A Vedic Astrology Guide to Thriving this August Full Moon and in the Weeks Preceding!
Hi, All. I’m typing to you today via Medium in order to guide you through the next fifteen days of the Moon’s journey from newness to fullness, when it will reflect its maximum light to us from the Nakshatra or vedic constellation called Dhanishta. In fact, I’ll be covering until one day later, on the 16th, when Venus will finally have passed the Sun and the Sun won’t be so close as it is right now, singing all of our softness and sizzling away what should be left to glow unbothered.
But before I get on with things, I would like to suggest that, if you’re reading me from a space in which you can hear the conversations of others, you engage with the following exercise. I relate this exercise of my own invention directly with the Indian lunar month of Shravan that we’re currently running. Shravan month is named after the Nakshatra Shravana which contains within it the power to listen. It’s like this: try alternating between listening for comprehension to the content of the spoken conversations filling your space, (as we typically do,) and hearing, as though those conversations were pure sound or instrumental music with no semantic meaning.
Carrying on now, from a few days back, you may likely have been going through something that has been irritating that softer aspect of yourself. And, just very recently, you may have seen reflected in your mind the way to be victorious over this issue, whatever it may be, that is irritating you. But, if you were to take action now in order to make that reflection of victory a reality, then your energy, your anger, your fighting energy will turn into very strong, overwhelming emotion. And nobody wins any battle like that, sadly! So now is not the time. That’s because Mars, your inner fighter, is currently debilitated in that emotional river that is, for Mars Cancer. But listening to my advice, I can tell you that this irritation will pass.
My first piece of advice is that beginning this Sunday, you begin to honor the Sun. So, perhaps you do five sun salutations in the morning (surya namaskars,) and what I really recommend is seeing the sunrise in the morning or the sunset in the evening, or connecting to the memory of the knowledge that your organism possesses of having witnessed the sunrise or sunset in the past. Begin doing that this Sunday. Sunday is the day of the Sun.
Do this with the intention of maintaining the Sun’s light within your system, just as you may have experienced watching the Sun set — maintaining that light of the Sun within your being even when the Sun is no longer present. At the same time, for the next fifteen days, keep doing this exercise of alternating between listening to language spoken in your surroundings in order to understand and hearing it as though it were sound or music. Notice when there are moments when you would prefer to listen and there are moments when it’s better for you to hear. At those moments, do what’s less comfortable and start playing with it until you can switch, even when there is resistance on your part. Once you have gotten to this point, notice the forces of attention around you or within you. When you notice this, know that if you are noticing these forces of attention, then you are not them.
Next: Since late October of 2017, there is something that you will have been made to be putting a lot of your energy into working on, something that is related to a bigger picture that has become available to you related to a path that you see yourself traveling down. This will be with respect to any given aspect of life, depending on your own astrological chart. But basically, this is because the planet Saturn had moved into the original 9th House of Sagittarius. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then maybe go back and check your emails from the end of October or early November of 2017 and see what started to take focus which has since then been demanding a lot of your energy, whether you have been conscious of it or not. Becoming conscious of it will be valuable here.
Although this aspect of life has been creating a lot of work or efforts for you, more recently an opportunity has come into the picture in the form of the shadow planet Ketu who is now with Saturn in Sagittarius and has been there for some time already. Ketu is offering you the possibility to realize, while continuing to make these efforts that you will be making whether you like it or not (that’s Saturn,) that you can watch yourself while within the rhythm of these efforts, knowing that you are not that which is working away at that or those tasks that be. Ketu is offering you the possibility to see that instead, you are more like sunlight in your true nature. Your true nature is not your actions, even though action is something that we all must and should do, and that we are always doing.
So, going back to what I previously mentioned about honoring the Sun beginning this Sunday; beginning August 8th, I recommend that you really take the possibility that Ketu is offering all of us, which is to continue whatever efforts that you have been making in this particular sphere of your life since late October of 2017; and no matter how heavy this reality feels that presented itself to you around that time, while continuing to engage in these efforts, try to keep the sunlight within your organism. In that way, you are something that can be separate from this work that you’re doing.
This will be helpful from August 8th through to the full moon on August 15th. That’s because as the Moon gets fuller, and as the Sun and Venus are really close and Venus is having to pass by the Sun, you will feel irritated. And, on the day of the full moon, it seems that Mercury will be resounding with both the existing Saturn-Ketu reality, from the D9 House of Libra where it joins them both, as well as the Sun and Venus situation from where it lies in Cancer, in the physically apparent D1 reality. However, Dhanishta, the constellation that follows Shravana and where the Moon will reach its fullness, is a Nakshtra which offers the possibility to experience various forces of nature including sunlight as ones own Self. So, it offers us all the chance to sublimate into playful light even while being put under so much pressure.
You will find that on the 16th of August, things will change. Your irritation will start to dissipate. On that day, a Friday and therefore ruled by Venus, go and watch the sunset and if it’s a clear night, see Venus in the sky close by to where the Sun has just set. See how you feel. Now that Venus has passed its most difficult moment and now that Mars has moved into the sign of Leo where it is much fuller and very well prepared to fight for your interests, notice that you’re in a much better place to affirm that aspect of yourself that is currently being put into an abrasive situation, environment or atmosphere.
On August 16th I will return with suggestions for the waning Moon half of the month. Until then, please feel invited to visit my webpage for Vedic Astrology consultations https://shiningbullastrolo.wixsite.com/maya/contact-details and my Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS127rNvzM6a9WW4dBj4Ihw?view_as=subscriber
For Spanish language consultations and videos, visit https://torobrillanteastro.wixsite.com/maya/contact-details and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVIfqkv9UFa235dj0d_IuSw?view_as=subscriber