"Why are you painting your art, not just orders? You do not get paid for them? "🙈 It's the same thing if I asked someone: "Wait, why do you do what you like, and not just work for money?"

in #artzone6 years ago

Sometimes people ask me: "Why are you painting your art, not just orders? You do not get paid for them? "🙈

I do not want to offend anyone, but this is a stupid and absurd question "

This is the same thing if I asked someone: "Wait, why do you do what you like, and not just work for money?" And in drawing it's important to distinguish "work" from "leisure" ☝

Work is always an activity out of material need, I take responsibility for orders and approach it very seriously. I significantly sketch for a longer time, coordinate every action with the customer, several times I re-do something at his request. The most difficult thing is to convey the idea of

another person, because you have different ideas about how to do it. When I paint my ideas, I rest. I'm not afraid to spoil, I do not double-check errors, I'm not responsible to someone for what I did - I just create.

 Бывает, меня спрашивают: «почему ты рисуешь свои арты, а не только заказы? Тебе же за них не платят?»🙈

Никого обидеть не хочу, но это глупый и абсурдный вопрос🤷🏻‍♀️

Это тоже самое, если бы я спросила кого-то: «Стой, почему ты делаешь то, что тебе нравится, а не только работу за деньги?» И в рисовании важно отличать «работу» от «досуга»☝🏻

Работа - всегда деятельность из материальной надобности, за заказы я несу ответственность и подхожу к этому очень серьезно. Я значительно дольше делаю эскиз, согласовываю каждое действие с заказчиком, на несколько раз переделываю что-то по его требованию . Самое трудное - передать идею другого человека, потому что у вас разные представления о том, как нужно сделать. Когда же я рисую именно свои идеи - я отдыхаю. Я не боюсь испортить, я не перепроверяю ошибки, я не несу ответственность перед кем-то за то, что сделала - я просто творю. 



Hi everyone! pls do help to upvote this post for my friend's father's heart. They need our support right now..

Hi. i just resteem your post. I ask permission for my love of photograpy world

thanks for the support!

The pictures that are hand-painted look very nice to see me, too,20180315_200500.jpg

Enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work :-)

I do the same! I draw and paint because i love creating, and my art gives people joy and happyness. Money is not the first reason i work for.

yes, but many can not understand this. Although there may be no sense to prove something to them :) Have a nice day!

This woman is magnificent, her beauty is true
is really connects me and you
I like her hair, her sweet light smile
I really would live to spend a while
by her side
my day would be so bright!

Hi Andrianna, so glad I just found you here. You got a new follower!
I bring you a poem with a greeting from my second account @tatjana.weber. I am on a personal quest to write 1000 poems and ask 1000 steemians for 1 SBD. This is my fundraiser to get my own business going. I started to work as a coach and I want to make coach people with disabilities at a more reasonable price. As you might know I have celebral palsy myself and I really want to show the world and also myself that I can still make it!
Life has taught me a lot, especially in the last couple of years and I want to use all I have to help others reach their full potenzial. I just need a little to really get startet. So I am fundraising. All that send me SBD will get there own personal poem. Are you on bord?

yeah so true . I do agree with it . it is really a stupid question. killing our self satisfaction and working for money isn't good but people do it often so called JOB( JUST OVER BROKE).

I'm glad that we have one opinion :)

this painting a new variant is more beautiful

THIS: "I'm not afraid to spoil"!!!!!!!!! toeter.gif is so important!
Beside the fact that ... fear spoils!

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