The RA Summer show

in #artzone6 years ago

Ada on the phone .jpg

The RA Summer show deadline is fast approaching and I have paid my submission fee of £35, I now have to decide what to enter. I have stopped limiting myself to something that will fit on the train and I'm accepting if I want to show off my best work I'm going to have to drive to London or pay a courier service.
So, the latest painting that I have completed and really like is this representation of a child plugged into a phone whilst another world goes on behind her that she is unaware of. I have recognised that none of my children are actually children, they are symbolic of the state of humanity. Humanity is a child, and humanity has stopped growing and becoming aware but has plugged itself in to a dopamine drip. Like rats on a sugar drip, society is addicted to technology and the high it is constantly fed by social media.
Behind humanity something sinister is going on, by accident or design while we have taken our eye off the ball symbolic demons are playing their games.
The red shape, a subconscious doubt, it's there but we are ignoring it.
Paint has been let loose on this canvas, to find it's own place, paint painted the picture with me. I let it go where it wanted to go.

I am not sure that this is my final choice, it's risky, I could go with a safer option, but maybe this could touch someone in a way that my other work can't?

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