The 1970's Space Documentary that first got me intrigued in our Universe
Becoming so intrigued in our Universe and Cosmos was attributed to many things but one special video I lost count watching growing up.
It's a bit of a throwback but the 1970's NASA documentary "The Universe" is extremely well done and still powerful and impactful today with a hypnotizing soundtrack!
It's a great introduction to Gravity, Stars, Planets, Quasars and our truly vast Universe.
Watching it many years later it's still just as enjoyable.
-- originate
Well thanks for the video. It was quite informative.
"And old is gold".
may be i reasteam your post
This is rad thank you for sharing, space and the deep sea never cease to amaze me and are frequent on my television.
Informative. :) Thanks for sharing
I've never seen the video before. Thanks for sharing
I really like science. nothing more enjoyable than learning new things every single day.. thanks for this very informative video. :)