Rumor Mills Precognizing 👀🔬🍼☕💡☺


There's a rumor going round that anarchy means without rulers, that there is no governing Authority, imagine individuals making up their own minds just how they might see fit kind of like how it happens out in nature in the natural world in the wild. In fact it's the way things work anyway. The illusion that our organizations and governing bodies are in fact an Authority over us as individuals is a false dichotomy. We walk through life as though we were on Rails, as though the trajectory of our individual experience we're pre determined in time and space, when in fact in the wild there is no Authority greater than the individual.

Who needs Copernicus if you have machine learning? - MIT Technology Review

Watch "The Truth About Anarchy - Panel Discussion with Walter Block at Anarchaportugal" on YouTube

from the point of view of the animal, we would have to recognize the unfortunate short lifespan and difficult precarious process, the moment by moment insecurities when we live in an environment that could consider us food at any moment. Is that any different from our predicament in dealing with the insecurities of the effect that humans are having on the environment? Or is it a matter of humans ourselves becoming irrelevant as the motivations that are bringing technology to us are the very same that are changing our Environmental status? It seems clear that the direction of advancement generally is being decided at a world cultural level and even when individuals persons agents and organizations make decisions to limit certain directives, the fact is that development Will Go On just in a different location.

Artificial intelligence beyond the superpowers - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Watch "OpenAI Five vs Dota 2 Explained" on YouTube

Techno trash becomes valuable in the Sorting, by taking the elements, sorting the elements, into their Elemental substances the value is extracted. It would be easy to live in a technological Wasteland, we could just start by importing Chinese trash ha ha. There are many places in the world right now where we are generating huge amounts of trash of all kinds. We use technology to create these substances and materials, now circumstances are forcing us into a reactive mode, one which humans do very well, and so we might respond with a technological science-based solution, or perhaps we might adapt ourselves biologically so that we can absorb the substances, and it might be that some form of genetic alteration would bring this as an attention getter much faster. It does seem a little impractical when it might be so much easier just to clean up our own mess and stop trying to ship it someplace else.

There Is No Tech Solution to Deepfakes - Motherboard


And what about the deepfake news? A blockchain solution that tracked a videos path through Society culture might be interesting, then even when a video was used to originate a fake video, it would still carry with it the record of its history, the consensus of its time, date, and information. With this kind of a record of information it would become unnecessary to govern from the perspective of authority and instead would use transparency and consensus to make information available.

Socializing AI | Data Driven Investor

Watch "Why Is It So Hard to Make a Realistic Twitter Bot?" on YouTube

In the wild waste is absorbed back into the environment and is easily assimilated. In the wild an animal call could be a friend communicating or an enemy setting a trap that would alchemically transform us into food, at least a gourmet dish we might hope. In the wild everything is used by everything else and participates in the translation of elements that are both ether and matter. In the wild there is no Central Authority that looks upon the translation of dinosaur era vegetable debris reshaped into long poly chains of Cambrian oil, transformed into long lasting and near indestructible conversions. In the wild intoxicating poisons, chemical infractions, biological conversations, and material designations all float around the same massively parallel destinations.



I'm sorry, I just had to read the first little bit of this and knew someone was trying to fuck with my head, and believe me, my head is fucked enough, to put it simply, one only has to look at the definition of anarchy...
a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority. i may have missed something not reading the whole post, but the few marbles i have left, I want to try and keep in a row...

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