Aspies of the world, UNITE and feast!

in #asperger5 years ago (edited)


Me in a club party trying to: learn quadratic algebra with my former chef de salle.

So, my psi is back from a deserved break from me, she says the Bahamas, I think she interned herself in Arkhan Asilum.

She is not actually my Psi, she is a dear friend, who happens to be a psi, but she is the one that confronted me and made me stop asking myself if i was raving mad, and helped me figure out my shortcomings and assume my Autism.

She found I had replaced her with a ragged band of other Aspies that lurk the confines of the internet trying to do justice.

They are fun! Utterly fun,

Some Aspies use their super powers to obtain what they want, others are kinder, they use their powers to give others what they want.

Both kinds act out of a need to be recognized.(And show their superpowers)

I know what I want, And I say what I want, And no one can take it away...

So my world was shaken in shambles recently

It is been shaken for the last 6 or 7 years, but a few days ago a new thing happend.

And this has made me think about a lot of shit, about patterns and repetitive behaviors that need replacement behaviors.

Loneliness instills fear, and fear is the mind killer.

I just came back from a drive out, it usually relaxes me to go at high speed and let my wise playlist heal me.

The three songs in this post were my therapy today.

I went yelling them three while i drove around the town and when I parked the car to get some milk in the super market I was singing to the top of my lungs the Beatles.

Love me do

When I looked around, two eldery ladies who parked aside me (to my surprise and fun) got out of their car and started dancing (I got the Harman Kardon 10 speakers 2 transducers in the batmobile, so it is loud really loud) and I like to think I made their day!
We all smiled and laughed a lot.

After getting my milk, jumped back in the car and headed for the twisty road that take to the golf course.

That was 90K/h of thin and twisty mountain road that gives a lot of sensations, like riding a motorbike almost. (Hell I miss my bike)

This part was accompanied by: Dance of the death

So I found a new super girl!

Not during this stroll, I mean I met someone. She's an undiagnosed Aspie suffering form extreme empathy and coping he best that she can with life.

I enjoy talking with her because since moment 0 there was no social filters. This is rare, very rare, usually we go slowly before confessing or accusing others of being Aspies as to many people autism is a deal breaker.

I consider we have many superpowers and many shortcomings and it is our duty to use the former to balance the later.

I dream to create a team made of Aspies, try to work out supporting each other and helping understanding and learning from our experiences.

My fun Aspie group shows me we are a wild strange bunch, and not always able to work in concert, what seems fair for one is unacceptable for the other.

But i deal with it with patience (Not one of my virtues) from the knowledge that we are all honest and well intentioned (with Normies you never know) so when clashes happen, it comes surely from a misunderstanding or a different interpretation of what we perceive as reality.

I want my Psi to join us, because I see her like Doctor Xavier X from the X man, a meta-human whose super power is guide other meta humans to become their better self.

Bonus track: Nothing Else matters

I did not sing it at the top of my lungs, but I am listening to this version while writting this post.

So I am happy, I found a new one.

And talking is easy going, except when my Aspie mind gets all clouded...

Digging about female autism to try to figure out her, I realized I fall into many of the traits that are mostly assigned to female aspies like the chamaleonic thing, the learn by imitation, discussing with my psi I now blame that in to my mother who raised me. (and the more I think the more Aspie she was)

The worse is that when I was young;

My safe place was on the top of my closet... I had installed a lamp and went there to read for hours.

...So I have female Aspie traits and used to hide in a closet...

Does that makes me gay ?

By way of deception thou shalt make war.

"Where there is no guidance, a nation falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety."
Proverbs 24:6

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Shared on my twitter nathannarvaez


Excelente, y no digo esto a menudo.

una buena cancion para la ruta.

Un honor recibir este halago de el cazador!
En medio de esta mudanza y todo el peo, me estoy tripeando el analizarme y analizar las interacciones.

Y si... tratando de permanecer Forever Young.

...So I have female Aspie traits and used to hide in a closet...

Does that makes me gay ?

Uhm, ¡Watchout! ...batman. };)



Uhm, aha, okay... ¡Mosca puesjm! };)

That was 90K/h of thin and twisty mountain road that gives a lot of sensations, like riding a motorbike almost. (Hell I miss my bike)

Then, get rid of that lascivious batimovil and start now going to those noisy club parties to learn quadratic algebra riding your mighty boogie bike as in the good ol' days. :)

This one is more my style, but rock on

Nah! I actually believe your 'style' must be more like this below indeed.

But yesterday I coudn't find the damn link within my files to share this specific video with you to fully show you what I wanted to mean. ;)

Oh! and by the way. Since you say driving your batimovil at 'high speed' usually relaxes you and heals you while listening good music on your wise playlist. If anything, just to maintain that splendorous smile of happiness stamped more often in your face like that one shown in the picture at the beginning of this post.

Then let me throw now also this video next, just to try kill three birds with one stone through my musical advice. :)

Creo que justo así es que te gustaría manejar todo el tiempo cada vez que vas a comprar tu infaltable tabaco y rolling paper al estanco. Jajajaja

Rock On!! :)

The first video lyrics portrait someone who was me 12 years ago, a lonesome biker riding around Europe enjoying life, some times the road to heaven, sometimes the road to hell.

In the end i took the road to my own hell by hanging out my boots and following the manual for a happy life.

Maybe I need now in these times of change to hang out my BMW that is not me anyway, and become again that dirty dusty biker, dressed in full leathers eating kilometers everyday.

I have the means, the time, even maybe the force.

After all I am just a Simple MAN

PS: The full leathers are biker attire meant for protection against asphalt burns, any ressemblance with the Blue Ostrich attire is just that those MOFOs stole our gear for whatever reason.

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La musicalización de tus post es de primera, vale la pena poner cada una de las rolas.

Lo cierto es que ser asperger es una especie de superpoder. Quién sabe, con esos gustos musicales hasta podría decir que es el siguiente paso en la evolución humana.

Sin saber usarlo es una maldicion, sabiendo usarlo es un super poder.

Los Aspies solemos no darnos cuenta y concentrarnos en resolver nuestras deficiencias ignorando nuestras excepcionalidades.

Yo trato de usar una para equilibrar la otra, pero hay cosas en las que fallo y no he podido encontrar puntos de equilibrio.

Y si yo creo que es parte de la evolucion, los autistas no funcionales pienso que simplemente no logran manejar la velocidad de su cerebro.

Ya para nosotros es duro lograr adaptar y aprovechar las herramientas (habla, escritura, tacto, oido, gusto) los veo como sensores y sistemas de entrada y salida.

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