going for a little bit longer.

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There are rumors that Well's FarGone is asking for a bail-out...
however, these are just rumors, as there won't be any more bail-outs.

After 2009 the laws for banks were rewritten (by the banksters themselves) and now, the next step for Well's FarGone is to take all the money from their customer's accounts; That's right, a bail-in.

Don't act all surprised and shocked! This has been reported by the alt-media for years.
The actual, next place that Well's FarGone will go to get money is your bank account.

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Most people think that they have money in the bank.
And that if the bank closes, the return of their money will be the priority and they will be first in line.

Unfortunately, neither are true. In fact, the opposite is true.

When you went to the bank to "deposit" your money, what really happened was that you gave the bank your money in exchange for an entry in your account-book. Isn't that a lovely entry?

If you knew that all you got was that entry in your account-book, would you have given them your money?
Well, that's exactly what we have been doing for years.

The bank is under no obligation to give your money back to you.
That's correct, you can't even sue them to get your money back. You GAVE it to them.

Your money is Well... Gone.

- - - - - - -

Now, as bankruptcy proceedings go (its not called bankruptcy anymore, because a bank CAN'T go bankrupt) there is an order in who gets paid out first.

Secured loans
Accounts Payable
Unsecured loans <--- your money

Basically, your money is gone, and all you can hope for is that the FDIC pays you... with your tax dollars.
(The FDIC doesn't take in near enough money on their insurance premiums to handle any single large bank closure)

So, understand, you gave your money to the bank.
They are under no obligation to give it back
This goes for every financial instrument you (think you) own. (your 401k for instance)

This even goes to all the money you may have in a safety deposit box.
Its on the bank's property; it is the bank's property.

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A good video on this subject:
Silver Report Uncut - Economic Collapse News - Wells Fargo Can Liquidate Customer Accounts. All About Bank Bail-Ins

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


Maybe I'm just sticking my head in the sand, but my theory is if the economy collapses we're all screwed anyways unless even if you keep all your money under your mattress or buried in the backyard.

I always tell my parents that whatever a company is telling you it's probably 2 or 3 times worse, because they are only reporting what they can prove without any doubt.

If there is a question of it actually happened or can use a word that doesn't sound as bad and get away with it when talking to the media they will.

It's not server experience, but when I was working for a plant in Texas we lost power to the entire plant and we made our own power and had 2 seperate feeds from 2 different power companies and lost all 3 at once. I won't go into the details, but sometimes things are overlooked because they are considered "impossible" until the failure actually happens.

Yes, 1 in a million chances happen all the time.

But, if your plant in Texas said, someone tripped over the power cord, you'd know that something was fishy. And that is what Wells FarGone has done.

Further, they started limiting withdrawls. And paychecks didn't get sent out. And...
Something definitely smells fishy.

Yes, you have your head in the sand, because when the economy collapses, your need for food in your belly doesn't go on hiatus.

And knowing a hurricane is coming gives you time to shutter up your windows.

So, if you have 3 months of food, and a secure place to hole up, then you are thousands of percent more likely to survive.

The thing about a financial collapse is that at the start, there is nothing threatening your life. And, people have always found some way to begin trading again, so, planning on how to get across that gap when food shipment stops to when food shipment starts again is highly prudent.

Aaaaand... this is where I self-righteously repeat that I don't use banks, and haven't for a decade. It is challenging, but I handle my affairs otherwise. Others can too, and I hope many, many more do, to kill this parasitic industry. Sometimes it takes trauma to create incentive to change your ways. That's how it happened for me. Better if folks avoid the trauma and just act fiscally responsibly - something banks don't do - but, realistically speaking, it's too easy to ignore dire warnings from fringe characters like me, until it's too late.


Me two! I have given up on banks. Even credit unions after the crap they pulled with me.
And THEN! I learned about what a bank was, and what they did.

So, i am left in a tight space, i want to build a bigger business, but that requires a corporate bank account for suppliers and clearing... and i don't wanna. I have been trying to figure out a way around it...

I feel that i may just do everything with crypto... and as i actually get manufacturing going, cryptos will be taking off.

Any thoughts?

it's gonna be very tough to be totally outside banking, until mass adoption starts kicking in..
(especially if your business is online)

....if people don't use crypto - its bloody hard to do online business without involving the vampires..

If I see banks destroyed and everyone using crypto instead, in my life time, I'll die happy....
the vermin of the world...(sorry to all vermin out there, you're far better...)

