Astrology Sept 10 2018. Rising Up!

in #astrology6 years ago


Ooof there’s quite the power surge happening now after the Virgo New Moon with it’s aspects to Jupiter in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn. Plus Venus is now in Scorpio and STILL out of bounds mars moves back into Aquarius at 6.53 pm MDT today.

Venus in Scorpio is powerful and can be vengeful (I should know, my natal Venus is in Scorpio). This time she is creating a fixed Grand Cross with her opposition to Rx Uranus in Taurus (one of the signs she rules) and squaring the Moon’s nodes and that rogue and wild Mars and she is in her pre retrograde shadow so is really digging in deeply to the Scorpio depths.

Fixed Grand crosses are very powerful and determined but because of the nature of fixed signs they are also extremely rigid. This means there will be a lot of tension in the coming week while this cross is in play.

Also a tremendous surge to get things done and build on the changes within you after the wild summer.

But expect that many will be behaving in ways that are previously uncharacteristic of them. You are also likely to find yourself doing and saying things that you have never done before.

Venus is also applying to an aspect to newly direct Saturn in Capricorn asking you to start building lasting rules to live by in this strange new place we are inhabiting. But Saturn is also like a powerful engine of ambition in his own sign so adds to the feeling of pushing forward.

If you have any planets or angles at the beginning 5/6 degrees of fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, this is affecting you the most. Next is anything at the beginning of any signs.

Expect major tensions in the news this week and a lot of rebellious and rogue activity.

Be mindful of accidents and quickly changing situations as the rogue Mars moves to square off to Rx Uranus in Taurus (exact in just over a week but in orb now).

Today the Moon has moved into Libra and our emotional equilibrium will be challenged with all these aspects building. Especially with Libra’s ruler in Scorpio.

The energies are powerful and potent with possibilities but also likely to bring great friction between the male/female energies. The Supreme Court confirmation hearing for the USA is a prime example of this. Expect a lot of friction around this both before and after the vote if Kavanaugh gets confirmed.

Uranus is revolutionary and a rebel and Mars is still out of bounds/rogue until the 24th and covering the ground he covered both before and during his retrograde. Uranus is in Venus ruled Taurus which rules the manifest aspects of Venus, the body, money, nature, the material world.

Stationing Venus and Jupiter in deep watery Scorpio alongside the fact that the Virgo New Moon was opposing watery Neptune in Pisces and sextile to Jupiter (not to mention the tine from the New Moon to Scorpio’s ruler, Pluto, in Capricorn) make for very stormy weather. This is evidenced by Hurricane Florence’s rapid growth from a category 2 to 4.

I’m going to record an episode of the Weirdly Magical podcast today to talk in even greater depth about this because there is the potential for some tremendously earth shattering energies with all of this both in a yin way and a yang way. There is always the balance of the extremes.

I fly to the UK tomorrow with my daughters to visit family and thankfully we don’t have to change planes on the East coast, we have a direct flight. If you are in the path of Florence, please please heed the warnings. Navy ships are ‘sortieing out of Norfolk’ according to a Facebook friend and evacuations have begun. I hope you do as suggested.

For today, someone just suggested taking some time to lie on the grass and stare at the clouds. You are likely to be able to get a lot done but take some time to rebalance and center. Things are finally moving forward, yes, but there is a lot of tension and contention.

Much love

Louise ❤


Lovely! This week has definitely began on a tense note for me and I can see the uneasiness with those around me. I know that there is so much to learn from these transits though. I'm banking on Saturn in Capricorn to help push me through :)

Upvoted & Resteemed

Yes! Thank heavens for that Saturn right now!

Today is crazy energy too.

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