How much do professional athletes earn
Salary professional athlete:
Average earnings professional athlete in USA is$36 963.Average bonus professional athlete is$one 088,what is 3%from his salaries,at this 100%of people reported,what receive bonus each year.More Total professional athletes earn in Salt-lake-City- $64 168,in average general compensation on the 74%above,how in average on USA.
Range salaries professional athletes:
Salary professional athletes in USA varies from$16 628 before$187 200,a average salary is$35 004.Medium fifty%professional athletes earn from$28 895 before$34 995,a the best 83% - $187 200.
How taxes to you have to pay how professional sportsman:
For individual taxpayer,located in this tax group,average federal tax in 2018 year will be 12%.After deduction federal tax rates in size 12%professional athletes may count on the income in size$32 718 in year,at this each salary is about$one 363*.