Tarot Tuesday and the New Moon in Taurus on May 15, 2018 : Defining True Value

in #astrology6 years ago (edited)

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The Moon is going to start waxing again, beginning it's monthly lunation cycle when it joins the Sun in the fixed sign Taurus at 1 degree, according to the sidereal zodiac. This is the most opportune time to set our intentions for the month, sowing the seeds of our hopes, wishes, and desires. I use art to express my intentions to the Universe, creating a collage each lunation of pictures and words that conjure up thoughts and feelings I want to attract over the next month. It's a really fun way to focus the mind on what you are wanting to create. All you need is posterboard, glue sticks, scissors, and a bunch of magazines for inspiration!

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The Moon is exalted in Taurus which gives it the highest power of discernment and this degree of Taurus falls in the asterism of Krittika nakshatra. Krittika, ruled by illuminating fire god Agni, speaks about achieving greatness by being sharp and astute, cutting through things using the ability to penetrate matters to get to the truth. We will feel like cutting the unnecessary out of our lives so that we can lighten the load a bit and achieve even more authenticity in who we are becoming.

Because this lunar mansion is ruled by the Sun, it is important to see how the Sun is placed at the time of this new moon. In this case, the Sun will be at 0 degrees Taurus - a complete loss of power for the Sun. This is not a good sign for this amavasya, since the Moon is under the power of the Sun with the involvement of krittika nakshatra. We are in for some form of experience where we notice a lack of power over what is happening in the next month and what we must do in response. It will feel like we don't have a choice but to do what we must do in order to stay true to ourselves and our values. Expect to make some cuts to align with what you truly value most.

If you would like to find out what area of your life will be affected by this new moon, click below to get a personalized vedic astrology report created just for you. Whatever house Taurus occupies will be the area to focus on.

I decided to throw a rune and some tarot cards, since it is #tarottuesday to find out what the powers that be have to say about the energetic quality of this new moon.

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The rune cast is called hagalaz and it literally means hail or hailstorm. It seems like astrology is matching this rune's message, as both are indicating that some powerful change is coming our way during this cycle of the Moon. Hagalaz is the rune of objective confrontation with past patterns. This rune forewarns us of radical change coming into our lives as a result of reexamining our ideals and getting in line with we value most. The changes made will be very good for us in the long run, but we might also feel a bit uncomfortable when the energy shifts as a hailstorm is not a pleasant occurrance. As we experience this, we might feel a sense of powerlessness about what we have to do. This amavasya will show us that we need to develop a sense of acceptance about "the unalterable" in life with the energy of this rune present.

Using my wild unknown tarot deck, I selected three cards to represent the energy of what this new moon cycle is bringing to us. It appears that we will find ourselves faced with situations that only create strife, disorder, and confusion for us. Check out the contrast of the first two cards with their stark black and white theme versus the color and vibrancy found in the third card, representing us. The situations we are facing will feel like they no longer resonate with us, but only introduce things that no longer serve our ideals and disagree with our values - who we intrinsically are. By the appearance of these situations, we are being asked to step forward into something that resonates more with our true, authentic selves. This is the gift of the "hailstorm": the ability to see the truth, remember our ideals, and let go of any person, place, or thing that isn't in line with our values and beliefs.

May you be blessed with clarity, wisdom, and great this amavasya!

Lord Shiva - The Cosmic Destroyer


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