Art In The Streets - Introduction
For the next several days or weeks or whatever, I will be posting a series of photos focused on art found in public places. I'm so excited to be looking for art in places I never paid attention to....and I'm looking forward to share these photos with you! Feel free to join me if you'd like and post photos of art in your streets. I will be following the tag #artinthestreets and if you use it, you may get some focused interaction ;)
Cool idea! Resteemed =)
Thanks Chelsea!
Most welcome. If it's anything like ten days of reflection.... which i recently got a great photo for on accident!

That's beautiful! I hope it catches on like #tendaysofreflection. It was so much fun seeing other's art in that challenge.....This should be fun too!
I already have a couple recent ones to share! Thanks For the inspiration
Yay! I can't wait to see them!