Astrology Sept 7th 2018. Levitation!

in #astrology6 years ago


This morning’s opposition between the Virgo Sun and Neptune in Pisces is likely to have you feel like floating and levitating into escapist pleasures.

One Facebook friend said she is laying on the couch with rain outside and binge watching a favorite show.

That’s how this feels.

However, not all of us can just check out as we have work to do.

A good use of this energy is allowing yourself to tune into the magical, intuitive energy of Neptune in Pisces and then bringing it down to earth in a form of practical mysticism.

Trusting what you get.
Surrendering to flow.
We also have the Leo Moon opposing our too muchness, Lilith, in Aquarius this morning making the energy more than dramatic.

Thirdly we also have Ceres (forgiveness and unconditional love and acceptance) in Libra opposing the maverick Shaman, Chiron, in Aries.

What does all this add up to as we wane into the dark of the Moon before the New Moon on the 9th?

A lot of letting go and surrendering and deciding where to go on the New Moon in Virgo.

Washing away of patterns as we take inventory after the crazy summer.

Rather than fight today’s energy, lean into the magic.

Pay attention to spirit. Slow down and listen.

If you feel like lying on the couch and escaping, do. Spirit speaks to us in all ways.

Listen, dream, accept, surrender, forgive.

So much Love

Louise ❤

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