How to Raise Competent and Assertive Children
Nowadays, children have easy access to technology that does everything for them whether it is doing their homework, ordering food online or fulfill any of their wishes. Convenience has become one of the huge factors that children have gained over the years. And with that, it is easy for them to become lazy and unmotivated to achieve something for themselves. Cooking, problem-solving, research are just a few of the skills that kids choose not to practice or learn. And unfortunately, it will hurt them in the long-run. Luckily, here are a few tips that were compiled to help you to counteract it:
1. Encourage Them To Have Personal Projects
If they have something to focus on, it will help to distract them from the idle activities on their devices and provide them with a sense of motivation. This project can be tailored to fit the child’s personality and interests. For example, if they are artistic, you could give them a drawing to complete, or if they are athletic, they could learn a sport and so on. It could also be a social project where if your child is shy and withdrawn, you could give them the assignment to speak to someone new every other day. The sense of accomplishment they will feel after completing a task that they thought was too difficult or impossible will aid them in becoming more self-motivated.
2. Give them responsibilities
As you may get from the subtitle, this may help them to grow into a more responsible individual. Responsibilities can mean a lot of things so it can simply be setting a chore that is theirs to always complete, sending them on an errand run or even assisting in taking care of their siblings. This can help them to be more reliable as they grow and to become a person that others can depend on. It also aids them in being more motivated and allows them to become more independent.
3. Let them solve their own problems
Trust me, they will make mistakes as they go along but it will do them no good if you always come swooping in to save the day. This may cause them to feel lost and dumbfounded when challenges arise in their occupation and even social life. Allowing them to accept the outcomes of their actions and correct them will help to make them more accountable and self-reliant. It will also make them more cautious in the future since they would want to avoid the aftermath that may follow.
Of course, you will have to be patient with them as believe me, they will try to get out of their responsibilities and tasks, but just remember how it will benefit them in the end. And don’t get me wrong, you can help them out when they make a mistake sometimes as it shows them support, however, if you are always doing everything for them, they will grow to be very dependent, indifferent and unenthusiastic about important aspects of life. The aim of parenthood is to raise competent men and women of the future, who will be able to stand on their own two feet, especially when we are not around anymore