Artstorm Contest #13 Day 6 - Theme Today - Party Hats

Day 6 is now finished.
Here is a link to Day 7, theme 'party food', in case you would like to enter:
Do you like entering challenges that don't take long to complete? Check out @mariannewest's 'Five Minute Freewrite' daily post. Just follow the link to her blog.
Click here if you want to know how I choose winners.

Sounds like fun! I will try to find time to participate! regards! : D
Thank you much for your vote. You just saved the contest! I haven't been earning enough to pay the prizes this week in spite of doing 7 0r 8 posts a day so next week when they pay out I wasn't going to have enough for prizes. Your vote just changed all that. Your vote means we can go another week now. Thank you, thank you! I hope to see an entry from you!
here you have another vote to help:D
Thank you, that is so kind :)
Thank you so much @amartinezque for your vote friend!! Not only does it help @deemarshall out with continuing this fun and amazing contests, but it helps the intire Steemit community. So I’d just like to thank you on behalf of us artist, we love you and thank you for your kindness, compassion, and support dear sir. May God bless you abundantly in all you do! Here’s a picture for you, a Heartfelt thanks❣️

Here is my entry for digital-art category.
Such amazing party hats, flowers 💐 and butterflies 🦋 how beautiful! Cleaver idea @gerliepepito!
Thank you for your entry!
Here is mine rushing..... Loading hahaha.....
Here is the link:
Thank you for your entry!

Thank you for your entry!
Thank you@deemarshall❣️
Here is my digital art entry for today:
Thank you @amartinezque for supporting this contest. We love and enjoy participating daily.
Such a beautiful party hat this adorable elf is wearing, and what a wonderful story you told @dinglehopper I loved it❣️
Thank you for your entry!
Hi @deemarshall this is my entry:
Thank you for your entry!
Ahh! Love this family birthday 🎂 party 🎈!! So good @josyweed.
My entry for non digital art category
Thank you for your entry!
These hats are so colorful and fun @cjsean!
Thanks @lildebbiecakes.
Hello friends! Here my entry to the contest.
Thank you for your entry!
Hello this is my entry!
Thank you for your entry!
here my vote although I could not participate today I love your contest I hope you continue
Thank you so much. Many thanks for your vote. We had the support of @amartinezque with his big value vite so we can continue for another week :) I will post the themes later on Sunday.