Concepts in Astronomy #10. The Topocentric Coordinate System
The Topocentric Coordinate System
The Topocentric Coordinate System is one of the celestial coordinate systems available to identify the position of a celestial object in the celestial sphere. Spherical coordinates are used like in the geographic coordinate system used commonly in Earth. This system uses the altitude and the azimuth of an object as coordinates. The observer's local horizon is the reference point. This system is dependent on the location of the observer and the observation time.
Previous Posts
Concepts in Astronomy #1. Introduction
Concepts in Astronomy #2. The Ecliptic
Concepts in Astronomy #3. The Celestial Equator
Concepts in Astronomy #4. Right Ascension
Concepts in Astronomy #5. Declination
Concepts in Astronomy #6. The Celestial Sphere
Concepts in Astronomy #7. Azimuth
Concepts in Astronomy #8. Altitude
Concepts in Astronomy #9. the Equatorial CoordinateSystem