Art in the City part: 1
Today was absolutely wonderful. This was my first day working as a community help worker and let me tell you I did it in style. The job consists of hanging out with a young man living with a disability in order to get him out of the house.
Click here for some old school Trip-Hop remix
I met Brodie’s mom when she registered to one of my Sketching and Drawing classes. One thing led to another and I began giving her son private art lessons. We mostly did abstract paintings with acrylics together. We stopped for a while and then Jan, a fellow Quebecker, contacted me with this exciting offer. I am worried of getting over-worked so the timing is perfect with the nice weather giving me more energy to take it on on top of everything else. This will in turn give me time to adjust my different jobs by the time the days get darker again.
It just so happens that I had booked a volunteer promotion of my classes for an event named Art in the City. I drew free portraits of the crowd which I will talk about in my next post. It was so fun to bring Brodie along. He loves to socialise which I believe he has learned to do a lot with his church.
He was instantly interested by the art therapy table where we had a long conversation with the therapist who made it clear that she was not operating to the full of her capacity during the event.
I did an art demo for this event last year and I borderline regretted it. They really stepped it up this year with the lighting and the music. The day was still a bit too quiet but the atmosphere will really help build the event in the years to come because the word will spread that people had a great time.
This is him, magic Brodie who prides himself on being unique. It was so good to see him after such a long time.
That shirt he’s wearing? It comes from a friend who passed away recently. We had talked about how his bitch Anique had comforted him so when he was grieving his friend. On the drawing, you can see Super-Anique with her consoling power.
I made a drawing too, of a cat!
In a previous post, I was mad at Peter for the way he poorly showcased my work for Art in the City. I had gotten the name of who to get in touch with to make a complaint from one of my valuable contacts. Now, I can’t bring myself to go through with it or at least, I will stick to the damage to my frames.
I am absolutely moved by Peter’s hard work on this event, creating such a wonderful family experience. He also put me in the lobby for my portrait demo which helped me get the traffic I needed. Stay tuned for this art packed hour of the day!
I dig the footer graphic.
But on point, glad you seem to be feeling better. That looks like a nice creative space. And I LOVE the cat you drew. =^_^=
Thanks a bunch, feel free to use any SD footer I create, no need to credit ;)
Thank you so much. =)