Your KARMA For The Next 1,5 YEARS! Developments in BUSINESS And Society! North Node In Gemini, And South Node In Sagittarius. Personal PREDICTIONS!

in #astrology4 years ago


Photo by dorota dylka on Unsplash

General overview of the period
There are two very karmic bodies in our solar system. In Vedic astrology, they are called Rahu — The Dragon’s Head, and Ketu — The Dragon’s Tail. In modern astrology, they are called the North Node and the South Node respectively.

In very simple terms, Rahu is what we are meant to go towards during this lifetime. And Ketu is what we are meant to let go of. It is something we have already experienced in a previous life. Ketu things come more naturally to us in this life. So, we don’t have to pursue them so aggressively.

Rahu is also where we can achieve a sudden jump in our social standing. Meaning, wherever Rahu is in our chart, and we start mastering that area, success in life can come.

And with Ketu, the more of a detached and spiritual (altruistic, wanting to do good type of energy, to serve mankind) kind of approach we have, the more Ketu will give us. It is limitless in it’s giving, which means it can actually give a lot.

The nodes switch signs every 1,5 years. And when observed, we can see that the areas (or signs) the nodes are currently in, get more attention during that time. Success comes to those areas (or letting go, detaching). Stock markets move in those directions, business, etc.

If we consider all of the above, we should be able to see how important the nodes actually are.

In this piece, I’m going to dissect the following 1,5 years from the perspective of the nodes because we are right at the cusp of the nodes switching signs. North node moving from Cancer to Gemini. And south node moving from Capricorn to Sagittarius.

In order for us to know which areas are going to be affected most, we must understand the signs thoroughly.

Rahu In Gemini
Let us start with Gemini, meaning the areas the world is going to be moving towards more intensively for the next 1,5 years.

Gemini is all about communication and business. Social media, sales, funnels, marketing, advertising, media, TV, newspapers, online business, writing, speaking, teaching and learning skills, smaller communities, local neighborhoods, local community, small-groups.

And Rahu or North node is all about innovating things, approaching things in a taboo way, breaking social barriers, using methods either in the grey area of the law (or even sometimes breaking it but I don’t recommend You go and do that. Don’t do that actually.), it’s obsessive energy, it wants more and more, never satisfied and continuously lusting for more.

If we put these two energies together, we can now see that this is an intriguing energetic cocktail about to happen for the next 1,5 years of our lives. And in the world in general, because we must remember, this influences everything. Not just our personal lives. So, as a global human society, we will be moving more obsessively towards those Gemini areas I already mentioned.

This will lead to new innovations in marketing, media, internet. New clever ways of marketing and communicating information will be developed. And those who do and use those methods will gain more popularity and material gain. You might start writing something more shocking, or even Your speaking and communication style might become more taboo-breaking, provoking. Not really considering “the rules” of marketing now. Or how people have done things before.

More attention will also be put towards local communities, smaller groups of people. Small business has a chance to develop and get more attention. Small and local will be the way to go. If You are planning on starting one, the next 1,5 years will give You an extra boost to do so. And if You can bring some intriguing information online, or market Your small business in an unusual way, now is the time to do it. The energy supports this.

One of the biggest areas that will go through innovation, or even get a lot of attention; how we exchange information with each other. Time to put those thinking caps on and bring those “breaking of the society’s rules” kind of ideas out there. Clever new blog posts or blogging might even grow bigger. And those who manage to bring innovation and shocking things there will reap the rewards.

Gemini also rules the way and what we think about. When combined with Rahu this will bring us unusual ways of thinking, even sometimes unexplainably weird things. It is up to us to decide if we want to share those things with our local communities.

Another big focus will be on media. How we get our information from the media? If I was a betting man, and I am, I would bet that businesses that are online, media companies that are online, will go through huge expansion, and rise in their popularity. Good idea to think about investing in Netflix, Zoom, and many others that have similar businesses. (This is not financial advice!!!)

Our local neighborhoods might also transform a little or a lot. New ideas can come there, people might start desiring more unusual places to spend time in their local communities. And then start creating those areas.

Gemini is also very practical skills, more left-brain skills. Skills that can be taught. If You have a skill like that and You are thinking about starting a business teaching it, for example, now is a good time. Now is a good time to learn those skills as well. The thirst for us to do so is there. And then using those skills in our local community. Also, an area to move towards (starting a local business with those skills). Make sure You focus on really practical, can use them in practical matters type skills.

