What is Ascension? - Part IsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #ascension7 years ago


My present-day comments on this post: Why is this topic relevant? Increasingly, pockets of people around the world are beginning to report evidence that we are in an ascension era. At the cosmic level, our solar system is completing it's cycle around the center of our galaxy, and at the evolutionary level, our surface human population is preparing to be open participants in the larger galactic community. For that to occur, we need to be fully connected to Source in love and letting that love extend to our fellow created beings (univerally). As this shift occurs, the last vestiges of rebellion against Source (initiated by the system-wide Luciferian Rebellion) are being exposed for what they are, and the collective will can and will increasingly choose the way of Universal Law.

Oringially 2015 Posted in jesusandaliens Nov 12, 2015.

“In our world," said Eustace, "a star is a huge ball of flaming gas."
"Even in your world, my son, that is not what a star is, but only what it is made of.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Growing up in the Christian Church, the only definition of “ascension” I knew was Jesus rising into the clouds after his resurrection. So when I googled “alien messages” and a site with the title, “Ascension,” came up, I really didn’t know what it was about. Looking into it, I discovered that the word is a general way to describe the individual's or collective souls', or consciousness, expansion. Eastern religions and New Agers adhere to this practice of raising one’s spiritual capacity, mainly through meditation and mental and spiritual focus. That is a simplistic explanation, I know. But for the sake of introduction to this topic, I am going to keep it very basic.

To understand spiritual ascension, we must establish from what we are to ascend from, and to. Curiously, humans throughout history have had a concept about the levels of existence, from nearly complete to just speculation. The latter comes through in a quote from the late Father Corrado Balducci, a Vatican official, in an interview on Italian TV, who alludes to these "higher levels."

The following are the English subtitles translated from the Italian, transcribed by me with minor grammar corrections, emphasis mine:

Christ is always the center of the universe. But in the universe there is everything, not only the world, there are thousands of stars, there are thousands of galaxies, and there are (I don’t want to say numbers here…) and with rationale at this point and we get here at the second question, “how do you explain them?” The existence of other inhabited worlds - in which way inhabited and by whom? you see we - there is a very old saying that - "nature non fact saltum" (Latin). “Nature doesn’t make jumps.” We have the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, the human kingdom and the angelic realm. The only 4 realms that we know. Three are natural and we can see them. Between man, the human being, and angels, there is a big step. With this argument of the appropriateness, very well illustrated by St Thomas - one of the main theologians - it’s probable, it’s likely, that between men, that has already a spirit within him, but poor spirit, he's subject to the matter in an incredible way, at the evening we feel that we have to go to sleep, and in contrast the soul doesn’t need to rest. Even a small illness, even…it’s so locked up. The angel who is only spirit. It’s likely that there are other beings which have a soul, let’s say, that is less linked, less subordinate to the physical body. And a soul of this kind, it’s obvious that they can accomplish progress that we are unable to, even if we made a lot of progress in recent decades…

The following is an example of a fully laid out explanation of existence which comes not from human understanding, but from the channeled entity Aridif, a 6th density entity whose vocation is to assist in the ascension of races in the lower densities, including humanity. Being nearly 5000 words long, (and that was only the basic explanation as far as the entity was concerned) I have done my best to boil it down to bullet points. From the recorded sessions in Benevolent Hybrid Reptilian Humans book, pgs 384-395]

Quick rundown: out of 13 forms of existence possible, Creator being the highest and mineral/elements being lowest, we are at the 3rd level, or density (of matter). Which means that between us and Creator are 10 higher densities of beings (besides the disembodied souls of deceased humans and other 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th density entities - what we know as “ghosts”), and entities from each density have been interacting with humanity since it's inception. Humans have called these various higher-density entities angels, demons, aliens, fairies, trolls, Yeti/Sasquatch/Bigfoot, spirit guides, gods, or Space/Star Brothers/Sisters.

The Non-Physical Densities:

13th- Creator, encompasses ALL. All densities within creation contain Creator's Love and Light

12th - no real density; the “God Brain” feeds all thought and experience directly into Creator

11th - expressions of energy, light, sound, etc.; separate Universes (includes non-physical)

10th - consciousnesses of entire galaxies, billions or trillions of stars and planets

9th - the collective consciousness of the galactic center

8th - last point of individual consciousness; physically manifests as stars

7th - higher 7th: collective consciousness manifesting as planets and moons

-lower 7th: pure consciousness: at end of incarnational cycle, all entities’ consciousness collect after this

Ghost Zone: Transition from Physical to Non-Physical Densities: has a buffer time or area

6th - Mastery of Love and Light combined; semi-physical; not visible to lower densities but still having material form; point above which all densities enter fully into love and light; in 6th and the densities below it, both the negative option and the positive option (accepting or not accepting love and light) are still part of experience.

Ghost Zone

5th - Mastery of instant manifestaton of Light (wisdom): stage of great learning in the physical form for yourself and for the greater good of all

Ghost Zone

4th - Mastery of Unconditional Love: stage of learning love of self and others, expanded abilities of telepathy, experiencing entities in higher densities either energetically or physically; double the capacity of consciousness as 3rd

Ghost Zone

3rd - all that we as humans know as our reality - physical, soul-consciousness, polarity of love and fear in each individual

2nd - all living things, the animal kingdom, plants, bacteria etc.

1st - elements and minerals

Stay tuned for what this lens on existence means for the “Aliens are Demons Debate” and a host of other discussions of the supernatural and paranormal…

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