HM Queen acts to close the door on Meghan controversy
With a short three sentence response, Meghan and Harry got their reply. We are going to do things our way, in house, and your memory might just be a little hazy!! Short, sharp, beautifully diplomatic and final.
It shows on HM Queen's Astrology chart too. Looking forward to the New Moon as a marker point this coming weekend, Elizabeth II is currently starting to feel a Saturn opposition (currently at 9 Aqu) to her 7th house Moon at 12 degrees Leo, therefore family strain, historical trouble with women and some opposition to her way of doing things.
Transiting Jupiter also opposing her natal Neptune across the same 1st to 7th house axis, and this is interesting as Jupiter is a planet of culture and race, and Neptune's influence on it is hazy, maybe deceptive or shrouded in doubt. I wonder if all the "allegations" being aimed at the Queen and the family are actually completely factual, or rather fanciful in their veracity? Remember that Neptune is also the planet representative of TV and entertainment world, and Jupiter brings an international element. When these planets combine, the truth is often skewed and not as important as the impression that is broadcasted.
The other thing I take from this chart are the transiting Nodes square to HM Queen's Venus, the planet ruling her 4th house of the family and the nation. That Venus (her values) also rules her 8th house of change and other people's values, and here we see the crux of the matter going on. There is a difference of opinion here about one's attitudes (HM Queen) and someone else's (Meghan & Harry). The Queen used her diplomatic naos to put a line under the matter, and hopefully things will start to quieten down.
Let's be straight. Meghan, as a freedom loving Californian actress was never ever going to settle in the staid, cold, wet, rainy, stiff upper lip atmosphere that surrounds our Royal Family in the UK. In this country there is a protocol - the Royal Family is seen and not heard, and that is the way things will stay - she won't change that single handed. If she thinks that she can make the family open out and become modern too, by criticising them from afar, then she has another thing coming. Attitudes will change and adapt as a new generation takes hold.
She also should have been warned that the UK press were a nasty beast to upset, and remember it was her legal injunction against a UK press story about her father that started the anti Meghan ball rolling in the UK. What did she expect? The press to take it lying down? Rule 1 - as a senior member of the Royal Family, you suck it up and you don't take newspapers and journalists to court. She and Harry decided to fight their corner, and when the press intrusion into their lives followed, they didn't like it. Tough...
Now Meghan and Harry did pack up and move to Canada and then the US, as is their right to do so, but in not doing Royal duties, they gave up their right to use their Royal Patronages and titles. To try and make money from them away from this country was wrong, and the Queen did the right thing to remove them.
That should have been that, and the right thing to do was to forge a quiet life in the US, and to let sleeping dogs lie. But no. Meghan, as the Leo she is had to stay in the spotlight, and to trash the Royal Family in the glare of the world's media without the Royal Family having recourse to reply was a cheap shot, totally wrong and might I say rather calculated.
You know, initially I thought Meghan might be a good influence on the Royal Family, I actually liked her at the start when she got married with Harry, and she does share a Moon Sun conjunction with the Queen, with her Leo Sun conjunct to Her Majesty's Moon, but she has acted in a way that is very unbefitting of someone in that privileged position. Remember here in the UK the Royal Family are taxpayer funded, and they effectively are the public's representatives to promote our interests around the globe. By moving away, in my view, Harry & Meghan abdicated their loyalty to us, the British people.
From this New Moon in Pisces, the Queen comes out quite well. A trine to her Saturn & Midheaven conjunction should only but show her patience, seniority and her standing, as ever she does. That Saturn rules not only her Ascendant but her 12th house too, and in one fair sweep she has taken charge of this situation (Ascendant) and also taken it behind closed doors (12th house).
Maybe Meghan should take a leaf out of her book, as she might become a better person for it by doing so...
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