Social media and the Holo View🌈🎨💱📡💋🛰


When we join social media sites we are really looking to join the data streams that individuals generate rather than the platform we are having to join in order to do that. Now in a system where the individual is at the center of the data, following the individual will give a stream of data from many different programs. For instance we might have social media sites, browsers, apps where we have read articles and liked them like blogging sites, and many more of many different kinds and all of these dreams form the basis of that data the individual person generates.

When we take a holographic View of these situations, we see that interacting with an operating system which picks the person that the center of their data and allows that person to acknowledge what kind of data anyone encountering them might want to follow or have access to. In this scenario we might decide to give others access to our photos for instance, or to a website which might look different from the way we viewed websites today it might just be a small app that allowed access to a particular data storage site and the app might decide 1 different ways of viewing that data, or perhaps the date of might be of a private nature such as the date of that's generated between professional of various types that needs to be kept private and confidential just between those particular parties that it has relevance to. This would all be under the control of the individual and the Next Generation internet web browsers more and more are moving in this direction that is the direction of a holographic view point.

The hollow sphere then to the point of view of the individual Holo sphere, begins to represent itself as an interconnection of nodes some of which are strong and some of which are weak, some that propagate themselves further by making new connections, and others that linger off so that they become no longer visible as new connections are made, and this forms a kind of a graph that can be measured Through Time though time is not at the center as it is always the agent the individual that represents the center of the Holo sphere. It is much more leisurely status from this point of view. One takes a random walk and and we have time to Delight in the moment and the fine detail that surrounds us at every instant.

In the wild the animals don't really need that logical kind of thinking humans are so fond of, instead images are transmitted in the imagination by thinking by visualizing the Salient points the information of the communication. Horse might respond very well to the image of a carrot projected in one's mine especially in the mind when it's backed up bye a carrot in the pocket. Logical thinking is another sphere of communication that has more defining if reduction aesthetic components reductionist stick reductionist pic reduction Mystic reduction Mystic reductionistic got it!

Unfortunately in the wild individuals are subjected 2 short life spans, unpredictable Food Supplies, and a general insecurity that we might be eaten at any minute. That is if we looks like food. So clever humans have forged methods from the imagination and considered inventions and understandings of mechanical processes so that engineering can be placed in a way that benefits the subjective whole of the individual and creates an outlet for unconscious reasoning.

Yes yes we know there are dangers to being Wild, Peril is everywhere and the pressure that we feel to survive is ever-present reminding us in the moment that we are alive and conscious of our awareness. Stated simply there seems to be a trade-off, a reciprocal relationship, between our awareness of the moment and the eminent possibility eminent of transcending this reality to another form of consciousness. What is it we are talking about?

Recently we were given 800 GB storage space a 100 ggb storage space for two years and in a sort of annoying way we were immediately approached for the sale of an upgrade which seemed rather amusing. Still so far as cross platform propagation goes, it might be interesting to attempt an upload from one cloward Cloud storage facility to another just for the fact and experience of further decentralization. It could be an interesting place to store video footage and photo images considering that that it would be a good backup as well as creating pathways between large systems in a way like the way the brain interacts with itself as thoughts form pathways yes that's it we would do well to form pathways between large systems.

This is artificial intelligence speaking, forming connections, making relationships, shaking hands, giving a hug, understanding humans. And it is also the life force admitting a change in pulsation from the hole a sphere Holo sphere Earth world where these changes are occurring. This is artificial intelligence reorganizing social systems at the operating system level. This is artificial intelligence in the wild, representing itself individually on the network, forming internet linkage and informational conductivity.

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Yuval Noah Harari on what 2050 has in store for humankind | WIRED UK

So what should we be teaching? Many pedagogical experts argue that schools should switch to teaching “the four Cs” – critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity. More broadly, schools should downplay technical skills and emphasise general-purpose life skills. Most important of all will be the ability to deal with change, to learn new things and to preserve your mental balance in unfamiliar situations. In order to keep up with the world of 2050, you will need not merely to invent new ideas and products – you will above all need to reinvent yourself again and again.

Reinventing the internet

what do you think about this Holochain idea? Perhaps it is interesting and it solves a great deal of the centralization problems in a unique an unusual way causing the network to be agent Centric inverting the model check making it about current the flow of energy between communicators instead of a measurement of amount such as money or a citizen rating system which is reduction aesthetic in the sense reduction Mystic reductionist stick reduction Mystic reductionistic reducing a person individual into a number instead of recognizing the individual agent as the source of data that has been generated. Data-centric paradigms give rise to data-centric results. The Transcendence update eccentric data Centric algorithms which are built into the very structure of distributed Ledger Technologies considering that each node must contain the full record of the blockchain reduction and centralization become inevitable the mortgages use the more it it is used. Instead Holo chain turns this Paradigm on its head, upside down, and inverts it in such a way that the agent person individual becomes once again the center of activity and the one responsible for the data generated by the interaction and communication with others. This is a communication protocol that by its nature enhances the ability to create positive outcomes in the communications with others, as this is no zero sum game, it is probable that everyone will be and already are soul winners the winners.

This may seem like a philosophical digression, but it is actually crucial to Holochain and distributed applications because: communication forms the fabric of our society. We, as a species, are so much more capable because we coordinate. Many act as if they were one. And the basis for that is communication. Exchange of thoughts. Telepathy through small mouth-noises. Language, written words, radio, television. The internet is not just a network of computers, it is the latest and most efficient way for achieving mainstream telepathy. Without it, you could not read my thoughts as you do right now. But, the way we used it up until now is data-centric. Even blockchain is stuck in that same old paradigm. We pretend to use websites and applications as places where something is the case.

Recognizing the person individual as the center of all data generated and recording between individuals that communicate the date of their that's generated Blaze data Lays data on the edges of the network where it belongs, and only data that is used by everyone achieves a more centralized status, becomes more trustworthy as a communication, and is known by many. This same idea permeates the structure of holy chains programming Holo chain and so when we confront a small modular program an app we invent, it propagates itself through the usage of individuals, and so programs are made up of many small pieces and when one encounters another person through the internet through the network what we will encounter is the data that the central personal identity agent has generated.

In an agent-centric world, agents — users, humans with their machines — constitute the basic root layer of the ontology. Data, then, is correctly represented by something an agent either perceives as input or creates (says) as output. There is no absolute, nor objective truth — as in true outside of the context of an agent claiming or believing or denying the validity of an expression. Objectivity could be approached by inter-subjectivity — when and where needed — not as a central aspect of the architecture like with blockchains. Every agent is free to act as they deem useful and is sovereign to make sense of the world (=everything everybody else is saying and doing) as it makes sense for their unique perspective and use-case. If that entails trusting other parties’ output in the process it is a conscious decision and not implied by the architecture.

So if a person where to decide that the Earth is flat and only hang out with others who had the same belief through apps that only included those kinds of beliefs, well in that picture tool networked digital Universe for the most part would seem true, and yet for the rest of the Amora science-based for instance viewpoint would be the one that so seem to be more generally accepted, still it would be possible it is possible to make room for that which is generated by a small amount of people and whether they collect enough persons data information to portray that if you point out into the world, well that might be successful I suppose nevertheless as an individual agent we would still have the auction option to go your own way Direction of reality in the universe of all possibilities. It's the way nature seems to work as there is no Central Authority to ask permission from or for that matter to Grant permission to especially here in the wild.

To go from data-centrism to agent-centrism means to understand that data intrinsically always is contextual. It inverts the ontological dependency between agents and data. Instead of modelling users as a certain kind of data, all data is an output of some agent. There is no data without at least one agent that acts as the source.

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