In general, business owners should put their attention to local communities and online. But do Your best to offer people real value as well! The thing with Rahu is, the thirst for success is so big that sometimes cutting corners can happen too much. Keep an eye on that.

Ketu In Sagittarius
Which brings us to the more difficult part, Ketu. This is the area that will need our letting go, a more detached approach. It doesn’t mean You need to let go of the area that Sagittarius rules in Your chart completely. Nor does it mean that as a global society we need to completely let go of Sagittarius matters.

It does, however, mean that the focus will be on Gemini. Areas that will have less focus on them for the next 1,5 years: religion, universities, higher education, teaching more higher-minded ideals and big picture concepts, libraries, foreign travel, foreign countries, foreign import-export, global companies, philosophy, our belief systems (huge one!!!), the way we connect with spirit/God/Universe, spiritual teachers, gurus, mentor figures, purpose (a huge one!!!), ideals, bigger vision, seeing the bigger picture, luck, faith, theory (also important!), ceremonies, churches.

The important thing to understand with Ketu, although it brings a kind of detached and letting go type of energy, the goal of Ketu is to transform these areas. And to transform those areas in a way that they are selflessly serving mankind. That these areas would have the best interests of people in mind. To have the higher ideal of service at their core. When that is achieved there, these areas can bring results as well. And a lot of results. But the thing is the desire has to be pure there.

The letting go and the serving cannot be because You know that if You do that You will receive material gains in abundance. It has to be because of a genuine desire to serve people. Much harder to do in real life. To make sure we abide by these Karmic laws, Ketu can “help us” in the detaching by having some things leave our life (in the area that Sagittarius rules in Your personal birth-chart. As well as globally).

I believe religion will have to go through a huge transformation. We will see if they are of real service to humans or are they not during this period. Changes there are imminent. Also, with priests and religious teachers. I do see a crisis there, those who are in true service will remain.

Whatever Ketu touches it brings a certain kind of seeing through the illusions in addition to all that I mentioned above already.

We will be able to see through the veils of religion, fake gurus, fake teachers, fake preachers, our own fake belief systems, the broken side of the education system. One of the most important things here, our purpose. My hope is that Ketu will bring much more of a service for the good of all type of mindset to people here. At the very least, it will bring some of it. And those who are open to it, can reach it and start using it.

A lot of us will turn our attention to our immediate communities and local neighborhoods. This also means that it will be a little quiet in the world of import/export, fewer foreign travels (maybe more if they are for spiritual and higher reasons), less attention on spiritual teachers who are more to do with bigger picture things. And more attention/need for those who teach practical skills. Spiritual teachers and teachers of any kind might even start doing that more themselves subconsciously. Or from a simple supply and demand point of view.

There will be more demand for things and skills to do with hands or making things with hands and handmade things. That should mean that there is a drop in the demand for big and mass-produced goods.

We should also focus on the element side of things. Gemini is Mutable Air, and Sagittarius is Mutable Fire. This adds to the overall influence. Fire increases if we add Air to it. Translating this into our society we can see that it will bring an influx of new ideas, excitement, exciting ideas, exciting energy, busy energy. And now we must also consider the Mutable quality of these signs. Mutability is all about changing things already in place. This means all of those Sagittarius and Gemini areas already mentioned above. Big changes in industries that are to do with media, communication, religion, higher education, writing, speaking, online businesses, spiritual teachings, etc.

A word of warning. Be aware of the intense energy of Rahu here. It can twist the truths, spread lies if not approached carefully. Although the focus is in those areas, be sure that You offer quality services and information to others!

Personal Predictions
Personal predictions for each sign (I will focus on the areas You will be most affected by this, for more advanced learners; look at the placement of the rulers of Ketu and Rahu as well.)

Most of the focus will now turn to the 4th house. This means Your family life, home, place of living, parents, mother (in some cases can be the father), Your deep emotional life, Your inner life. Some of You might be starting families (more focus needed here), others can improve relationships with their parents or they require more focus there, or You can even renovate or improve things in Your home. Focusing more on the country You were born in is also a possibility. For those of You that don’t have a home currently, the desire to own one can drive You to take actions towards having one of Your own.

