Let’s talk.
After Joe Rogan’s first softball interview with Jack Dorsey, Rogan brought on Tim Pool to tackle Twitter head-on.
It was simultaneously amusing and frightening to listen to progressives who are completely blind to their own biases. Dorsey was completely unable to follow any logical conclusions on his own bias.
Such is the liberal mindset. Progressives are so steeped in their own philosophy that they can never step out of their paradigm long enough to see another view.
Gear change. Down to ninth, going up a hill...
When Trump got elected, we, on the right, could see what was about to happen. We, the right, knew long in advance that the left would have to address their own hypocrisy before taking on Trump. The first “victim” of the #MeToo movement was not Harvey Weinstein, it was Bill Clinton.
The Manson Media had to clear the road by acknowledging that their progressive god was indeed an alleged rapist and philanderer.
For those of us on the right, this was a given.
We saw this coming from a million miles away. Long before the Manson Media’s Clinton mea culpa, we knew that the left was going to run Bill Clinton through the grinder.
When The Manson Media started “rethinking” about Clinton’s sins, the right wing was appalled by this obvious move. We absolutely KNEW what they were up to. It was way too predictable.
The left had to grab the moral high ground before they could go after Trump, so they unanimously sold out Bill Clinton.
To those of us on the right, the move was nauseating.
In other words, the left has no idea how easy it is to call their game.
Another gear change. Back into tenth...
All socialists unwittingly read from the same playbook. If an individual does not comply with the socialist agenda, that individual needs to be “re-educated” to the “correct” way of thinking.
This is a typical Soviet move. In the novel, 1984, the main character is taught to love Big Brother and acknowledge that 2+2 does indeed equal 5. This is the essence of collectivism.
Ignore reality and do what we tell you to do.
Rogan brought up the idea of bringing ousted Twitter members back into the Twitter realm and was told that violators had to be rehabilitated, re-educated.
As usual, I saw this coming like a freight train. I just KNEW that they had to go this direction.
If Twitter says that 2+2=5, one has to agree to this before being allowed back onto their platform.
As confrontational as Tim Pool was, he ALSO missed the point.
I tweeted @Jack and said, “Being conservative, I say you only had to say one thing: If you don’t like it, go elsewhere.“
Competition rules supreme. Twitter is the next MySpace...