My Entry to the 2nd Art-Trail Contest - "The Mistress of the Beast"
This is my entry to the second art-trail-contest by @art-trail. Check out the link to the contest post here
- Category: Fantastic art
- Title: The Mistress of the Beast
- Size: A2
- Date: Febuary 2017
- Technique: Graphite pencil drawing
The idea for the drawing came to me when I looked at some pictures Stefan Keinz took of me last summer. In this photography I liked the way the hands grab the brokat fabric but I wanted to add a dark fantasy to the original picture so I decided to draw a skull with completly black eye-holes.
This is an photoediting combining the two pieces so you can guess how the original photograph looked like. This is not part of the Art-trail contest -only the drawing is, but I thought you might like it.
Thank you for reading and for your awesome support!
Lots of Love and Light <3
:D Mistress of the Beast and Number of the Beast:
You missed "r" in mistress in title.
Thank you :) I have not had enough sleep :D
No problem, Steem on!
Thanks :) You too (:
You are very talented man!
Cheers :) I like to try out a lot of different things in the field of arts. I started having a drawing diary when I was 15 and it helped me a lot to develop my skills and try out different technikes. I already made a post with some pictures from my drawing diary of 2011. You can see I was already fascinated with the human body shape. Yet not so eyperienced :)
Sehr cool. Echt diabolisch :-) Resteemed.
Danke ;) Das Böööööse :D
Sehr gerne :-)
Beautiful details in this. Good luck.
Thank you very much. I enjoyed to work on those details in the fabric a lot ;)
Wow theres a lot of great artists on steemit
In deed. I have seen a lot of great artwork here. Have you seen the account of @romanskv? His works are great ;)
Nice one .... or two:)
Thank you :)
coole arbeit, gefällt mir @yoganarchista ;-)
Vielen Dank :) Das freut mich :)
habe dir auch direkt mal ein follow da gelsssen :-)
Dankeschön ;)
Awesome drawing. Loving it!
Cheers :) I am happy you like it :)
Cheers :)