ASTERISKED MUSIC - New Music and Art Journalism | PJCornell.Com
Progress on my network of websites continues. Here is descriptive content of the Asterisked Music section of the main site.
“Asterisk Band Logo,” by PJ Cornell, Copyright 2015, all rights reserved.
This category is associated with The Asterisked Music Journal and contains news updates from Asterisked Music Productions, and Asterisk Piano Podcast entries. Asterisk is the online musical project of PJ Cornell. It has an associated website, which is [AsteriskedMusic.Com], as well as a podcast, where Asterisk publishes new music (the Asterisk Piano Podcast on iTunes, or PJ Cornell on Soundcloud).
Asterisked Music News
Above all, this is a page dedicated to music journalism. Go there for news articles about Asterisk, such as performances, releases, and tours. Also reviews of other bands, releases, songs, and shows, by Asterisk performer, PJ Cornell.
Asterisk Piano Podcast
PJ Cornell periodically improvises and publishes piano pieces. Go to that link to hear his work. You can also subscribe to his podcast on iTunes and Soundcloud. His work is also published on Spreaker and YouTube. We keep archives of the podcast on YouTube.
More to Come
As this project expands, it may expand into journalism related to the visual arts as well. Join our mailing list and stay informed! We always look for new talent. At the moment, however, we cannot compensate you directly. We will, however, be happy to promote your work on our websites and include PayPal and Coinbase donation links. If you are a music or visual arts journalist, please feel free to submit your work.