First steps in animation
Hello Steemians:)
As you already know from my first post I started to learn animation. It was hard decision for me. Few years ago, I started learning Adobe Illustrator in hope to become designer one day. And I really learned a lot. But I had one more dream. I want to “move” my illustrations.
For a long time I observed different inspiring works of great animators and motion designers. They look like magic for me)) Here is some of my animations I made after first few lessons.

I wish I had more free time to practice. Sometimes there is no opportunity to make cute creative projects. So I have just to practice techniques from lessons fast.

I understand that my achievements are modest. But I wish you saw how happy I was when finished my first animation:)

I believe very soon I will be able to make something amazing) You will see my progress here. And probably my little steps will convince you that you also will cope with things that you were afraid to start for a long time.

Very nice works! :)
VERY cool. This is something I very much want to do so I can bring my stories to life!
Thank you! If you want it, you have to try it!)
Очень здорово для новичка! Мои результаты гораздо скромнее :)
Спасибо! А вы сразу взялись за единорогов или делали что то проще?
Нет, конечно не сразу! Просто мне очень интересна именно персонажная анимация, и я большинство этапов с переходами и трансформацией, скажем так, не очень глубоко проработала :)
Мне тоже интересна персонажная анимация, но я решила более плавно войти в эту сферу)) Буду с удовольствием следить за вашими работами, уж очень они красивые!
Good morning!
Good morphing!
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