Top 5 most terrifying deep sea creatures

in #atlantic6 years ago

5 Snaggletooth

There are not many ways to describe this deep sea critter that do not include the words very ugly like several other deep sea animals due to the fact that it lives at such depths it is capable of producing its own light and uses this ability to hunt its prey

4 Pacific black dragon
This deep sea predator got its name for a reason because most of its prey are bioluminescent their stomach is designed to prevent light from radiating through

3 Chimaera

Not to be confused with the chimera of greek mythology these creatures are also known as ghost sharks and although they used to reside throughout the world's oceans today they are mostly confined to deep water

2 Giant isopod
Unlitke the other deep sea creatures the isopod is permanently constrained to creeping along the bottom of the ocean primarily the cold dark waters of the north atlantic and the artic circle

1 Frilled shark
Termed a living fossil this seldom seen shark inhabits the depth of the atlantic and pacific oceans scientists speculate that it captures its prey by bending its body and lunging forward like a snake while proceeding to swallow its victim whole.

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