Cancer Season: Eclipses & Mercury Retrograde.
It's #Cancer Season y'all! So, grab that crab boil & dive in the rolling waters. 'Tis the season for passive aggressive behaviors defending a hidden (but super squishy) vulnerability. 'Feeling some type of way' lets you know something isn't sitting right with your spirit.
Neptune went retrograde in #Pisces at 18°43' on June 21, 2019 making the waters of internal reflection quite inviting. It can also make us seek escapism by any means necessary to avoid the reflection, especially if we see what we don't like. Neptune retrograde lasts until November 27, 2019 and will change into forward direction at 15°55' Pisces. This Neptunian cycle also spotlights the major aspects of 2019: Jupiter/Neptune square as well as the Saturn/Neptune sextile.
We are NOW officially in the Mercury Retrograde Shadow: meaning we will be revisiting themes showing up now during the retrograde phase in #Leo that starts officially July 7, 2019 and ends officially on August 2, 2019. The post retrograde shadow phase ends August 15, 2019 and we should be free from Mercury the trickster's influences until the next retrograde.
A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer is happening on July 2, 2019: New emotional beginnings will be seeded then, what will your garden bloom?