Less focus will be put on Your career and social status during this time. The important thing to remember is that no need to force things in those areas have an open mind related to career and Your social standing in society. If at all possible, and You might be asked to do this, be in service of some higher goal, and of the people. Then results can come in those areas. A detached approach is necessary for all matters related to career and social status, or Your mission in life.

Your attention will be geared towards 5th house matters for the next 1,5 years. This means all matters related to children, lovers, romance, self-expression, creativity, riskier investments, entrepreneurship, and self-owned business, hobbies, having fun. Lot of You will put Your energy deeply into Your creative pursuits, start businesses. Really think out of the box when You start these, I bet that some of the creativity coming from You guys will be shocking or taboo-breaking. It might be an interesting time to take on some riskier investments. Rahu can bring some success there. As always, manage Your risk! Especially important with Rahu there. Some of You might discover new ways of raising and relating to Your children. These might seem “strange” to the general public but can bring You some success as well.

The detaching and letting go parts are in Your 11th house. This means Your long-term goals, dreams, material pursuits, groups, friends, social networks, social causes, gains, bonuses, salary. Although the temptation to go towards those areas is strongly there, I do recommend You take a more relaxed approach with these matters. If at all possible, and You might be asked to do this, be in service of some higher goal, and of the people.

6th house gets a lot of the focus with You Capricorn. Meaning, daily routines, health, pets, diet, imbalances, employees, work, it is also the house of service, enemies, employment. Putting a lot of effort into Your work can lead to promotion but be aware of others during this time as well. Rahu can disregard anything else and just focus on the end goal. New and strange diets, exercise routines. Some of You will develop these and some of You will use them. Hopefully, it will lead to better health in general which is in focus as well.

This also means that the letting go part will be happening in Your 12th house of rest. With all the work You will be doing during the next 1,5 years it is important to remember that You might not have so much time to rest, sleep, or to put energy towards Your spiritual pursuits. Even the department of bed pleasures can suffer here a little. Must remember the letting go and detachment part here. Once You do that, more rest and pleasure between the sheets can come too. Do Your best to not force things too much. And even going on holiday can be a bit more difficult during this time. But if You let go of the need to go on holiday, You might be pleasantly surprised.

For You, the focus will be on the 7th house. Relationships, partnerships, business partnerships, public image, clients, consulting, balance in life, marriage. The desire to be in a long-term relationship will be so great that You might even use unusual methods to get into one. But remember that other people exist in the world as well, and do Your best to have their feelings in mind. Some of You might be getting married or into partnerships. The desire to be in the public eye will have You thinking of strange ways to get there. Having new and interesting business partners in sight and going after them could also be a possibility for You Sagittarius.

And now the letting go part. Well, this is going to be hard for You, especially if You are a bit younger. You have to let go of focusing on Yourself (the 1st house). Your path in life and the direction You are going will need a more detached approach. You can’t control everything in that area. Might even need to surrender some parts of Your plans for the greater good. And there is a high possibility that it will involve a partner or a business partner. Being too selfish with this position can be detrimental for the next 1,5 years. But don’t let Your pants completely down, it doesn’t mean You have to be a complete push-over. Let go and trust that You are being guided towards the areas that will be beneficial for Your development. You might be pleasantly surprised if You are in service of others and let go of some selfishness.

The focus is on the 8th house matters for You Scorpio. Intimacy, sex, pregnancy, esoteric and taboo topics, secrets, crisis, transformation, traumas, partner’s resources, resources coming from others, money coming from others, insurance, taxes, healing, death, and rebirth. Some of You can see an increase in Your partner’s resources, or money coming in from clients. You will be focusing on that as well (how to make more).

Experimenting sexually is also a fun way to use this energy, which can then lead to pregnancies as well. New sexual practices can be born from this. Others can discover and emerge themselves into astrology, numerology, secrets, taboo topics. On a negative side, this could bring an obsession with death. If that is the case for You be aware of this and do Your best to focus on other 8th house areas. Although accepting death is part of this life as well, we are here to live and experience as much as we can.

The letting go will be taking place in Your 2nd house. Money, material resources, finances, investments, Your approach to money, possessions, voice, self-worth. Now it doesn’t mean You have to lower Your self-worth in any way. I translate this into detaching from a lot of the things that usually give us worth in our society.

