Physical simulation study on the hydraulic fracture propagation of coalbed methane well

By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Physics Week -- Current study results on Geophysics have been published. According to news reporting from Xuzhou, People’s Republic of China, by VerticalNews journalists, research stated, “As the most widely used technique to modify reservoirs in the exploitation of unconventional natural gas, hydraulic fracturing could effectively raise the production of CBM wells. To study the propagation rules of hydraulic fractures, analyze the fracture morphology, and obtain the controlling factors, a physical simulation experiment was conducted with a tri-axial hydraulic fracturing test system.”
Financial supporters for this research include National Major Special Project of Science and Technology of China, Natural Science Foundation of China, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Qing Lan Project.
The news correspondents obtained a quote from the research from the China University of Mining and Technology, “In this experiment, the fracturing sample - including the roof, the floor, and the surrounding rock - was prepared from coal and similar materials, and the whole fracturing process was monitored by an acoustic emission instrument. The results demonstrated that the number of hydraulic fractures in coal is considerably higher than that observed in other parts, and the fracture morphology was complex. Vertical fractures were interwoven with horizontal fractures, forming a connected network. With the injection of fracturing fluid, a new hydraulic fracture was produced and it extended along the preexisting fractures. The fracture propagation was a discontinuous, dynamic process. Furthermore, in-situ stress plays a key role in fracture propagation, causing the fractures to extend in a direction perpendicular to the minimum principal stress. To a certain extent, the different mechanical properties of the coal and the other components inhibited the vertical propagation of hydraulic fractures.”
According to the news reporters, the research concluded: “Nonetheless, the vertical stress and the interfacial property are the major factors to influence the formation of the T shaped and I shaped fractures.”
For more information on this research see: Physical simulation study on the hydraulic fracture propagation of coalbed methane well. Journal of Applied Geophysics , 2018;150():244-253. Journal of Applied Geophysics can be contacted at: Elsevier Science Bv, PO Box 211, 1000 Ae Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Elsevier -; Journal of Applied Geophysics -
Our news journalists report that additional information may be obtained by contacting X.Y. Zhang, China Univ Min & Technol, Sch Resources & Geosci, Xuzhou 221008, People’s Republic of China. Additional authors for this research include C.F. Wu, M. Wang, L.G. Zhou and W. Jiang.
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CITATION: (2018-04-17), New Geophysics Study Findings Have Been Reported by Researchers at China University of Mining and Technology (Physical simulation study on the hydraulic fracture propagation of coalbed methane well), Physics Week, 367, ISSN: 1944-2661, BUTTER® ID: 015519200
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