Aquarius Solar Eclipse - Emergence

in #astrology7 years ago

With the Aquarius Solar Eclipse, we close this eclipse window and (being a New Moon) will have the opportunity to plant some seeds deep within. These seeds will not only blossom over the coming lunar cycle, but also over the next six months since it’s said that that’s how long these eclipses need to unfold before reaching their fullest expression.Cosmic Rebirth.jpg

Almost exactly six months ago was the Great American Eclipse that people may have already forgotten about, but whose energies still linger. The Leo Solar Eclipse in August was about discovering a new mode of creative self-expression and avenue for joy. This was to be explored through a reconnection with our instinctual nature, and in its most exalted form, these discoveries arose from the most individuated and unique parts of our being.

And so where do we find ourselves now in apparent full realization of that? Did we allow the process to take form? What have we learned over the past six months in that regard?

What’s remarkable is that this Aquarius Solar Eclipse is taking place in almost the exact opposite point in the sky from the Leo Eclipse six months prior; the energies from the two eclipses intertwining through the Cosmos, speaking to the same exact points in our charts. Powerful indeed, and fascinating when we can zoom out and view the larger container that holds these individual events.

So What Does this Aquarius Eclipse Bring?

With the Eclipse in Aquarius, we can ask questions about how we will make use of our newfound joy and self-expression for the community around us. The Uranian energies of the deeper and more unique aspects of ourselves are again powerful in this eclipse, and so how can we continue to allow these most liberated and non-conditioned parts of ourselves to shine forth?

That process might necessarily require examining and processing some past pain and suffering that we’re still carrying around, so definitely allow some space and healing energy for that.

But perhaps the most challenging thing about this Aquarius Solar Eclipse is how it will affect our current belief systems. We often don’t want to rattle our beliefs too much, which is only natural because they’re how we make sense of the world and our lives.

But at this eclipse, these beliefs need to be challenged. Does our emergent way of being mesh well with our current beliefs about how life should be? Maybe a shift is needed here, and so the invitation is to be open to that process and not to clutch, grasping at something that is only a concept, ultimately illusory.

Because there’s always that pesky mind that wants to declare why it knows what’s best based on this, that, or the other thought it has. Preconceived notions. Beliefs and ways of thinking that maybe don’t line up with who we are in our most liberated form. And this is where we can surrender that outdated way we relate to ourselves over to something higher and more profound, something that will always elude rational thought, the Absolute.



And so at this Aquarius Eclipse we’re harvesting the supplies that we need in order to allow these deeper aspects of ourselves to arise, and there might be some tree shaking as we loosen our grip on how we think this process is supposed to look. And we can always remember an eternal truth of reality: that we are far more than our stories, that we are something much deeper than we can ever fully comprehend, and that when we can take our hands off the tiller and allow the Universe to do the steering, things just tend to work out better. We can reconnect with grace, and we can regain a childlike freedom.

A child of course isn’t really free because (in healthy situation) they have parents that are watching over them, guiding them when they need guidance, but also allowing them to explore and figure things out for themselves, which will also at times result in the child hurting herself. But the child is free insofar as the inherent trust that the parent(s) will always be there for them. They are free from worry, concern, and the need to force anything to happen.

And so it is with us as adults. That state of complete trust is what provides freedom for the child, and it’s a way of living that we can always have with the Universe, it’s just something that in our culture we usually forget and then need to remember later. But it’s there. And through that, we can reconnect with real joy and be able to live our most liberated selves. Om.

Art by: Ainhoa Neith

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