energy update and astrology insights for July 2019
A compilation of astrological insights and energy updates for the months of July:
In support of your well-being, inner processes and integration into the body//
dear all,
The energies and themes for the month of July are deeply connected to the eclipses season (the solar eclipse in Cancer on July the 2nd and the lunar eclipse in Capricorn on July the 16th). This month offers such a tremendous opportunity to learn about our deeper needs and longings, unresolved and long ago forgotten situations and feelings, by allowing more spaciousness, more stillness for those feelings to emerge and to be recognized. There is great opportunity to heal our connections (inner connection to self and connection to the surroundings). Remember that these feelings emerge so as to inform us and remind us about something that is very important. They give us a direction and a possibility to learn about ourselves, to come back to the vulnerability of the Inner Child, to recognize our truth, to let go and thus to make space for the new to come in. This eclipses season is initiating and setting a theme for a 6-months cycle. It is the time of sowing seeds, through inner emotional processing.
We are in the times of surfing the extremes.
It can be an incredibly emotional time for many, especially the very sensitive ones. It can be challenging to cope with. Personally, I have been experiencing waves of very deep and, I can even say, ancient, emotions coming over me in the last days, bringing to the surface layers of forgotten sadness, anger, grief, sorrow... Self-care is paramount. Focus on giving yourself what you need in order to feel safe and secure to process these emotional waves. Create a cozy physical space in your house, where you can retreat. Offer yourself a possibility to be on your own, in stillness, in silence. Slow down. Move, be with the breath, be in water - anything that supports your inner integration. And remember - you are not alone in this! We’re all going through this together, and collectively healing.
Current eclipses bring in the topic of security:
inner security, inner connection, our sense of safety;
learning to hold the space for ourselves, becoming our own care-takers, our own parents, becoming very present with the story of the child within ourselves.
Outer security: recognizing the need for emotional support, to feel heard by others, to be seen and recognized in our truth. Remembering the essential need for human connection. Remembering the need for a meaningful connection to Nature.
One of the emerging themes is a pull between alignment and rejection. Being in the flow, connecting to the “right” people, but then being thrown back in the “rejection” story (either being rejected or rejecting someone else). How can we choose to react differently than in the past, and find trust that maybe we were simply knocking on the wrong door?..
Elevation and depletion is another theme: a pull between experiencing new levels of energetic vibrations in the body, great expansion, and then a need to contract, withdraw, come back into safety in order to integrate. This might require establishing new routines for grounding and being disciplined in implementing them, so as to keep balance in the long run.
We are experiencing an evolutionary tension between past and future. Time to review the priorities. It is a period of restructuring, which comes together with a necessary release of the old. We are clearing space for the new to come in. It can be felt by some as a birthing process.
Anything is information: how can you use that which arises in you, your feelings, as valuable information? It is the time for realizations and new insights. So slow down, look back and reflect on the emotional information you are receiving, on the events from the past you might be remembering. Reflect on what that information might mean for you now. What can you learn from the emerging memories and emotions about your unmet needs?
If you’re in grief, sadness, fear, guilt, shame, or confusion, feeling the suffering of the land and the animals - you are alive, you are healthy! Welcome this sensitivity, because it will be informing you, especially about things that need to change in your life.Take a moment to honor your sensitivity. It is about becoming mature and willing to do the “real work”.
Being with all these emotions is the path of healing the heart. Being with these emotions and also present with our surroundings in a non-reactive way is the path of healing our relationships.
I love, love , love! this phrase by Timothy Halloran (Rasa-Lila): “Success is being re-defined as vulnerability”. In the past we would react to difficult situations by establishing protections, building up walls, hardening as a survival mechanism. The physical world can be so demanding, and we needed to show up, to perform our duties, with often no time left for inner reflection.
It seems that this period now is testing our capacity to love ourselves and our willingness to commit to our inner being. Can I love myself enough so as to create space for inner processing? Do I love myself enough to rest, to nourish myself, given my deeper needs? ..
Take care, ask for support, reach out to others, express your needs in a respectful way, honor your time alone. And enjoy the ride! :)
With good thoughts.
(based on the reports by Rasa-Lila, Kaypacha Lescher and Lee Harris)