The Saturn Return


Between 27 and 30 years old, Saturn returns to the same position it was on the day we were born. It takes about 29 years to do it, and it passes from one sign to the other in a period of 2 and a half years. The passage of a Saturn transit over our natal Saturn is not lived in the most graceful way, it entails difficulties and makes us feel old for the first time in our whole life. Yes, as you read it: while we are in our 20s, we never see ourselves as fully grown adults, on the contrary, it seems that beauty, youth and fearlessness are our unbreakable allies, but Saturn, stern and wise, makes us feel for the first time that time passes for everyone, and its contraptions are varied: we may enter a job with many responsibilities, we have a child, we move to live in solitude, a relationship that we had with somene from our youth arrives to its end, or somebody who accompanies us from our childhood or adolescence dies. Any of these examples can lead us to a depression or to a state of existential anguish, in which we ask ourselves why this is happening to me, why this happens at this moment that I feel so vulnerable. And Saturn hits us where it hurts symbolically, and as the stern father that he is, Saturn forces us to mature, to fend for ourselves, to see that we cannot continue to depend on anyone: it is time to become our own parents and , above all things, we have to take responsability for our actions and their consequences, whatever they may be. Saturn is hard, it takes us many times to the limit, and it seems that nothing good ever happens to us, especially if during this same transit it passes over some planet like the Moon, the Sun, Venus or Pluto. On one hand, the Moon is contrary to Saturn, so while the Moon wants to remain in a comfort zone, Saturn enters and destroys that comfort ruthlessly. Suddenly, there is no love or anything safe in our lives: our emotional home falls appart. With the Sun it feels as if Saturn cannot let us be. There is nothing that generates us enough passion and our personality feels outdated, there are other things that we were not looking at and we can no longer remain blind to those responsibilities. The passage of Saturn over the natal Venus is difficult, because perhaps we feel a lack of self-esteem, lack of self-love because we get into situations and with people with whom we do not want to actually be. In addition, we are afraid of losing the relationships we have and that creates separation with people, and some of those relationships may end up. It is very common in these cases to see that if we were with someone for many years and the relationship no longer pleased us but we were very afraid to continue alone, we might have the craziest ideas such as having children or getting married. Of course, some time later that relationship will breake, because we end up crashing against the reality. Finally, Pluto may be the most painful, because all our greatest fears and shame should be seen in the light. It is horrible, there is no other explanation, but it is also an unique opportunity to take power as we would have never dreamed. What power? The not to feel threatened by each time someone touches some of the darkest issues of our lives kind of power. Did you know that the emotion closest to death is shame? Because there are things that before exposing them we would prefer to die to avoid them. Well, Saturn transiting over our natal Pluto has a very profound and transforming effect. The internal garbage that accumulates some day has to be removed.

But we can get something good out of this: we could realize that we reached a critical point in our lives during the Return Saturn because there are people, attitudes, situations and behaviors that can no longer be tolerated, because they are not resonating with our new values . Before, for example, we could tolerate bullying from our social group to not be alone, but now we realize that all those people who do not respect us, do not love us either, and then we take control of this, Saturn forces us to see the reality, and that in this case implies that it is better to be alone than badly accompanied. Saturn then, in this sense, brings us maturity and freedom. To be free is to be in charge, it is to understand that we can always be better, and to actively seek that state. Pain is always inevitable when change is a priority, and sometimes it is better to have a sad time than a lifetime away from happiness.

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