The benefits of noni fruit ....
Despite having an unpleasant smell and taste, Noni fruit is much sought after by society. It is said that as a traditional medicine, mengkudu has many properties that can cure various conditions. But medically the benefits of fruit that has the Latin name morinda citrifolia is still in doubt ..........
Not many people know that actually noni fruit, aka noni fruit, is part of the family species of coffee. This potato-sized, exotic green fruit does not taste good and it gives off a slightly sharp smell, so it is more often consumed in the form of juice or dietary supplements. Although the appearance is less seductive taste, there are many benefits of noni fruit for health that you may never know before, namely: Lowering fever, Overcoming arthritis, Decrease the risk of gout, Protect from the risk of damage caused by stroke, Boost immunity, Lowering cholesterol, blood sugar, Reduce stress, Prevent cancer, Treat scalp irritation .........