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RE: When the Sun Moves Through Scorpio -- It means something to everyone

in #astrology6 years ago

I might me a bit late on this one @enchantedspirit - hopefully not.

There's so much I have to say to you and to thank you for. I haven't posted on Steemit for months now, but since I got here I've continued to visit your page to improve my knowledge of astrology to the point where I can actively use it as guidance for parts of my life - aside from the knowledge, your creative spirit and the way in which you write and structure your thoughts is really wonderful to take in - your writing has given me a lot so thank you thank you!

I actually tried sending you some Steem on 4 seperate occasions as thanks. The first couple were a few months ago, and I think the memo was too large so it didn't send, now when I try it says I don't have enough of one of Steem's new currencies which I'm not privy too; my messages were of thanks and appreciation of course, and I wanted to throw some Steem your way to show that.

In the messages which didn't send, I also asked if you felt creatively fulfilled here, and if you would be up for some collaboration, you always ask for comments on your posts and are open to discussions down here - I suppose I was feeling selfish and wanted a bit of collaborative spotlight on your page.

Would love for you to comment on what's going on with me, lately I feel quite liberated in the sense that I feel I'm always learning and a new professional relationship has come up where I feel much more supported in who I truly am. Transparency is leaking through all parts of my life, I am continuing to be honest and speak truthfully. I'm recently getting better with self-care (I think).

02 Oct 1994, 2:10PM, Perth, Western Australia - if you're around I'm happy for you to comment here or DM (though I didn't know Steem had DMs).

Thank you !


Hi, ---> First of all, thank you for all this -- and especially for the STEEM ... which did make it through, I see. Bless you for your persistence. I'm sorry for being so long in getting back to you. I did see your comment here early on -- and it gave me a lot of reason to pause and think, about my own direction and future. I have mixed feelings about so many things, including my continuing involvement on Steemit. Your bright message of encouragement came at such an ironic moment. Srsly.

I think this morning (It's 8 AM where I am) I'm in a good enough spot emotionally that I can answer your comment -- and give some of the focus you're asking about. If I don't dive into the mess of this place right away, you should have something in a couple of hours.

Thank you for your interest -- and especially for your patience. I did go looking for you a couple of times over the past months, but as you said, you yourself seemed to have left ... possibly for reasons that are all too easy to understand. See you again here in a bit. I hope you're around enough to at least get this message. I'm not always so churlish as to leave people hanging like this. Getting through this time myself hasn't been easy.

Stay tuned.

The Steem I sent isn't accurate appreciation - it's my pleasure
No worries about the slow response - I did think I maybe put a bit too much in my comment, and was strongly considering removing my birthdata from it - hahaha
Pretty sure I'm happy about being part of the irony, it does make me really happy that I have provided something of value to you - very happy indeed. As I said, I've come back to Steemit over the last 5 months almost solely for you, and I'm extremely happy to see your responses. I accidentally read the middle one first and was pretty ecstatic. I took a photo of my setting and my face as I was reading, I had to take breaks because it was just really nice.

Going to get on replying to the comments below. Thank you thank you

I'm glad you found it. Thank you so much for your response.


Back to me for a minute. I just looked at my Tarot card of the day from my own website ---> which rendered this:

Today's Theme for Daily Life
Struggling with self-identity

This card is about feeling limited, frustrated, stymied, confused, and "not knowing who you really are any more."

To lose your sense of identity, your certainty of who you are and what you are about can be a frightening, disorienting crisis. It may play out wholly within yourself ... or between you and some antagonist or difficult situation in the outside world, something (or someone) whose feedback causes you to question very fundamental things about yourself.

This can range from something as basic as questioning your competence -- causing problems with your no-longer-solid self-confidence to questioning your basic human worth and virtue leaving you paralyzed with indecision and a deep loss of personal courage. Both impede your ability to show who you really are ... and be true to your nature in your attitudes and responses.

Getting past this time and regaining solid ground can be a challenge ... and you may face such a moment before long.

---> ----> ---> ---> ---> ---> --->

My God, does that say it? My webmaster husband built this contraption for our Premium Members that renders the most amazing readings. Sometimes I question the wisdom of turning him loose on his own.

Hahaha this is great - thank you for sharing.

What have I done to you??

Kidding of course. That's a nice feature, turn him loose if you haven't!

I welcome you back here or anywhere else so so so so so much - and I hope you'll write about whatever the heck you want, I'm very onboard with this, but I'm no rich investor so, you know.

I wonder what you're after. What does your ideal platform look like? What does your ideal connection to your audience look like?

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