Your house may be haunted

in #astral8 years ago

Hears footsteps through the halls when alone, doors to knock inexplicably objects disappear and reappear without logical explanation, or lights that turn on and off by themselves ... Find out what the signs that may show that your house is haunted and how deal with.

True haunting s are rare occurrences and can be difficult to determine if any strange phenomenon that is happening in your home has its origin in a haunting. The first step is to determine the best possible way, if you really have a case of haunting. Not all ghosts are equal, and they may have a variety of phenomena. Some hauntings feature a single phenomenon - like a door opening and closing repeatedly - while others consist of many different phenomena, ranging from odd noises to apparitions. Here is a partial list of phenomena that may indicate that your house is haunted:

Numbers "infinite" - For example, see the same times on the clock as 11:11 may indicate that a loved one is close by, as these numbers represent infinity.

Unexplained noises - Steps, beats, sounds of something being dragged. Sometimes these noises can be subtle and sometimes can be quite high.

Mild psychokinetic phenomena - Listen to a door open or close is one thing. See it happen is another. Similarly, observe a light on or off alone is greater proof that something unexplained is happening. You see the television or radio to connect up alone? It also occurs when a child's toy begins to function on their own.

Smells that do not belong to that moment - Perhaps it may be the smell of a cigarette, when never smoked in my life, or your favorite dish that your grandmother used to cook ... It may be a known or an unusual odor.

The temperature of your home varies greatly - If you suddenly feel the famous shiver down the spine or the environment is cold, it is likely that there is a spiritual presence. This also applies if the place looks too dense or if you feel tense just walk in the door.

Items disappearing and reappearing - This phenomenon dubbed the "Doppler effect" or "the borrowers" ("Those who borrow") is quite common to occur. It is when there is an item used regularly - for example, your car keys sauce - that should be in place that usually leaves every day, but they are not and you are looking everywhere and can not find. Some time later, when you have taken the case of lost keys are found - in exactly the place you normally leave ... It is as if the object was borrowed by someone or something for a short period of time and then be returned.

Strange animal behavior - a dog, cat or other pet behaves strangely. Dogs may bark at something unseen, cower without apparent reason or refuse to enter a room that normally goes. Cats may appear to be "watching" something to cross a room. Animals have sharper senses than humans, and many. researchers believe their psychic abilities can be more accurate.

Unexplained shadows - the sighting of shapes and shadows, usually seen out of the corner of his eyes. Often, the shadows have vaguely human forms, while other times they are less distinguishable.

Feeling of being watched - This is not an uncommon feeling and can be attributed to many things, but could have a paranormal source if the feeling consistently occurs in a specific part of the house and at a given time.

Apparitions - A physical manifestation of a spirit or entity. These phenomena are also very rare and can take many forms: Mists humanely or mists of some indistinguishable; transparent human forms that disappear quickly, and more rarely, human forms that look so real and solid as any living person, but disappearing from nowhere.

What should you do in these cases?

Ask for the spirit to leave - Communication is one of the best outputs in these moments. Often a small request can be sincere enough to end his anguish.

If you are religious, ask someone to bless the house - can be a priest or just a spirit, but anyone who can bring light into the environment will help this time.

Diffuse salvia by the home environment - The plant has features that help clean the environment of any negative energy or someone who is not welcome.