Assasins history
Founding of the Order Only Arabia and Syria could be the theater of the terrible deeds of the Lord of the Mountain. Hasan ibn Sabbah, one of the preachers of the Cairo school, distinguished himself and gained great influence in Cairo. This influence aroused the envy of others who managed to send him into exile. He was put on a ship to be taken out of the country, the storm did not rise, everyone considered themselves dead. But Hassan, assuming an imperious air, exclaimed: The Lord promised me that nothing bad would happen to me! Suddenly the storm subsided, the sailors shouted: Miracle! and became followers of Hasan. Hasan passed through Persia, recruiting proselytes, capturing the fortress of Alamut on the border of Iraq, which he called the House of Wealth, established his power there. Hasan's Influence Kings in the heart of Europe trembled at the name of Hassan. His mighty hand achieved everything. Philip Augustus of France was so afraid of him that he did not dare to step without bodyguards, and perhaps the implacable Lord of the Mountain spared him for this fear. At first it seemed that Hassan had no other intentions than to increase the influence of the Cairo Caliphate, but he soon dropped the mask. He reduced the nine degrees into which the adherents of the Cay lodge were divided to seven, and he himself became the head with the title of Seidna, or Sidna, from which comes the Spanish address "sid" and the Italian "signor". The assassins are the perverted hashish derived from hashish, with which the chief drugged his followers when they undertook some desperate venture. Teachings of the Order In order to arrange the seven degrees, he compiled the teachings of the order. The first degree ordered the mentor to carefully monitor the character of the candidate before accepting him into the order. The second urged him to win the confidence of the candidate by flattering his passions and inclinations; the third is to confuse him with doubts and difficulties, showing the absurdity of the Qur'an; fourth - to snatch a solemn oath of fidelity and obedience, with a promise to state their doubts before the teacher; the sixth, called confirmation, forced the teacher to study the proselyte throughout the previous course and confirm him in it. The sixth, called the "exposition of the allegory," gave the key to the sect. The Devotion of the Followers The followers were divided into two parts: the selfless and the seekers. The former, ignoring fatigue, danger and torment, gladly gave her life when it pleased the Grand Master, who demanded that she either protect him or carry out his death sentences. When the sacrifice was indicated, believers in a white tunic, the color of innocence and blood, set off to fulfill this mission, not stopped by either distance or danger. Having found the one they were looking for, they waited for a favorable moment to kill him.