Seeing the deeper meaning of Your worth without those material things. I urge You to take a very balanced approach with finances during this period. No need to pursue them too aggressively, more You are in service of something, the more “I’m okay and I will be materially taken care of” kind of approach You this year, the more of those 2nd house things You will receive. Or in other terms, being obsessed with money is not the best approach. Know that it is necessary for Your life but it doesn’t make You a better person.

With You Libra, the influences are a bit more difficult. (For You everything is opposite.) Because for You the focus is in the 9th house which is naturally ruled by Sagittarius and has the qualities of Sagittarius. If You read the general overview You know that these are opposite energies and it seems like You are supposed to go towards all those Sagittarius matters, and at the same time let them go.

Rather the focus for You is to go towards 9th house matters, bigger picture, belief systems, foreign countries, teaching, mentoring (all those already mentioned above), but do it from a Gemini perspective. This means teaching in foreign countries but teaching practical and useful skills for example.

Selling goods and products abroad but doing it in a small group (Gemini) of people. Developing new belief systems but ones that are more practical and not so higher-minded, philosophical like Sagittarius is. The important thing is to combine the meaning of Gemini and Sagittarius and go towards both. Because with You Libra, the higher goal in Your life is still finding balance in everything that You do.

And now the letting go part of the equation. In the 3rd house (the natural house of Gemini) and in the sign of Sagittarius…I hope You can see the difficulty that we Libras face here (I’m personally a Libra Ascendant so I know the pain of this situation).

This again seems like needing to let go of local communities (the 3rd house) and all those Gemini things already mentioned above. But with You Libra, the best approach is balancing Yourself between those areas. Local and foreign, practical and higher-minded understandings, practical and big picture skills. You will have to do it all and find a balance in those areas.

Much of the focus is in Your 10th house of career, social status, calling, public reputation. The most likely scenario here is working a lot and putting effort into Your career. And also using some “hoop-jumping” to get ahead in those areas. You can also shock the public in some shape or form the gather attention.

Just make sure You walk on the right side of the law when You do that. Otherwise, this can punish instead of leading to success. Innovate and dare to think totally outside the box in regards to Your career, dare to push the limits here.

Letting go and detachment are happening in Your 4th house of family life, home, place of living, parents, mother (in some cases can be the father), Your deep emotional life, Your inner life. Less time to focus on those areas and understandably so.

At times You can feel like You’d rather spend time with Your family than work on Your career but for the next 1,5 years it is best to change the focus. For some of You this just might mean that You get to spend less time at home and with Your parents because of the focus on Your career.

Much of the focus will be in Your 11th house. This means Your long-term goals, dreams, material pursuits, groups, friends, social networks, social causes, gains, bonuses, salary. With all of that focus and energy put into those areas, You will likely see gains in those areas.

Rahu is a bit of a risk-taker so be aware of taking too many risks with Your finances. But on a positive note, You can find new ways of making money or Your friends and networks will help You with Your goals/dreams. You might be drawn to more foreign people within Your local community (it is still Gemini). Or jumping into new groups and social activism groups whose goals are a bit “off the rails” or taboo-breaking in some way.

Much of the letting go and detachment approach is needed in Your 5th house matters. The conflict here is that these are both financial houses, associated with investments. I urge You to be cautious and don’t risk too much. Risk management is important for You Leo! Especially with riskier investments.

But it also influences Your creative projects, business endeavors. You might need to let some go, or the goals behind those endeavors should transform more into being of service. Because there is a lot of focus on those 11th house matters the time You can spend with Your children, on Your hobbies, even with Your lovers can suffer here a little.

Even romance and dating will be influenced, and having fun. But if You do Your best and focus on those 11th house matters, let go of the need to have fun, plenty of this can be given to You.

A lot of focus and energy will move into the 12th house for You Cancer. How You rest, spiritual life, how You recover, vacations, other realms of existence, bed pleasures. You are pulled towards those and meant to experience more of these for the next 1,5 years. The downside with this can be being too isolated. But You have permission for this, and a need.

Also, to grow spiritually, visit foreign lands, enjoy bed pleasures, have access to other realms of existence, and channel divine wisdom. In more simple terms, You can just rest more during this period and find intriguing ways of doing that. Or develop new spiritual practices that can shock the status quo!

Letting go and detachment happens in the 6th house. Meaning, daily routines, health, pets, diet, imbalances, employees, work, it is also the house of service, enemies, employment. You will be so busy with all those spiritual matters that some of Your daily routines can suffer. I believe for You Cancer one of the best ways to channel this energy would be to find some more spiritual routines in Your daily life.