Doing the right thing is rarely the easy thing. It is always the right thing however.

I am confident the benefits of sound principle always pertain, no matter how obvious the opposition advantage. Call me a mystic, I don't care. Meat isn't all I am.

That being said, I immediately conceived of mechanisms that insulated an online income from censors/leftist SJWs. It is possible. Not telling you what to do. I only intend to be of assistance if I can, so your endeavors are less vulnerable to interference from bad actors.

Do well!

..I have been busy this last week or two, doing some of the very said insulating....

It's not too difficult re bad actors - but still leaves you vulnerable to bankers criminals..

I would love to ditch the bank! If you have actually managed that, I take my hat off to you. My current situation doesn't allow it, but I am waiting for my chance. Bloody parasites!

Bitcoin user unaffected 👊😎

....the great thing is, the banks are killing themselves...wooohooo.

I had some serious issue last year to get my money out of my accounts..The result?

I now have another revenue stream set up that is just bitcoin/litecoin. (out of a pure necessity of a said wankers messing around with my money).

Keep some cold storage wallets handy!

I don’t understand why people use those big banks. They are riddled with scandals, charge fees to use them when they should be delighted people actually use them. We unfortunately use far gone for our mortgage but can’t do much about that as we are younger and want to move anyways.
Are credit unions any better? I see some people mention them but haven’t had a chance to dig into that too much yet.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Big banks are evil and out to destroy you.

Fractional Reserve Banking is a system to destroy you.
i.e. Mortgage - a french word meaning, literally "death note".

Small banks and credit unions are usually not big enough to have turned evil. The bank directors are someone you can meet. You can go all the way to the top. So they are better in that regard.

However, i have dealt with evil credit unions who have done underhanded tactics. Your mileage will vary.

BUT! there will be banking collapses as liquidity gets sucked up to the top. (this is by design) So, soon we will see lots of small banks failing.

And don't worry about who has your mortgage. They will sell it soon. They always do.

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The amount of people that don't realize the realities of banks and banking, is quite staggering...

So called intellectuals (I'm talking baah here) do not even know this! lol..- But insist on being taken seriously.
Yes, honestly.

Well, that's why i write such things...

Or maybe i just like talking to myself, indirectly.

But really, i hope that i am reaching some people that didn't know that bail-ins are now codified into law.

The recommended intro to those who haven't yet started thinking...

Feel free to

snap (4).jpg

Yep, that is a great start, BUT!...
I quickly get to a point where they will not believe me.

Everything in the banking world is inside out, upside down.
Debt = money.

This is for sure great information!

Thankyou for writing on it, I dont use the banks luckily since many years but well, you know, thats what its about sharing information.. Resteemed!

edit: Was there a problem with ATM's where you are? I did kind of miss the point about the ATM's- And there is really a bank called that name?! :)

In reality it's Wells Fargo.

ahhh I'm laughing so hard! Thanks for clarifying that, I'm not very gullible, but its just that nothing would surprise me these days :)

I do not know if the ATMs near me had problems.

The bank is real, however, i make fun of their name every chance i get.

Just that name alone would prevent me from using it !! Sounds like some new ICO hahahaha

Edit: I just see sauna's clarrified it, I'm a bit munted to be honest :)

LOL, our money is last on the totem pole now?
That's amazing.
I guess it's not as amazing as how many people don't know this.

I've never understood why people use those big banks.

"I rather like my credit union."
He said as he deposited everything into Coinbase.

Yes indeed, why would you use a bank that has been fined, repeatedly, for stealing customer's money?

i like horseys.

Right you are BoC! It is almost unbelivable, but right you are.

This is a place where i wish i was wrong.
i won't even be able to say, "i told you so". There will be too much pain.

Not to mention the only real "money" a bank has will be in the safety deposit boxes, because the fiat paper "currency" within accounts will eventually revert to it's initial value of 0 anyway!

Safety deposit boxes are interesting... they seem highly secure... right up until they are not.
You would think that after the bank closes that the regulators would post days when a person could access THEIR stuff.

But nope, its all locked up, confiscated until they are done with all the bankruptcy.
It is truly frightening.

I should I open a bank.

Well, you should have opened a bank, but now, all the liquidity is going to be sucked to the top and all the little banks are going to dry up. So... you missed that boat.

However, you could start an ICO. I hear they are really profitable. ^_^

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