Abandoned Shit Weekly Contest - №. 21 - 'Show & Tell'
This is a little story about a free spirit home. It travels a lot. From time to time it is abandoned but when is not, makes happy random adventurers. In the company with other tents, it's the one that gets the most attentions.
Not sure if everyone is able to read what is written on tent's door, so I copied down the message:
This tent began it's life in Germany... It is a B.A.S.E. tent... With me it has done some traveling...
Kjerag - Sunndalsora - Romsdalen - Lauterbrunnen - Monte Brento
From here we will part ways...
If you are base jumper and in a need of a home, this tent will happily be it!
I ask only one thing:
when you a done, pass this tent to another jumper, and document your travels on it!
Maybe one day my tent & I will meet again, maybe not...
(and be safe fucker)
South Africa
18 august 2012
I made this photo last summer in a diving camp in Montenegro. At that time, it was waiting for new tenants to continue its trip. As I heard, it came there with two base jumpers from Serbia. I was thinking to take it with me further, but already had a tent and too heavy backpack. At the end, I am still not a base jumer.
It is clear that this photo is not any piece of art but I am happy to share it. Maybe Amy is here, on the Steemit, or someone else who knows her. I believe she would like to see that her tent still rocks!
Thanks to @customnature for creating this nice Abandoned Shit Weekly Contest!
Cute idea, make me wonder how far this tent will travel eventually.
Yes, interesting question.
During diving those days, I found some lost mask at the bottom of sea. The tent story gave me the idea of leaving the mask in the camp, there are always some youngers that all of equipment have just strong desire. And I wonder how deep that mask will eventually go :D
All the best, @smithlabs!
@tellurian That would be interesting, and a lot of fun, ROFLOL!
I have been down to 60 feet with mask and snorkel when I didn't have more gear. Depth is a lot easier with SCUBA, but is possible without tanks too.
But a traveling mask would be a nice thing especially for kids short of cash!
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