Thus, we combine the energies of the houses. In general, cut Yourself some slack if You can’t be 100% vigorous with Your diet and routine. Some of that control needs to be relinquished. And if You truly let go, You can be guided towards routines, diets, exercising, pets, work that are truly meant for You. You can even quit a job or be let go of a position that no longer serves You. Try not to worry too much, something better is coming for You!

Well Gemini, this is all about You for the next 1,5 years. What do You want to do with Your life? Which path to take? Are You on the right track? You might discover that You need to innovate and start something new that completely shocks those close to You.

Some of You might feel the pull towards foreign lands. Generally, a deep desire to get to know oneself is key here. The focus is on You, and it should be. Use this time to get to know Yourself more deeply. Even changing Your appearance in a way that is more shocking for others is a possibility. A desire to look different and foreign is happening for You certainly!

And now this brings me to the harder part. Letting go and detaching. This influence is in Your 7th house. Relationships, partnerships, business partnerships, public image, clients, consulting, balance in life, marriage. For some of You, it can mean that relationships are leaving Your life. During this period, it is best to let them go.

If You manage to do that, there is a possibility that they can come back. But do Your best to not attach to that idea. Ketu will (in my experience) rip them away. With all of that focus in the 1st house, You will have less time to put into Your relationships and partnerships. It’s okay, and so it should be. Do Your best not to turn into a selfish asshole though!

Discovering Yourself can be done without total neglect for others! If You are looking to get into a relationship, it is best if You let go of the need for it. And focus on Yourself. When You do that, life can bring You a partner that is right for You!

Rahu goes into Your 2nd house. Money, material resources, finances, investments, Your approach to money, possessions, voice, self-worth. The goal of this 1,5-year period is for You to achieve material mastery. Material self-sufficiency, and very plainly put, to make money. But the focus is on material things, creating material foundations.

The desire is there, the want is there, and now You are supported. But always important with Rahu is to manage risk. Rahu’s energy is such an intense one that caution can be thrown out the window. A desire to overspend or a danger is there as well. But putting all those efforts into creating those resources can actually give good results materially during this period.

Do Your best to focus on creating those material resources in a unique way, something out of the ordinary, this has a good chance of making lots!

Ketu goes into Your 8th house. Some detachment and letting go are required to do with matters of Intimacy, sex, pregnancy, esoteric and taboo topics, secrets, crisis, transformation, traumas, partner’s resources, resources coming from others, money coming from others, insurance, taxes, healing, death, and rebirth.

The focus is on Your resources, and You creating them. There is a need to let go of the attachment to other people’s or Your partner’s resources. If You are too attached to them, they can dwindle. If You truly let go and become sufficient Yourself, they can rise. And if You are focusing more on more of the practical and material things for the period, it doesn’t leave much time for esoteric pursuits, learning about astrology, psychology, and intimacy.

Of course, those things can be given to You once You detach and build strong and solid material foundations with Your energy and time. Become materially self-sufficient.

For You Aries, the main focus is in Your 3rd house. Communication and business. Social media, sales, funnels, marketing, advertising, media, TV, newspapers, online business, writing, speaking, teaching and learning skills, smaller communities, local neighborhoods, local community, small-groups. Use marketing, media, and online marketing. Start online businesses.

This can really turn out beneficial for You Aries. 3rd house is considered one of the best positions for Rahu. Success can come in all of those areas for You, material gains, etc.

And the letting go happens in Your 9th house. A detached approach towards religion, universities, higher education, teaching more higher-minded ideals and big picture concepts, libraries, foreign travel, foreign countries, foreign import-export, global companies, philosophy, our belief systems (huge one!!!), the way we connect with spirit/God/Universe, spiritual teachers, gurus, mentor figures, purpose (a huge one!!!), ideals, bigger vision, seeing the bigger picture, luck, faith, theory (also important!), ceremonies, churches.

This will happen organically anyway with You putting a lot of effort into teaching and learning all of those practical skills online and starting local businesses. Important not to force foreign travels, higher education, foreign import, and export. If these happen on their own, with a more relaxed approach, this is good. Otherwise, focus on the 3rd house matters for this 1,5-year period!

Ian Altosaar, The Freedom Astrologer

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