Full Moon in Scorpio - Vedic Astrology - Time to Know Better and Channel Your Strength

in #astrology6 years ago (edited)

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Happy #TarotTuesday to you!
For this week's reading, I inquired about the energy of this full moon in scorpio using the sidereal zodiac found in vedic astrology. I used my wild unknown tarot deck, as I am really enjoying it's colors and symbols. I added some quartz points, fluorite, and green aventurine for some sparkle, since this regal lion naturally should be surrounded with gems and jewels.

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The energy of this full moon in Scorpio looks like it is putting us in a tough position as I asked for the theme of this lunation and strength was the answer given. This energy will be testing us and it's a really good thing Mars is exalted right now as we can choose to deliberately tap into the discipline and warrior spirit available to us for support at this time.

In any case, we will need to have self-control and perseverance to not to react to what is going on around us. Instead we need to seek solace within instead of without, as the energy of a moon in scorpio is known as being a debilitated one in the world of sidereal astrology.

As we can see here, the turtle seen in the hermit card (symbolic for patience and perseverance) has a candle sitting atop his shell. This means he has the power of illumination and insight on his side, most likely because he is able to slow down long enough to observe what is going on. We can see he is tucked into his shell a bit to protect himself from the flanking energies surrounding him.

It is easy to see why we are going within and it's because we can't do anything with the defeating energies being offered to us at this time. On one side, we see serpent energy which speaks to the idea of change and transformation, but yet we see this snake in the form of an infinity sign. This suggests that we might be tempted to try to create an ending or some form of severance here, but we are all too well aware that we will only be stuck in a karmic loop if we try with the naga energy lying over the sword's hilt.

On the other hand if we stay with the status quo, we will feel burdened and overwhelmed, facing stress and darkness (lack of clarity). So you see, the best choice we have right now is to simply go within, holding back the impulse to take action or to react to the displeasing energies we face with this moon. Sometimes the best thing you can do is nothing at all and going within our "shell" at this time provides a sense of security, safety, and stability.

Just this past Saturday, I saw a dead black snake in the road right in front of my house oddly enough. To top it off, when I returned home after running out to buy some plants, I saw this little baby turtle right near where the snake died on the side of the road. I was shocked and amazed when these two animals appeared in the cards I cast for this moon! Double confirmation! I happened to take a picture of each as I found them so you can see what I saw.

Here is the beautiful snake and it's replacement, the cute little turtle.
The snake appeared to have met it's end getting ran over by a car.

The snake was attracted to the heat of the road and left itself vulnerable and open to attack in venturing forward with it's desires. Scorpio is all about the fatal effect of and karmic backlog related with desire as it is ruled by Mars and Ketu. The downfall of scorpio is what ultimately ended it's life - rushing ahead with desires by placing one's self into an unsafe, vulnerable position. The baby turtle however was smart enough to take things slowly, sitting on the side of the road being watchful. He has a shell for protection but still did not go out into the road as he knew it wasn't safe. He was relocated away from the road as I snapped this picture. Isn't he the cutest thing ever!?

If you would like a personal reading with me, please click on the link below:

May Lord Shiva help us conquer the karmic naga energy upon us now....



I like this reading, it's definitely something different. Wowser with the two synchronicities. I checked out your website and I like what you're doing. It's inspiring stuff.

In the past I tried out a job as an over the phone tarot reader. It was a bit of a mis match I think with people just wanting to be told great things will happen to them - and stock market advice etc. I imagine the mis match was to do with reading for a company, probably quite different for a self run enterprise - in terms of who it will attract with your vibe.

Suffice to say I had to say thanks but no thanks, as there was not a lot of room for heart openings, self acceptance, integrity, deep truths etc. Still fun to read for friends, family, and self though!

This platform seems to be a good forum for diving in, and I am enjoying the many deeply honest steemians who are sharing their truths. ❤

Many Blessings

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P.S. I have not researched steem basic income, but will get back to you @phillyc for certain either way!

Thanks for your kind words... I'll check out your blog here and follow you for sure. It's always wonderful to meet the like minded <3 Namaste!

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Hello from the Steemit Tarot community!

@steemittarot began as a way to curate all the Tarot Tuesday posts that starting popping up on the site. Now the hope is to connect all readers, people interested in learning about the cards, and other assorted people bearing good juju.

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Hey... i noticed your tags are not among the very popular ones on Steemit try to use a main streem tag that relates to your posts for more visibility.

Dante is here No fear


Unfortunately, what I am doing here isn't mainstream... I'll try and rethink my tags thanks Dante!

What interesting times, @mymoontao. Fascinating to meet the characters, up close like that!

Thanks Jakob, it was a strange coincidence... I knew I had to share the insight and it's message - don't fall prey to desire, slow but steady wins the race!

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